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Created January 12, 2015 12:02
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Convert PCRE regex into Python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
unichr = chr
def make_compatible(src):
delim = src[0]
length = 1
while True:
length = src.index(delim, length)
cursor = 0 # number of backslashes immediately before
while src[length - cursor - 1] == '\\':
cursor += 1
if cursor % 2 == 0:
switches = set(src[length + 1:])
flags = 0
if 's' in switches:
flags |= re.DOTALL
if 'u' in switches:
flags |= re.UNICODE
# TODO: Handle 'D'
src = src[1:length]
compatible = u''
last = 0
for match in re.finditer(r'\\x(?:([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})|\{([0-9a-fA-F]+)\})', src):
compatible += u'{0}{1}'.format(src[last:match.start()],
unichr(int( or, 16)))
last = match.end()
compatible += src[last:]
return re.compile(compatible, flags)
a = u'/\\x{0A80}-\\x{0AFF}/'
b = '/^([a-z\\x{0900}-\\x{0963}\\x{0966}-\\x{A8E0}-\\x{A8FF}]+)(.*)$/sDu'
c = '/\\x41/'
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