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Created March 20, 2019 20:00
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using System.Reflection;
using UnityModManagerNet;
using Harmony12;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace FanService
public class FanServiceMod
static bool Load(UnityModManager.ModEntry modEntry)
var harmony = HarmonyInstance.Create(modEntry.Info.Id);
// Something
return true; // If false the mod will show an error.
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ShunterLocoSimulation), "SimulateEngineTemp")]
class ShunterLocoSimulation_SimulateEngineTemp_Patch
const float IdleTemp = 52f;
static bool Prefix(ShunterLocoSimulation __instance, float delta)
if (__instance.engineOn)
if (__instance.engineRPM.value > 0f)
__instance.engineTemp.AddNextValue(__instance.engineRPM.value * 12f * delta);
if (__instance.engineTemp.value < IdleTemp)
__instance.engineTemp.AddNextValue(5f * delta);
if (__instance.engineTemp.value <= __instance.engineTemp.min)
return false;
__instance.engineTemp.AddNextValue(-3f * delta);
// Here are the changes:
// If the fan is on, it's like the speed is at least 30 km/h
float speed = 0f;
bool fanOn = LocoControllerShunter_Awake_Patch.dict[__instance].GetFan();
if (fanOn)
speed = 30f;
if (__instance.goingForward && __instance.engineTemp.value > IdleTemp)
speed = Mathf.Max(speed, __instance.speed.value);
if (speed > 0f)
__instance.engineTemp.AddNextValue(-1f * (speed / __instance.speed.max) * 4f * delta);
return false;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(LocoControllerShunter), "Awake")]
class LocoControllerShunter_Awake_Patch
public static Dictionary<ShunterLocoSimulation, LocoControllerShunter> dict = new Dictionary<ShunterLocoSimulation, LocoControllerShunter>();
static void Postfix(LocoControllerShunter __instance)
ShunterLocoSimulation sim = (ShunterLocoSimulation) Helper.Get(__instance, "sim");
dict.Add(sim, __instance);
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(LocoControllerBase), "OnDestroy")]
class LocoControllerBase_OnDestroy_Patch
static void Postfix(LocoControllerBase __instance)
if (__instance is LocoControllerShunter)
ShunterLocoSimulation sim = (ShunterLocoSimulation)Helper.Get(__instance, "sim");
static class Helper
public static object Get<T>(T instance, string name)
return typeof(T).GetField(name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(instance);
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