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Created June 10, 2012 17:17
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canvas border line
var JSX = {};
(function () {
* copies the implementations from source interface to target
function $__jsx_merge_interface(target, source) {
for (var k in source.prototype)
if (source.prototype.hasOwnProperty(k))
target.prototype[k] = source.prototype[k];
* defers the initialization of the property
function $__jsx_lazy_init(obj, prop, func) {
function reset(obj, prop, value) {
delete obj[prop];
obj[prop] = value;
return value;
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {
get: function () {
return reset(obj, prop, func());
set: function (v) {
reset(obj, prop, v);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* global functions called by JSX as Number.* (renamed so that they do not conflict with local variable names)
var $__jsx_parseInt = parseInt;
var $__jsx_parseFloat = parseFloat;
var $__jsx_isNaN = isNaN;
var $__jsx_isFinite = isFinite;
var $__jsx_ObjectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
var $__jsx_ObjectHasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
* public interface to JSX code
JSX.require = function (path) {
var m = $__jsx_classMap[path];
return m !== undefined ? m : null;
* class _Main extends Object
* @constructor
function _Main() {
_Main.prototype = new Object;
* @constructor
function _Main$() {
_Main$.prototype = new _Main;
_Main.getRequestAnimationFrame$ = function () {
return !== undefined ? (function (tick) {
return dom.window.requestAnimationFrame(tick);
}) : !== undefined ? (function (tick) {
return dom.window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame(tick);
}) : !== undefined ? (function (tick) {
return dom.window.mozRequestAnimationFrame(tick);
}) : (function (tick) {
return dom.window.setTimeout((function () {
}), 16.666666666666668);
var _Main$getRequestAnimationFrame$ = _Main.getRequestAnimationFrame$;
_Main.main$ = function () {
/** @type {Canvas} */
var canvas;
var callTick;
canvas = new Canvas$LHTMLCanvasElement$((function (o) { return o instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ? o : null; })(dom.window.document.getElementById('bgcanvas')));
canvas.initLines$N(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 + 10));
callTick = (function (elasped) {
if (canvas.finished) {
var _Main$main$ = _Main.main$;
* class Line extends Object
* @constructor
function Line() {
Line.prototype = new Object;
* @constructor
* @param {!number} x
* @param {!number} y
* @param {!number} w
* @param {!number} h
function Line$NNNN(x, y, w, h) {
this.d = 100;
this.finished = false;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.R = Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 1;
this.G = Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 1;
this.B = Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 1;
Line$NNNN.prototype = new Line;
* @param {!number} num
* @return {!number}
Line.prototype.randomInt$N = function (num) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * num) + 1;
* @param {!number} r
* @param {!number} g
* @param {!number} b
* @return {!number}
Line.prototype.maxColorRange$NNN = function (r, g, b) {
return 255 - Math.max(r >= g ? r : g, b);
* @param {!number} r
* @param {!number} g
* @param {!number} b
* @return {!string}
Line.prototype.createRGBString$NNN = function (r, g, b) {
return 'rgb(' + (r + "") + ',' + (g + "") + ',' + (b + "") + ')';
* @param {!number} r
* @param {!number} g
* @param {!number} b
* @param {!number} a
* @return {!string}
Line.prototype.createRGBAString$NNNN = function (r, g, b, a) {
return 'rgba(' + (r + "") + ',' + (g + "") + ',' + (b + "") + ',' + (a + "") + ')';
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx
Line.prototype.draw$LCanvasRenderingContext2D$ = function (ctx) {
/** @type {CanvasGradient} */
var gradient;
/** @type {!number} */
var range;
/** @type {!number} */
var r$0;
/** @type {!number} */
var g$0;
/** @type {!number} */
var b$0;
ctx.rect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(this.x > 0 ? this.x : 0, this.y > 0 ? this.y : 0, this.x + this.w, this.y + this.h);
gradient.addColorStop(0, this.createRGBString$NNN(this.R, this.G, this.B));
r$0 = this.R;
g$0 = this.G;
b$0 = this.B;
range = 255 - Math.max(r$0 >= g$0 ? r$0 : g$0, b$0);
gradient.addColorStop(1, this.createRGBString$NNN(this.R + range, this.G + range, this.B + range));
ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
* class Canvas extends Object
* @constructor
function Canvas() {
Canvas.prototype = new Object;
* @constructor
* @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas
function Canvas$LHTMLCanvasElement$(canvas) {
this.lines = null;
this.finished = false;
this.canvas = canvas;
this.ctx = (function (o) { return o instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D ? o : null; })(canvas.getContext('2d'));
this.isHorizontal = (Math.random() * 2 > 1 ? true : false);
Canvas$LHTMLCanvasElement$.prototype = new Canvas;
* @param {!number} num
Canvas.prototype.initLines$N = function (num) {
/** @type {!number} */
var x;
/** @type {!number} */
var y;
/** @type {!number} */
var width;
/** @type {!number} */
var height;
/** @type {!number} */
var i;
(x = 0, y = 0);
if (this.isHorizontal) {
width = Math.floor(this.canvas.width / (num * 2 - 1)) + 1;
height = (Math.floor(this.canvas.height / (num * 2)) + 1) * 2;
} else {
width = (Math.floor(this.canvas.width / (num * 2)) + 1) * 2;
height = Math.floor(this.canvas.height / (num * 2 - 1)) + 1;
this.lines = [ ];
for (i = 0; i < num; ++ i) {
this.lines.push(new Line$NNNN(x, y, width, height));
if (this.isHorizontal) {
x += width * 2;
y -= height * 2;
} else {
x -= width * 2;
y += height * 2;
Canvas.prototype.clear$ = function () {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
Canvas.prototype.draw$ = function () {
var $this = this;
/** @type {Array.<undefined|Line>} */
var this$0;
/** @type {!number} */
var i$0;
/** @type {!number} */
var m$0;
if (this.lines.filter((function (line) {
return line.finished ? false : true;
})).length === 0) {
this.finished = true;
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
this$0 = this.lines;
for ((i$0 = 0, m$0 = this$0.length); i$0 < m$0; ++ i$0) {
(function (line) {
/** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */
var ctx$0;
/** @type {CanvasGradient} */
var gradient$0;
/** @type {!number} */
var range$0;
/** @type {!number} */
var r$0$0;
/** @type {!number} */
var g$0$0;
/** @type {!number} */
var b$0$0;
ctx$0 = $this.ctx;
ctx$0.rect(line.x, line.y, line.w, line.h);
gradient$0 = ctx$0.createLinearGradient(line.x > 0 ? line.x : 0, line.y > 0 ? line.y : 0, line.x + line.w, line.y + line.h);
gradient$0.addColorStop(0, line.createRGBString$NNN(line.R, line.G, line.B));
r$0$0 = line.R;
g$0$0 = line.G;
b$0$0 = line.B;
range$0 = 255 - Math.max(r$0$0 >= g$0$0 ? r$0$0 : g$0$0, b$0$0);
gradient$0.addColorStop(1, line.createRGBString$NNN(line.R + range$0, line.G + range$0, line.B + range$0));
ctx$0.fillStyle = gradient$0;
if ($this.isHorizontal) {
if (line.y + line.h >= $this.canvas.height) {
line.finished = true;
} else {
line.h += line.d;
} else {
if (line.x + line.w >= $this.canvas.width) {
line.finished = true;
} else {
line.w += line.d;
* class js extends Object
* @constructor
function js() {
js.prototype = new Object;
* @constructor
function js$() {
js$.prototype = new js;
* class dom extends Object
* @constructor
function dom() {
dom.prototype = new Object;
* @constructor
function dom$() {
dom$.prototype = new dom;
* @param {!string} id
* @return {HTMLElement}
*/$S = function (id) {
return (function (o) { return o instanceof HTMLElement ? o : null; })(dom.window.document.getElementById(id));
var dom$id$S =$S;
* @param {!string} id
* @return {HTMLElement}
dom.getElementById$S = function (id) {
return (function (o) { return o instanceof HTMLElement ? o : null; })(dom.window.document.getElementById(id));
var dom$getElementById$S = dom.getElementById$S;
* @param {!string} tag
* @return {HTMLElement}
dom.createElement$S = function (tag) {
return dom.window.document.createElement(tag);
var dom$createElement$S = dom.createElement$S;
* class TimerHandle extends Object
* @constructor
function TimerHandle() {
TimerHandle.prototype = new Object;
* @constructor
function TimerHandle$() {
TimerHandle$.prototype = new TimerHandle;
* class Timer extends Object
* @constructor
function Timer() {
Timer.prototype = new Object;
* @constructor
function Timer$() {
Timer$.prototype = new Timer;
* @param {!number} milliseconds
* @return {TimerHandle}
Timer.setTimeout$F$V$I = function (listener, milliseconds) {
var f;
f = (function (o) { return typeof(o) === "function" ? o : null; })(;
return f(listener, milliseconds);
var Timer$setTimeout$F$V$I = Timer.setTimeout$F$V$I;
* @param {TimerHandle} timerID
Timer.clearTimeout$LTimerHandle$ = function (timerID) {
var f;
f = (function (o) { return typeof(o) === "function" ? o : null; })(;
var Timer$clearTimeout$LTimerHandle$ = Timer.clearTimeout$LTimerHandle$;
* @param {!number} milliseconds
* @return {TimerHandle}
Timer.setInterval$F$V$I = function (listener, milliseconds) {
var f;
f = (function (o) { return typeof(o) === "function" ? o : null; })(;
return f(listener, milliseconds);
var Timer$setInterval$F$V$I = Timer.setInterval$F$V$I;
* @param {TimerHandle} timerID
Timer.clearInterval$LTimerHandle$ = function (timerID) {
var f;
f = (function (o) { return typeof(o) === "function" ? o : null; })(;
var Timer$clearInterval$LTimerHandle$ = Timer.clearInterval$LTimerHandle$;
$__jsx_lazy_init(_Main, "requestAnimationFrame", function () {
return _Main$getRequestAnimationFrame$();
}); = (function () { return this; })();
$__jsx_lazy_init(dom, "window", function () {
var $__jsx_classMap = {
"border.jsx": {
_Main: _Main,
_Main$: _Main$,
Line: Line,
Line$NNNN: Line$NNNN,
Canvas: Canvas,
Canvas$LHTMLCanvasElement$: Canvas$LHTMLCanvasElement$
"system:lib/js/js.jsx": {
js: js,
js$: js$
"system:lib/js/js/web.jsx": {
dom: dom,
dom$: dom$
"system:lib/js/timer.jsx": {
TimerHandle: TimerHandle,
TimerHandle$: TimerHandle$,
Timer: Timer,
Timer$: Timer$
import 'js.jsx';
import 'js/web.jsx';
import 'timer.jsx';
final class _Main {
static function getRequestAnimationFrame() : function (tick: (number) -> void) : number {
if (['requestAnimationFrame'] != undefined) {
return (tick) -> dom.window.requestAnimationFrame(tick);
else if (['webkitRequestAnimationFrame'] != undefined) {
return (tick) -> dom.window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame(tick);
else if (['mozRequestAnimationFrame'] != undefined) {
return (tick) -> dom.window.mozRequestAnimationFrame(tick);
else {
return (tick) -> dom.window.setTimeout(() -> { tick(0); }, 1000 / 60);
static const requestAnimationFrame = _Main.getRequestAnimationFrame();
static function main() : void {
var canvas = new Canvas(
dom.window.document.getElementById('bgcanvas') as HTMLCanvasElement
canvas.initLines(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 + 10));
var callTick = (elasped: number) : void -> {
if (canvas.finished) return;
class Line {
var x: number;
var y: number;
var w: number;
var h: number;
var R: number;
var G: number;
var B: number;
var d = 100;
var finished: boolean = false;
function constructor(x:number, y:number, w: number, h: number) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.R = this.randomInt(200);
this.G = this.randomInt(200);
this.B = this.randomInt(200);
function randomInt(num: number) : number {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * num) + 1;
function maxColorRange(r: number, g: number, b: number) : number {
return 255 - Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b);
function createRGBString(r: number, g: number, b:number) : string {
return 'rgb('
+ r as string + ','
+ g as string + ','
+ b as string + ')';
function createRGBAString(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number) : string {
return 'rgba('
+ r as string + ','
+ g as string + ','
+ b as string + ','
+ a as string + ')';
function draw(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) : void {
ctx.rect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(
this.x > 0 ? this.x : 0,
this.y > 0 ? this.y : 0,
this.x + this.w,
this.y + this.h
gradient.addColorStop(0, this.createRGBString(this.R, this.G, this.B));
var range = this.maxColorRange(this.R, this.G, this.B);
gradient.addColorStop(1, this.createRGBString(
this.R + range,
this.G + range,
this.B + range
ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
class Canvas {
var canvas : HTMLCanvasElement;
var ctx : CanvasRenderingContext2D;
var lines : Array.<Line>;
var finished : boolean;
var isHorizontal: boolean;
function constructor(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
this.canvas = canvas;
this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') as CanvasRenderingContext2D;
this.isHorizontal = Math.random() * 2 > 1 ? true : false;
function initLines(num: number) : void {
var x = 0, y = 0;
var width: number, height: number;
if (this.isHorizontal) {
width = Math.floor(this.canvas.width / (num * 2 - 1)) + 1;
height = (Math.floor(this.canvas.height / (num * 2)) + 1) * 2;
else {
width = (Math.floor(this.canvas.width / (num * 2)) + 1) * 2;
height = Math.floor(this.canvas.height / (num * 2 - 1)) + 1;
this.lines = [] : Array.<Line>;
for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
this.lines.push(new Line(x, y, width, height));
if (this.isHorizontal) {
x += width * 2;
y -= height * 2;
else {
x -= width * 2;
y += height * 2;
function clear() : void {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
function draw() : void {
if (this.lines.filter((line) -> {
return line.finished ? false : true;
}).length == 0) {
this.finished = true;
this.lines.forEach((line) -> {
if (this.isHorizontal) {
if (line.y + line.h >= this.canvas.height)
line.finished = true;
line.h += line.d;
else {
if (line.x + line.w >= this.canvas.width)
line.finished = true;
line.w += line.d;
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