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Last active January 16, 2019 19:05
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Save xak2000/62ce767d871cf6d5e0f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Angular service for use in ng-resource transform methods for transparent transform date-strings to/from date-objects
(function () {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc service
* @name components.factory:dateTransformer
* @description A helper service for use in ng-resource transform methods.
* Example of usage:
* <code>
* var Session = $resource('/api/sessions/:id', {id: '@id'}, {
* query: {
* method: 'GET',
* isArray: true,
* transformResponse: dateTransformer.transformResponse.toDate(['start', 'end'])
* },
* update: {
* method: 'PUT',
* transformRequest: dateTransformer.transformRequest.toLocalIsoString(['start', 'end'])
* }
* });
* </code>
* Call Session.query() and fields 'start' and 'end' will be instances of JS Date object in each returned
* Session object.
* Call session.$update() and server will receive JSON with 'start' and 'end' fields as strings in
* ISO format without timezone.
* Supported transformers: toDate, toLocalIsoString, toZonedIsoString.
* If you need to transofrm Date objects in request to ISO strings in UTC timezone (2016-01-12T13:48:05.476Z)
* then just do nothing. All instances of Date and moment objects supports toJSON() method which will
* be called automatically when serializing objects to JSON.
* This service uses moment.js for date parsing and format because native JS Date doesn't support
* dates without timezone (they always parsed as UTC+0).
* Also Lodash is used for object manipulations.
.factory('dateTransformer', dateTransformerFactory);
function dateTransformerFactory($http, _, moment) {
var dateTransformer = {
// params (paths). See transformFn description.
// returns transform function to use manually in code
toDate: toDate,
toLocalIsoString: toLocalIsoString,
toZonedIsoString: toZonedIsoString,
// params (paths). See transformFn description.
// returns $http.defaults.transformResponse.concat(<given transformer>)
transformResponse: {
toDate: transformResponseToDate,
toLocalIsoString: transformResponseToLocalIsoString,
toZonedIsoString: transformResponseToZonedIsoString
// params (paths). See transformFn description.
// returns [<given transformer>].concat($http.defaults.transformRequest)
transformRequest: {
toDate: transformRequestToDate,
toLocalIsoString: transformRequestToLocalIsoString,
toZonedIsoString: transformRequestToZonedIsoString
return dateTransformer;
* Returns transform function for corresponding paths using given transformDate function to
* tranform between Date <=> String.
* @param paths String/Array<String>/Function(clonedObject, transformDate)
* - Can be String with path to the field to transform. If the field is nested you can use DOT
* to split fields in path.
* <pre>
* Examples:
* 'createdAt'
* 'status.closedAt'
* 'some.deeply.nested.field'
* </pre>
* - Can be array of strings where each string is path.
* <pre>
* Example:
* ['createdAt', 'status.closedAt', 'some.deeply.nested.field']
* </pre>
* - Can be function which receives two values:
* - Object clonedObject - copy of original object to transform fields of it.
* - Function(Date/String) transformDate - the last parameter of transformFn function will
* be passed here.
* <pre>
* Example:
* function (clonedObject, transformDate) {
* clonedObject.status.closedAt = transformDate(clonedObject.status.closedAt);
* }
* </pre>
* @param transformDate Function(Date/String val) function to tranform between Date <=> String
* <pre>
* Example:
* function (val) { // val is string
* return moment(val).toDate();
* })
* function (val) { // val is Date
* return moment(val).format();
* })
* </pre>
* @returns Function (Array/Object data) - function which will transform fields of data Object. Or if
* data is Array then it will transform fields of each object in this array.
* <pre>
* Example:
* var data = {
* id: 123,
* createdAt: '2016-01-12T13:48:05.476Z',
* status: {
* closedAt: '2016-02-10T12:14:15.123Z'
* },
* anotherField: 'blabla'
* }
* var transform = transformFn(['createdAt', 'status.closedAt'], function (val) {
* return moment(val).toDate();
* });
* var transformedData = transform(data);
* // transformedData will be new cloned object
* // {
* // id: 123,
* // createdAt: instanse of Date with value of '2016-01-12T13:48:05.476Z',
* // status: {
* // closedAt: instanse of Date with value of '2016-02-10T12:14:15.123Z'
* // },
* // anotherField: 'blabla'
* // }
* </pre>
function transformFn(paths, transformDate) {
return function (data) {
if (_.isArray(data)) {
var result = (object) {
return transformObject(object, paths, transformDate);
_.difference(_.keys(data), _.keys(result)).forEach(function (key) {
result[key] = data[key];
return result;
} else if (_.isObject(data)) {
return transformObject(data, paths, transformDate);
function transformObject(object, paths, transformDate) {
var clonedObject = angular.copy(object),
if (_.isFunction(paths)) {
paths(clonedObject, transformDate);
} else {
if (_.isString(paths)) {
paths = [paths];
if (_.isArray(paths)) {
_.forEach(paths, function (path) {
val = _.get(clonedObject, path);
if (_.isDate(val) || _.isString(val)) {
_.set(clonedObject, path, transformDate(val));
return clonedObject;
function transformResponseWith(transformer) {
return $http.defaults.transformResponse.concat(transformer);
function transformRequestWith(transformer) {
return [transformer].concat($http.defaults.transformRequest);
function transformResponseToDate(paths) {
return transformResponseWith(toDate(paths));
function transformResponseToLocalIsoString(paths) {
return transformResponseWith(toLocalIsoString(paths));
function transformResponseToZonedIsoString(paths) {
return transformResponseWith(toZonedIsoString(paths));
function transformRequestToDate(paths) {
return transformRequestWith(toDate(paths));
function transformRequestToLocalIsoString(paths) {
return transformRequestWith(toLocalIsoString(paths));
function transformRequestToZonedIsoString(paths) {
return transformRequestWith(toZonedIsoString(paths));
* Returns transform function for corresponding paths which will transform
* fields from string to Date.
* @param paths String/Array<String>/Function(clonedObject, transformDate)
* @returns Function (Array/Object data) - function which will transform fields of data Object
* determined by paths to Date.
function toDate(paths) {
return transformFn(paths, function (val) {
return moment(val).toDate();
* Returns transform function for corresponding paths which will transform
* fields from Date/moment instances to string without timezone (2016-01-12T13:48:05.476).
* @param paths String/Array<String>/Function(clonedObject, transformDate)
* @returns Function (Array/Object data) - function which will transform fields of data Object
* determined by paths to string without timezone.
function toLocalIsoString(paths) {
return transformFn(paths, function (val) {
return moment(val).format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS');
* Returns transform function for corresponding paths which will transform
* fields from Date/moment instances to string with timezone (2014-09-08T08:02:17+02:00).
* @param paths String/Array<String>/Function(clonedObject, transformDate)
* @returns Function (Array/Object data) - function which will transform fields of data Object
* determined by paths to string with timezone.
function toZonedIsoString(paths) {
return transformFn(paths, function (val) {
return moment(val).format();
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xak2000 commented May 19, 2016

I've updated the gist with latest version of this service.

  • Tested with Lodash 4.x (previous version is for 3.x).

  • Add much more documentation.

  • Allow to use nested paths like status.closedAt instead of just predicates.

  • Allow to use custom function to select fields for transformation. Can be useful for transforming inner array fields.
    For example, we have Post resource and receive server responce like this:

      id: 123,
      comments: [
        { id: 1, createdAt: '2016-01-12T13:48:05.476Z', text: 'comment1' },
        { id: 2, createdAt: '2016-01-15T11:21:07.123Z', text: 'comment2' },

    We do like to transform createdAt field of each comment of Post. So we define a function:

      function transformComment(post, transform) { // here `transform` will be the transform function from resource definition
        if (angular.isArray(post.comments)) {
          _.forEach(post.comments, function (comment) {
            comment.createdAt = transform(comment.createdAt);

    And then we can use this transformComment function instead of field name in regular transformResponse definition:

    var Post = $resource('/api/posts/:id', {id: '@id'}, {
      query: {
        method: 'GET',
        isArray: true,
        transformResponse: dateTransformer.transformResponse.toDate(transformComment)

Honestly, I don't remember all the changes.

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