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Save xandkar/1692402 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fibonacci versions in Erlang. Naively recursive, array and list.
%%% $ erl -noshell -s fibs main 40
%%% TRANSLATED ARRAY: 102334155 0.001755 seconds
%%% TRANSLATED LIST: 102334155 0.000048 seconds
%%% REVERSE ORDER LIST: 102334155 0.000004 seconds
%%% MINIMAL ARITHMETIC: 102334155 0.000001 seconds
%%% NAIVE RECURSIVE: 102334155 8.383385 seconds
main([Arg|_]) ->
N = list_to_integer(atom_to_list(Arg)),
MainPid = self(),
FibFuns = [
fun() -> {'NAIVE RECURSIVE', fib_rec_naive(N)} end,
fun() -> {'TRANSLATED ARRAY', fib_arr(N)} end,
fun() -> {'TRANSLATED LIST', fib_list_naive(N)} end,
fun() -> {'REVERSE ORDER LIST', fib_list(N)} end,
fun() -> {'MINIMAL ARITHMETIC', fib_arith(N)} end
fun(FibFun) ->
fun() ->
TBeg = now(),
{Type, Fib} = FibFun(),
TEnd = now(),
TDiff = (timer:now_diff(TEnd, TBeg) / 1000000),
IoList = [Type, Fib, TDiff],
io:format("~s: \t ~b \t ~f seconds ~n", IoList),
MainPid ! done
wait_n_halt(0) -> halt();
wait_n_halt(N) ->
done -> wait_n_halt(N - 1)
%% Naive recursive.
fib_rec_naive(0) -> 0;
fib_rec_naive(1) -> 1;
fib_rec_naive(N) -> fib_rec_naive(N - 1) + fib_rec_naive(N - 2).
%% Naive translation of mutable array-style.
fib_arr(0) -> 0;
fib_arr(1) -> 1;
fib_arr(N) ->
Begin = 0,
End = N + 1,
fib_arr(N, End, 2, array:from_list(lists:seq(Begin, End))).
fib_arr(N, End, I, Fibs) when I == End -> array:get(N, Fibs);
fib_arr(N, End, I, Fibs) ->
Fib = array:get(I-1, Fibs) + array:get(I-2, Fibs),
fib_arr(N, End, I+1, array:set(I, Fib, Fibs)).
%% Naive translation of mutable array-style, but using list structure.
fib_list_naive(0) -> 0;
fib_list_naive(1) -> 1;
fib_list_naive(N) ->
fib_list_naive(N + 2, 3, [0, 1]).
fib_list_naive(End, I, Fibs) when I == End -> lists:last(Fibs);
fib_list_naive(End, I, Fibs) ->
Fib = lists:nth(I-1, Fibs) + lists:nth(I-2, Fibs),
fib_list_naive(End, I+1, Fibs++[Fib]).
%% Idiomatic use of the list (in reverse order).
%% Credit: yrashk (Yurii Rashkovskii)
fib_list(0) -> 0;
fib_list(1) -> 1;
fib_list(N) ->
fib_list(N + 1, [1,0]).
fib_list(End, [H|_]=L) when length(L) == End -> H;
fib_list(End, [A,B|_]=L) ->
fib_list(End, [A+B|L]).
%% Minimal arithmetic.
%% Credit: richcarl (Richard Carlsson)
fib_arith(N) when N > 0 -> fib_arith(N, 0, 1).
fib_arith(0, F1, _F2) -> F1;
fib_arith(N, F1, F2) -> fib_arith(N - 1, F2, F1 + F2).
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xandkar commented Jan 30, 2012

More testing with larger N's returned some pretty weird results:

$ for N in `seq 1000 1000 10000`; do echo $N; erl -noshell -s fibs main $N; echo; done
REVERSE ORDER LIST:    0.001472 seconds
MINIMAL ARITHMETIC:    0.000067 seconds
TRANSLATED ARRAY:      0.009506 seconds
TRANSLATED LIST:       0.036698 seconds


REVERSE ORDER LIST:    0.504411 seconds
MINIMAL ARITHMETIC:    0.271899 seconds
TRANSLATED ARRAY:      0.532638 seconds
TRANSLATED LIST:       3.118408 seconds

OK, now it's really clear just how bad the translated list version is. Let's
make it really, really clear:

$ for N in `seq 50000 50000 100000`; do echo $N; erl -noshell -s fibs main $N; echo; done
TRANSLATED ARRAY:      0.786733 seconds
MINIMAL ARITHMETIC:    2.445060 seconds
REVERSE ORDER LIST:    21.529261 seconds
TRANSLATED LIST:       66.472364 seconds

TRANSLATED ARRAY:      2.114121 seconds
MINIMAL ARITHMETIC:    4.714604 seconds
REVERSE ORDER LIST:    222.662831 seconds
TRANSLATED LIST:       281.607757 seconds

Wait, WHAT?! Array now beats the minimal arithmetic? How about even larger N:

$ erl -noshell -s fibs main 1000000
MINIMAL ARITHMETIC:    15.846427 seconds

After a few minutes of tapped-out system ram, I killed it... Very

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Naive implementation, which shows memoization technique. May be useful when fib is called multiple times with comparable numbers as argument.

fib(N) ->
  case ets:info(fib) of
    undefined ->
      ets:new(fib, [named_table]),
      ets:insert_new(fib, {0,0}),
      ets:insert_new(fib, {1,1});
    _ -> ok

fib_int(N) ->
  case ets:lookup(fib, N) of
    [] ->
      F = (fib_int(N-1)+fib_int(N-2)),
      ets:insert_new(fib, {N, F}),
    [{N, F}] ->

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function fib_rec_naive does not tail-recursive as mentioned in comment

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@cystbear: yes, i think so. It's tree recursion.

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