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Last active May 10, 2021 11:34
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# what's happening?
# 1) first, curl the hover api searching for the first arg ($1)
# 2) pipe to `jq`, extract the results, discarding anything that isn't an exact keyword match and format as TSV
# 3) pipe TSV output of jq into a pretty table using `columns`. Use tab as the input delimiter
# 4) pipe the nice table to `sort` an sort by price, which when split by the separator ($) is the second key (2), (n)numeric sort, in (r)everse
curl \
--silent \
"$1&exact_search=$1" \
| jq \
--raw-output \
'.results[] | select( .result_type == "keyword_match" ) | [.domain, .price] | @tsv' \
| column -t -s $'\t' \
| sort \
--field-separator "$" \
--key 2nr
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