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Created February 26, 2018 13:30
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конвертация построчного json в csv
#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
import std.stdio, std.string, std.json, std.array, std.conv;
import std.algorithm: each, map, sum, fold;
import std.algorithm.comparison: equal;
import std.array: join;
import std.exception: enforce;
void main() {
jsonTxt2csv("input.json.txt", "output.csv")
struct jsonTxt2csv {
this(string input, string output) {
this(File(input), File(output, "w"));
this(File input, File output) {
this.lines = file2range(input);
this.output = output;
this.header = lines.front.object().keys;
ref jsonTxt2csv writeHeader() {
this.output.writeln(join(this.header ~ "summ", ';'));
return this;
void process() {
lines.each!(line => this.processLine(line));
alias jsonLines = typeof(file2range(File.init));
jsonLines lines;
File output;
string[] header;
void processLine(JSONValue json) {
string[] lineKeys = json.object().keys;
enforce(equal(this.header, lineKeys), "Error"); // Если ключи не совпадают - ошибка
this.writeLine(json); // запись строки в CSV
void writeLine(JSONValue json) {
double[] items = this.header
.map!(key => json[key].floating)
.map!(e => e ^^ 2)
items ~= items.sum;
auto file2range(File input) {
return input
.map!(s => parseJSON(s, JSONOptions.specialFloatLiterals));
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