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Created January 18, 2014 19:45
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Save xaprb/8495202 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Old ASP scripts from 2004 or so; forgot what they are even for.
<script Language="VBScript" RunAt="server">
Class Logger
Private m_Name
Private m_Level
Private m_LoggerLevel
Private m_Destination
Private m_BufferOutput
Private m_Buffer
Public Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_LoggerLevel = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
m_LoggerLevel.Add "DEBUG", 1
m_LoggerLevel.Add "INFO", 2
m_LoggerLevel.Add "WARN", 3
m_LoggerLevel.Add "ERROR", 4
m_LoggerLevel.Add "FATAL", 5
m_Destination = "HTML"
m_BufferOutput = False
m_Name = ""
m_Buffer = ""
End Sub
Public Sub Class_Terminate()
If m_BufferOutput Then
OutputMessage m_Buffer
End If
End Sub
Public Property Let Name(Value)
m_Name = Value
End Property
Public Property Let Destination(Value)
m_Destination = Value
End Property
Public Property Let BufferOutput(Value)
m_BufferOutput = Value
End Property
Public Property Let Level(Value) ' As String
m_Level = m_LoggerLevel.Item(Value)
End Property
Public Sub Debug(Message)
AppendMessage Message, "DEBUG"
End Sub
Public Sub Info(Message)
AppendMessage Message, "INFO"
End Sub
Public Sub Warn(Message)
AppendMessage Message, "WARN"
End Sub
Public Sub Error(Message)
AppendMessage Message, "ERROR"
End Sub
Public Sub Fatal(Message)
AppendMessage Message, "FATAL"
End Sub
Private Sub AppendMessage(Message, Level)
If m_Level <= m_LoggerLevel.Item(Level) Then
If m_BufferOutput Then
m_Buffer = m_Buffer & FormatMessage(Message, Level)
OutputMessage FormatMessage(Message, Level)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function FormatMessage(Message, Level)
Select Case m_Destination
Case "HTML"
FormatMessage = "<tt>" & m_Name & " [" & Level & "] " & Server.HtmlEncode(Message) & "</tt><br>" & VbCrLf
End Select
End Function
Private Sub OutputMessage(Text)
Select Case m_Destination
Case "HTML"
Response.Write Text
End Select
End Sub
End Class
Class XmlForm
Private m_Doc
Private m_IsValid
Private m_FileName
Private m_Log
Public Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_Doc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0")
Set m_Log = New Logger : m_Log.Level = "ERROR" : m_Log.BufferOutput = True : m_Log.Name = "XmlForm"
m_IsValid = True
End Sub
' Loads the definition from an XML file.
Public Function Load(FileName)
m_FileName = Server.MapPath(FileName)
Load = m_Doc.Load(m_FileName)
If Not Load Then
Dim Error : Set Error = m_Doc.parseError
m_Log.Error "Xml parsing error at line " & Error.Line _
& ", char " & Error.LinePos & ": " & Error.Reason _
& "<br>" & Error.SrcText
End If
End Function
' Loads the definition from a string.
Public Function LoadXml(XmlString)
LoadXml = m_Doc.LoadXml(XmlString)
If Not LoadXml Then
Dim Error : Set Error = m_Doc.parseError
m_Log.Error "Xml parsing error at line " & Error.Line _
& ", char " & Error.LinePos & ": " & Error.Reason _
& "<br>" & Error.SrcText
End If
End Function
' Returns whether the form is valid or not.
Public Property Get IsValid
IsValid = m_IsValid
End Property
' Returns text that you can insert into a web page to display the form.
Public Function ToString()
Dim NewDoc, Hidden, Node, FormNode, Action
' If the form hasn't got an action, set the action to the current page.
Set FormNode = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("/form")
If FormNode.getAttribute("action") = "" Or IsNull(FormNode.getAttribute("action")) Then
Action = Request.ServerVariables("URL")
If FormNode.getAttribute("method") = "POST" Then
Action = Action & "?" & Request.QueryString
End If
FormNode.setAttribute "action", Action
End If
' Clone the document so we can remove elements that should be hidden,
' without modifying the original document
Set NewDoc = m_Doc.cloneNode(True)
Set Hidden = NewDoc.selectNodes("//node()[@hidden='1']")
For Each Node In Hidden
Node.parentNode.removeChild Node
ToString = NewDoc.Xml
End Function
' Populates the form with data submitted by the browser.
Public Sub Grab()
Dim Config, Form, Method
' Get the element that describes the form, and the form itself.
Set Config = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("/form/config")
Set Form = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("/form")
If Form Is Nothing Or Config Is Nothing Then
m_IsValid = False
Method = Form.getAttribute("method")
' See if the browser posted any form data. If not, then there is no
' point trying to set element values.
If GetBrowserData(Method, "formSanityCheck") = "" Then
m_IsValid = False
' For each element described in the config element, get the element or
' list of elements in the form, and populate them with the browser's
' data.
Dim Node
For Each Node In m_Doc.DocumentElement.selectNodes("/form/config/element")
SetValue Node.getAttribute("name"), GetBrowserData(Method, Node.getAttribute("name"))
End If
End If
End Sub
' Gets a value from the form, by name
Public Function GetValue(Name)
Dim Config, Node, Val, Options, Child, Result(), i
Set Config = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("/form/config/element[@name='" & Name & "']")
If Config Is Nothing Then
m_Log.Error "The form element '" & Name & "' is not defined in the config."
Exit Function
End If
' Get the element's value
If Config.getAttribute("type") = "array" Then
If Config.getAttribute("tag-name") = "input" Then ' It's a CheckBox
Set Options = m_Doc.selectNodes("//input[@type='checkbox' and @checked='1' and @name='" & Name & "']")
ReDim Result(Options.Length - 1)
For i = 0 To Options.Length - 1
Result(i) = Options(i).Attributes.getNamedItem("value").Text
GetValue = Result
ElseIf Config.getAttribute("tag-name") = "select" Then
Set Node = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("//select[@id='" & Config.getAttribute("element-id") & "']")
Set Options = Node.selectNodes("option[@selected='1']")
ReDim Result(Options.Length - 1)
For i = 0 To Options.Length - 1
Result(i) = Options(i).Attributes.getNamedItem("value").Text
GetValue = Result
End If
ElseIf Config.getAttribute("element-id") <> "" Then
' It's a scalar that's not a radio button or checkbox array
Set Node = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("//node()[@id='" & Config.getAttribute("element-id") & "']")
If Not Node Is Nothing Then
If Node.nodeName = "select" Then
' Find the correct child node of the element and get its value
For Each Child In Node.selectNodes("option")
If Child.getAttribute("selected") <> "" Then
GetValue = Child.getAttribute("value")
End If
ElseIf Node.nodeName = "input" Then
' It's a TextBox, Password, Hidden, Button, Submit, or Reset
Select Case Node.getAttribute("type")
Case "checkbox"
If Not IsNull(Node.getAttribute("checked")) And Not IsNull(Node.getAttribute("value")) Then
If Node.getAttribute("checked") = "1" Then
GetValue = Node.getAttribute("value")
GetValue = ""
End If
End If
Case Else
If Not IsNull(Node.getAttribute("value")) Then
GetValue = Node.getAttribute("value")
GetValue = ""
End If
End Select
Else ' Textarea
GetValue = Node.Text
End If
End If
' It's a scalar that's a radio button, or *scalar* checkbox array
Set Options = m_Doc.selectNodes("//input[@name='" & Name & "' and @checked='1']")
If Options.Length > 0 Then
GetValue = Options(0).Attributes.getNamedItem("value").Text
End If
End If
If IsArray(GetValue) Then
m_Log.Debug "Got value for " & Name & ". Result: ('" & Join(GetValue, "', '") & "')"
m_Log.Debug "Got value for " & Name & ". Result: " & GetValue
End If
End Function
' Sets the value of a form element
Public Sub SetValue(Name, Value)
Dim Config, Node, Checkboxes, Child, OneVal, Radios, Options
' If the value isn't a string, stringify it
If Not IsArray(Value) Then
Value = CStr(Value)
End If
' If the element isn't defined in the config, quit
Set Config = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("/form/config/element[@name='" & Name & "']")
If Not Config Is Nothing Then
' There are two types of form elements: arrays and scalars.
If Config.getAttribute("type") = "array" Then
' An array means that there could be multiple values submitted
' for this element. Form elements that are arrays by nature
' are
' * CheckBox
' * SelectMultiple
' First array-ize the value
If Not IsArray(Value) Then
Value = Array(Value)
End If
' Find out what kind of form element it is
If Config.getAttribute("tag-name") = "input" Then
' It's a CheckBox array. Uncheck everything there's no data for, and
' check everything there is
Set Checkboxes = m_Doc.selectNodes("//input[@name='" & Name & "' and @type='checkbox']")
For Each Child In Checkboxes
If InArray(Value, Child.getAttribute("value")) Then
Child.SetAttribute ("checked"), 1
Child.RemoveAttribute ("checked")
End If
' It's a <select multiple> element. For this
' element, we need to get all child elements of type
' <option> and set the "selected" option on those that there's
' data for.
XPath = "//select[@id='" & Config.getAttribute("element-id") & "']"
Set Node = m_Doc.selectSingleNode(XPath)
If Not Node Is Nothing Then
' Unselect them all first
For Each Child In Node.selectNodes("option")
Child.RemoveAttribute ("selected")
' Then set the ones we want to be set.
For Each OneVal In Value
Set Child = Node.selectSingleNode("option[@value='" & OneVal & "']")
If Not Child Is Nothing Then
Child.SetAttribute "selected", 1
m_Log.Debug "Set child option with value " & OneVal
m_Log.Debug "Couldn't find child option with value " & OneVal
End If
m_Log.Error "Could not find node with XPath " & XPath
End If
End If
Else ' Element is not an array, it's a scalar
' A scalar means that the browser submits a single value for
' the element. Form elements that are scalar by nature are
' * Radio
' * TextBox
' * Password
' * Hidden
' * Button
' * Submit
' * Reset
' * SelectOne
' * TextArea
' * A CheckBox can also be defined as scalar.
' If there's a tag-name attribute, the element needs to be
' identified by tag name (there might be multiples, as in a radio
' array). Otherwise, it needs to be identified by element-id.
If Config.getAttribute("tag-name") <> "" Then
' Assume it's a radio button array.
If Config.getAttribute("tag-name") = "input" Then
' Unselect everything there's no data for, select everything there is.
Set Radios = m_Doc.selectNodes("//input[@name='" & Name & "' and @type='radio']")
For Each Node In Radios
If Node.getAttribute("value") = Value Then
Node.SetAttribute "checked", "1"
Node.RemoveAttribute ("checked")
End If
End If
' Need to identify the element by the element-id
Set Node = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("//node()[@id='" & Config.getAttribute("element-id") & "']")
If Not Node Is Nothing Then
' There are several kinds of elements in the scalar category:
' those whose value is contained in the "value" attribute,
' those whose value is in a Text node, and those who are one of
' several elements that must have their "selected" or "checked"
' attribute set to true to indicate which of them is actually
' the active element.
If Node.nodeName = "input" Then
Select Case Node.getAttribute("type")
Case "text", "password", "hidden", "button", "submit", "reset"
Node.SetAttribute "value", Value
Case "checkbox"
' This is a checkbox that's NOT an array
If Value <> "" Then
Node.SetAttribute "checked", "1"
Node.RemoveAttribute "checked"
End If
Case Else
m_Log.Error "Node " & Name & " is an 'input' element but its 'type' " _
& "attribute is '" & Node.getAttribute("type") & "'"
End Select
ElseIf Node.nodeName = "select" Then
' It's a <select> that's not multiple
' Find the correct child node of the element with a value
' of whatever value it is, and set its "selected" attribute
' to "1". All others get their "selected" attribute removed.
Set Options = Node.GetElementsByTagName("option")
For Each Child In Options
If Child.getAttribute("value") = Value Then
Child.SetAttribute "selected", "1"
Child.RemoveAttribute "selected"
End If
ElseIf Node.nodeName = "textarea" Then
Node.Text = Value
m_Log.Error "Node " & Name & " has nodeName of '" & Node.nodeName & "'"
End If
End If
End If ' Not Node Is Nothing
End If ' Element is a scalar
End If
End Sub
' Returns true if a value exists in an array
Private Function InArray(Coll, Value)
InArray = False
Dim Item
For Each Item In Coll
If CStr(Item) = Value Then
InArray = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
' Gets the data that the browser sent
Private Function GetBrowserData(Method, Name)
Dim Result(), i
If LCase(Method) = "get" Then
If Request.QueryString(Name).Count > 1 Then
ReDim Result(Request.QueryString(Name).Count)
For i = 1 To Request.QueryString(Name).Count
Result(i) = Request.QueryString(Name)(i)
GetBrowserData = Result
GetBrowserData = Request.QueryString(Name)
End If
If Request.Form(Name).Count > 1 Then
ReDim Result(Request.Form(Name).Count)
For i = 1 To Request.Form(Name).Count
Result(i) = Request.Form(Name)(i)
GetBrowserData = Result
GetBrowserData = Request.Form(Name)
End If
End If
End Function
' Validates a required element
Private Function ValidateRequired(ConfigNode)
Dim Node, Child, Options, XPath
ValidateRequired = False
m_Log.Debug "Validating for " & ConfigNode.getAttribute("name")
' First, discover whether it's an array or a scalar. If a value is
' required, a scalar must have a value; an array must have a value for
' at least one of its elements.
If ConfigNode.getAttribute("type") = "array" Then
m_Log.Debug ConfigNode.getAttribute("name") & " is an array"
If ConfigNode.getAttribute("element-id") <> "" Then
' It's a SelectMultiple. Requires that the element be identified by ID.
XPath = "//select[@id='" & ConfigNode.getAttribute("element-id") & "']"
Set Node = m_Doc.selectSingleNode(XPath)
If Not Node Is Nothing Then
If Node.selectNodes("option[@selected and @value != '']").length > 0 Then
ValidateRequired = True
End If
m_Log.Error "Could not find node with XPath " & XPath
End If
Exit Function
' It's a CheckBox array. Get an array of elements and check
' that at least one has the "checked" attribute. Find elements
' by getting all elements <input type="checkbox" name="{name}">
' where {name} comes from the "name" attr of the <config>
' element.
For Each Node In m_Doc.selectNodes("//input[@name='" & ConfigNode.getAttribute("name") & "' and @type='checkbox']")
If Node.getAttribute("checked") <> "" Then
ValidateRequired = True
Exit Function
End If
Exit Function
End If
Else ' type = "array"
m_Log.Debug ConfigNode.getAttribute("name") & " is a scalar"
' The type is scalar (this is the default). There are 3 kinds of
' scalar elements: <input>, <textarea> and <select>
If Not IsNull(ConfigNode.getAttribute("element-id")) And ConfigNode.getAttribute("element-id") <> "" Then
XPath = "//node()[@id='" & ConfigNode.getAttribute("element-id") & "']"
m_Log.Debug "XPath is " & XPath
Set Node = m_Doc.selectSingleNode(XPath)
If Not Node Is Nothing Then
If Node.nodeName = "input" Then
' There are two kinds of <input> elements: checkbox and
' everything else. There may be multiple HTML elements
' that we need to go through for a radio, but checkbox and
' others are going to be single and are identified by ID.
' Radio buttons are special: they are in an array of
' elements not identified by element-id (see below)
If Node.getAttribute("type") = "checkbox" Then
If Node.getAttribute("checked") = "1" Then
ValidateRequired = True
Exit Function
End If
Exit Function
Else ' text, password, hidden, button, submit, reset
' Only validate text, password; the user has no control
' over the others.
m_Log.Debug "Validating for " & Node.getAttribute("name")
If Node.getAttribute("type") = "text" Or Node.getAttribute("type") = "password" Then
If Trim(Node.getAttribute("value")) <> "" Then
ValidateRequired = True
Exit Function
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
ElseIf Node.nodeName = "select" Then
' At least one of the element's childNodes needs to be
' selected. Elements with an empty value count as not
' selected.
If Node.selectNodes("option[@selected = '1' and @value != '']").Length > 0 Then
ValidateRequired = True
End If
Exit Function
Else ' <textarea>
If Trim(Node.firstChild.Data) <> "" Then
ValidateRequired = True
End If
Exit Function
End If
m_Log.Error "Cannot find the element for " & ConfigNode.getAttribute("name")
End If
' It's an <input type="radio"> and we look up its elements by
' name and type, not by ID
m_Log.Debug ConfigNode.getAttribute("name") & " is a radio collection"
If m_Doc.selectNodes("//input[@name='" & ConfigNode.getAttribute("name") & "' and @type='radio' and @checked='1']").Length > 0 Then
ValidateRequired = True
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
' Validates an element by examining if its contents match its data type
Private Function ValidateDataType(ConfigNode)
Dim Node, Val
Dim Regex
Val = ""
Set Regex = New RegExp
ValidateDataType = False
Set Node = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("//node()[@id='" & ConfigNode.getAttribute("element-id") & "']")
If Node Is Nothing Then
Exit Function
End If
If Node.nodeName = "input" Then
Val = Node.getAttribute("value")
ElseIf Node.nodeName = "textarea" Then
Val = Node.firstChild.Data
End If
If Val = "" Then
ValidateDataType = True
Exit Function
End If
Select Case ConfigNode.getAttribute("data-type")
Case "number"
ValidateDataType = IsNumeric(Val)
Case "regexp"
If Not IsNull(ConfigNode.getAttribute("expression")) And ConfigNode.getAttribute("expression") <> "" Then
Regex.Pattern = ConfigNode.getAttribute("expression")
ValidateDataType = Regex.Test(Val)
m_Log.Error "You did not specify an 'expression' attribute for " & ConfigNode.Xml
End If
Case "date", "datetime", "timestamp"
ValidateDataType = IsDate(Val)
Case "email"
Regex.Pattern = "^[\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*@(?:[\w-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,7}$"
ValidateDataType = Regex.Test(Val)
Case "integer"
Regex.Pattern = "^\d+$"
ValidateDataType = Regex.Test(Val)
Case "words"
Regex.Pattern = "^[\w\d\t ]+$"
ValidateDataType = Regex.Test(Val)
End Select
End Function
' Validates an element by comparing it as defined.
Private Function ValidateComparison(ConfigNode)
ValidateComparison = False
Dim ThisNode, OtherNode, ThisValue, OtherValue
' As usual, advanced validation can only be done on textbox, password,
' and textarea
Set ThisNode = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("//node()[@id='" & ConfigNode.getAttribute("element-id") & "']")
Set OtherNode = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("//node()[@id='" & ConfigNode.getAttribute("compare-to-id") & "']")
If ThisNode Is Nothing Or OtherNode Is Nothing Then
ValidateComparison = False
Exit Function
End If
' Fetch the data from both elements
ThisValue = ""
OtherValue = ""
If ThisNode.nodeName = "input" Then
ThisValue = ThisNode.getAttribute("value")
Else ' textarea
ThisValue = ThisNode.firstChild.Text
End If
If OtherNode.nodeName = "input" Then
OtherValue = OtherNode.getAttribute("value")
Else ' textarea
OtherValue = OtherNode.firstChild.Text
End If
' There might be different types of data, such as numbers, strings, and
' dates, that have to be compared. These need to be converted into
' something that can compare.
Select Case ConfigNode.getAttribute("data-type")
Case "date", "datetime", "timestamp"
ThisValue = CDate(ThisValue)
OtherValue = CDate(OtherValue)
End Select
' Do the comparison
Select Case ConfigNode.getAttribute("compare-type")
Case "less"
ValidateComparison = ThisValue < OtherValue
Case "equal"
ValidateComparison = ThisValue = OtherValue
Case "greater"
ValidateComparison = ThisValue > OtherValue
Case "lessequal"
ValidateComparison = ThisValue <= OtherValue
Case "greaterequal"
ValidateComparison = ThisValue >= OtherValue
End Select
End Function
' Validates the form against its definition in the <config> element
Public Sub Validate()
Dim Config, FormNode, Node, Continue
' Get the configuration information for the form
Set Config = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("/form/config")
Set FormNode = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("/form")
' The form is not valid unless it has been submitted.
If GetBrowserData(FormNode.getAttribute("method"), "formSanityCheck") = "" Then
m_IsValid = False
Exit Sub
End If
' Check each element referenced by the config element
For Each Node In Config.selectNodes("element")
Continue = True
If Node.getAttribute("required") <> "" Then
If Not ValidateRequired(Node) Then
m_IsValid = False
Node.SetAttribute "failed-required", "1"
Continue = False
End If
End If
If Continue Then
If Node.getAttribute("required-unless") <> "" Then
If GetBrowserData(FormNode.getAttribute("method"), Node.getAttribute("required-unless")) = "" Then
If Not ValidateRequired(Node) Then
m_IsValid = False
Node.SetAttribute "failed-required", "1"
Continue = False
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Continue Then
If Node.getAttribute("required-if") <> "" Then
If GetBrowserData(FormNode.getAttribute("method"), Node.getAttribute("required-if")) <> "" Then
If Not ValidateRequired(Node) Then
m_IsValid = False
Node.SetAttribute "failed-required", "1"
Continue = False
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Continue Then
If Node.getAttribute("data-type") <> "" Then
If Not ValidateDataType(Node) Then
m_IsValid = False
Node.SetAttribute "failed-data-type", "1"
Continue = False
End If
End If
End If
If Continue Then
If Node.getAttribute("compare-to-id") <> "" Then
If Not ValidateComparison(Node) Then
m_IsValid = False
Node.SetAttribute "failed-comparison", "1"
End If
End If
End If
If Not m_IsValid Then
End If
End Sub
' Unhides error elements
Private Sub EnableErrorMessages()
Dim Config, Node
Dim Default, ErrorElement, Failed, Overall
For Each Node In m_Doc.selectNodes("/form/config/element")
ErrorElement = ""
If Node.getAttribute("error-element") <> "" Then
Default = Node.getAttribute("error-element")
Default = False
End If
' Then check if the element failed any validation checks; if so,
' get the name of the element to unhide
Failed = False
If Node.getAttribute("failed-required") <> "" Then
ErrorElement = Node.getAttribute("name") & "-error"
Failed = True
ElseIf Node.getAttribute("failed-data-type") <> "" Then
ErrorElement = Node.getAttribute("name") & "-data-error"
Failed = True
ElseIf Node.getAttribute("failed-comparison") <> "" Then
ErrorElement = Node.getAttribute("name") & "-comparison-error"
Failed = True
End If
If Failed Then
Dim ErrorNode
' Try to find the error element to unhide
If ErrorElement <> "" Then
Set ErrorNode = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("//node()[@id='" & ErrorElement & "']")
End If
If ErrorNode Is Nothing Then
' Try to find the explicitly specified default error element
If Default <> "" Then
Set ErrorNode = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("//node()[@id='" & Default & "']")
End If
End If
If ErrorNode Is Nothing Then
' Try to find an element that's named with the magical name
Set ErrorNode = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("//node()[@id='" & Node.getAttribute("name") & "-error']")
End If
If Not ErrorNode Is Nothing Then
ErrorNode.Attributes.removeNamedItem "hidden"
End If
End If
' Look for an error element for the *whole form* and unhide that if it
' exists.
Set Config = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("/form/config")
If Not Config.Attributes.getNamedItem("error-element") Is Nothing Then
Set Overall = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("//node()[@id='" & Config.Attributes.getNamedItem("error-element").Text & "']")
If Not Overall Is Nothing Then
Overall.Attributes.removeNamedItem "hidden"
End If
End If
End Sub
' Adds children from a query result to a <select> menu. You must name the element, and
' specify which column in the recordset should go into the value and which the text of
' the resulting <option> elements.
Public Sub PopulateSelectMenu(Name, RecordSet, ValueCol, TextCol)
Dim ConfiNode, SelectNode, OptionNode, TextNode, XPath
Set ConfigNode = m_Doc.selectSingleNode("/form/config/element[@name='" & Name & "']")
If Not ConfigNode Is Nothing Then
' Find the <select> element
XPath = "//select[@id='" & ConfigNode.getAttribute("element-id") & "']"
m_Log.Debug XPath
Set SelectNode = m_Doc.selectSingleNode(XPath)
If Not SelectNode Is Nothing Then
Do While Not RecordSet.EOF
Set OptionNode = m_Doc.createElement("option")
Set TextNode = m_Doc.createTextNode(RecordSet(TextCol))
OptionNode.setAttribute "value", RecordSet(ValueCol)
OptionNode.appendChild TextNode
SelectNode.appendChild OptionNode
End If
m_Log.Error Name & " is not defined in the form's <config> section."
End If
End Sub
End Class
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