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xaprb/ Secret

Created December 14, 2013 19:39
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Save xaprb/f400f5db43830a1ac2bd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# This script converts SHOW GLOBAL STATUS into a tabulated format, one line # per sample in the input, with the metrics divided by the time elapsed # between samples.
# This script converts SHOW GLOBAL STATUS into a tabulated format, one line
# per sample in the input, with the metrics divided by the time elapsed
# between samples.
awk '
printf "#ts date time load QPS";
fmt = " %.2f";
/^TS/ { # The timestamp lines begin with TS.
ts = substr($2, 1, index($2, ".") - 1);
load = NF - 2;
diff = ts - prev_ts;
prev_ts = ts;
printf "\n%s %s %s %s", ts, $3, $4, substr($load, 1, length($load)-1);
/Queries/ {
printf fmt, ($2-Queries)/diff;
' "$@"
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