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Last active May 30, 2017 18:27
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NAPCS Functional Requirements

National Alliance for Publice Charter Schools Main Website Functional Requirements

Content Types

Existing types

Content in custom post types that exist in the current site will be selectively migrated, adapted, or abandoned as appropriate.

Attachment (2303)

Every media file uploaded to WordPress is represented as an Attachment. NAPCS wants to keep some of these, and is free to delete unwanted files from the current site at any time. The desired files and related metadata will be selectively migrated, either by some size/age/type criteria, or according to a white- or black- list provided by NAPCS, or some combination. More discussion is needed.

Bio (60)

The Bio custom post type stores the content for the Staff and Board listings. There will be a corresponding content type in the new Drupal site, however NAPCS is opting to not migrate the existing content and will create and enter fresh content.

Model Law Components (164) and Model Law States (87)

RAD will design and implement a new data structure that will allow NAPCS to bulk-import updated Model Law data. Current content will not be migrated.

Page (266)

Rad will migrate Page content to the new site. In particular url slugs should be imported so that they can be edited/redirected as necessary. Metadata for search engines and social networks may not be functional, but data will be migrated and supported in new site. Any pages no that are no longer needed at all are safe to delete now (i.e. Conference-related pages), unless it is necessary to preserve their link equity.

Press Release (320)

Press Release content will be migrated in full.

Publications (225)

Publications content will be migrated in full, included related files and their metadata.

Deprecated/unused custom post types

The following existing types are not needed in the new site and their content will not be migrated:

  1. HPConference (1) - conference tab on homepage
  2. Icegram content - Ig_campaign IG_message
  3. Guest Author (17) - Old authors from blog before it moved to Hubspot?
  4. Fetch_tweets (2) - runs Twitter feeds on site. If needed, can implement differently on Drupal. In general, Rad doesn’t suggest having social feeds on websites.
  5. Post (6) - Not used, NAPCS can delete now
  6. What’s New (26) - old stuff on homepage
  7. Nav Menu Item (160) - review for sitemap and then leave behind

Mysterious custom post types

WP Types Group

New Types

Basic Pages

Basic Pages represent the main text-based content of the site. The following properties and fields comprise Basic Pages:

  • Title
  • Body
  • Image

Job Board



  • Title
  • Description
  • File
  • Taxonomies???

Press Releases

Would love to be able to schedule content for future publishing (that would be release date), backdating would be nice (but not crucial)

  • Title
  • Release Date
  • Body


  • Title
  • Author


  • Name
  • Title
  • Board or Staff
  • Contact email (for contact form)

Editorial Workflow



Model Law Database


  • Name
  • Year Model Law Passed
  • # of Charter Schools
  • # of Charter School Students

Model Law

  • Name
  • Order
  • Weight
  • Components

Model Law Component

  • Name

State Model Law Assessment

  • State
  • Model Law
  • Text

State Model Law Component Score

  • State
  • Model Law Component
  • Score
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