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arunk-s /
Created April 13, 2014 06:36
Shell Script for taking Incremental Backup and store it at a remote place
# The contents of this file are released under the GNU General Public License. Feel free to reuse the contents of this work, as long as the resultant works give proper attribution and are made publicly available under the GNU General Public License.
# By Arun Sori <>
#For taking backup of the desired directory and store it at a remote place
#backup file name
x1alpha76 / ReadCSV.vbs
Created July 2, 2015 09:57
Visual Basic Script function for reading CSV strings
'Does not support multiline
'Example usage
'Const ForReading = 1
'Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("test.csv", ForReading)
'Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
' fields = ReadCSV(objFile.ReadLine)
' WScript.Echo fields(0)