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Created November 4, 2017 23:46
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Script para Eggdrop que detecta patrones de expresiones regulares en mensajes y actions enviados al canal
# Regex detector
# by Atlas (@xatlas) on 07/Oct/14
# You can do with this script what you want
# Regex protip: on tcl \b is \y, and \B is \Y
# Updated: 04/Nov/15: \s+ -> \s
# Published on Github: 05/Nov/17
# Settings
# Number of minutes of ban
set bregex_bantime "180"
# Kick reason
set bregex_kickreason "\[Auto\] Actividad no permitida en el canal"
# Channel to send notifications
set bregex_chanops "#canal"
# Regular expressions, put between {regex}
set bregex_list {
{^Mi C.*mara Web en Directo Gratis$}
{\ymi kik\y}
setudef flag badregex
bind pub nmo|nmo .regex bregex_settings
bind pubm - * bregex_main
bind ctcp - ACTION bregex_action
proc bregex_main {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global bregex_bantime bregex_kickreason bregex_chanops
if {![channel get $chan badregex]} {return}
if {![botisop $chan]} {return}
if {[isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]} {return}
set bregex_badstring [bregex_parser $text]
if {$bregex_badstring ne 0} {
set bregex_banhost [bregex_ipv $nick $uhost]
set bregex_debug [regexp {^(\d+):(.*)} $bregex_badstring - bregex_id bregex_badstring]
newignore $bregex_banhost badregex.tcl Ignore-flood 1
putquick "MODE $chan +b $bregex_banhost"
puthelp "KICK $chan $nick :\[Auto\] $bregex_kickreason"
if {$bregex_chanops ne ""} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $bregex_chanops :\002\[RE $bregex_id\]\002 Caneando a \002$nick\002 ($uhost) en $chan por: [string range $text 0 200]"
putlog "\[\002RegEx ID: $bregex_id\002\] $nick ($uhost) @ $chan enviando \"$text\" /$bregex_badstring/"
# Magic goes here
proc bregex_parser {str} {
global bregex_list
regsub -all -nocase { +} $str { } str
regsub -all -nocase {[\u00e0-\u00e5]} $str {a} str
regsub -all -nocase {[\u00e8-\u00eb]} $str {e} str
regsub -all -nocase {[\u00ec-\u00ef]} $str {i} str
regsub -all -nocase {[\u00f2-\u00f8]} $str {o} str
regsub -all -nocase {[\u00f9-\u00fc]} $str {u} str
set bregex_id 0
foreach bregex_re $bregex_list {
incr bregex_id
if {[regexp -nocase -lineanchor $bregex_re $str]} {
return $bregex_id:$bregex_re
return 0
# Special proc for ChatHispano network
# Bans nick instead personal vhost
proc bregex_ipv {n u} {
if {![regexp {[^@]+@[A-D][A-z0-9]{5}\.[A-D][A-z0-9]{5}\.v(irtual|6)} $u]} {
return "$n!*@*"
} else {
return "*!*[string range $u [string first "@" $u] end]"
# Catch ctcp actions and process as chan msg
proc bregex_action {nick uhost hand dest key text} {
bregex_main $nick $uhost $hand $dest $text
# Enabler/disabler of script on channel
proc bregex_settings {nick uhost hand chan text} {
set status [channel get $chan badregex]
set mode [string tolower [lindex [split $text] 0]]
switch -- $mode {
"on" {
if {!$status} {
channel set $chan +badregex
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :\002\0031,0 BadRegex \003\002 - Enabled"
putlog "BadRegex script enabled (by $nick for $chan)"
} else {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :BadRegex is already activated"
"off" {
if {$status} {
channel set $chan -badregex
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :\002\0031,0 BadRegex \003\002 - Disabled"
putlog "BadRegex script disabled (by $nick for $chan)"
} else {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :BadRegex is already deactivated"
putlog "Badregex script loaded"
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