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Created September 12, 2017 16:45
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Dirty script anti repeats for Eggdrop
# by Tris, 17jul96 (v2)
# action added by fantomas 22Dec1997
# Updated to v4 (17 November 1998) by slennox <>
# Fixed version (1 December 1998)
# Updated to v4.1 (8 December 1998)
# Updated (25 November 2002) @/+ exempt
# Updated to v5 by Atlas (9 March 2012)
# Updated to v6 by Atlas (22 Sept 2014) [Prediction text]
# Updated to v6.2 by Atlas (05 Oct 2014) [Percent similar text]
# Number of repeats to trigger
set repeatkick 3
set repeatban 4
set repeatmaxwarn 2
# In how many minutes (disabled)
set repeattime 300
set repeatwarntime 300
# Ban time
set repeatbantime 120
# Messages (can NOT use variables as $nick or $chan)
set repeatwarnmsg "Por favor, no envies mensajes repetitivos al canal. Con una vez te leemos"
set repeatkickmsg "Repeticiones constantes"
# Minimal number of characters to check
set repeatminchars 18
# Similarity of text
set repeat_percent 80
# Channel
set repeatchans "#canal"
# End of config
# Start script
bind pubm - * repeat_pubm
bind ctcp - ACTION repeat_action
bind nick - * repeat_nick
# proc repeat_timr {} {
# global repeat_last repeattime
# catch {unset repeat_last}
# catch {unset repeat_num}
# timer $repeattime repeat_timr
# }
# proc repeat_warntimr {} {
# global repeat_warn repeatwarntime
# catch {unset repeat_warn}
# timer $repeatwarntime repeat_warntimr
# }
# if ![regexp repeat_timr [timers]] {timer $repeattime repeat_timr}
# if ![regexp repeat_warntimr [timers]] {timer $repeatwarntime repeat_warntimr}
proc repeat_action {nick uhost hand dest keyword text} {
repeat_pubm $nick $uhost $hand $dest $text
proc repeat_pubm {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global repeatkick repeatban repeatwarnmsg repeatkickmsg repeatwarn repeatmaxwarn repeattime repeatbantime repeatwarntime
global repeat_last repeat_num repeatminchars repeatchans repeat_similar repeat_percent
if {[lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $repeatchans]] [string tolower $chan]] == -1} {return 0}
if {![botisop $chan]} {return}
if {[isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]} {return 0}
set textlength [string length $text]
if {$textlength <= $repeatminchars} {return 0}
proc repeatantiflood {} {return 0}
if [info exists repeat_last([set n [string tolower [string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]]])] {
regsub -all {[^a-z]} [string tolower $repeat_last($n)] "" repeat_lastsub($n)
regsub -all {[^a-z]} [string tolower $text] "" textsub
set similar [Similar $repeat_lastsub($n) $textsub]
set percent [format %.2f [expr 100 - {(double($similar) / $textlength) * 100.0}]]
if {$percent > $repeat_percent} {
if {($percent < 99) && ([regexp -nocase {^http\S+youtu\.?be\S+[a-z0-9]{11}} $text text])} {
putlog "\[RePs\] Texto especial enviado por $nick ($uhost) \[$percent% / [expr $repeat_percent+15]\]"
putlog "\[\002RePs\002\] \002$nick\002 ($uhost) enviando \00312[expr $repeat_num($n)+1]\003 veces \"$text\" ($textsub - $percent%)"
set reps_banmask [repeat_ipv $nick $uhost]
if {[incr repeat_num($n)] < ${repeatkick}} {
incr repeatwarn($uhost)
if {[expr $repeatwarn($uhost)-1] >= $repeatmaxwarn} {
puthelp "KICK $chan $nick :$repeatkickmsg!"
putquick "MODE $chan +b $reps_banmask"
puthelp "NOTICE @$chan :Expulsado \002$nick\002 por haber repetido habiendo sido avisado [expr $repeatwarn($uhost)-1] veces"
putlog "\[RePs\] $nick ($uhost) expulsado por haber sido avisado \00312[expr $repeatwarn($uhost)-1]\003 veces"
unset repeatwarn($uhost)
timer $repeattime [list puthelp "MODE $chan -b $reps_banmask"]
puthelp "NOTICE @$chan :Avisando a \002$nick\002 por \037repeticiones\037 \[$percent%\]"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$repeatwarnmsg"
} elseif {$repeat_num($n) == ${repeatkick}} {
puthelp "KICK $chan $nick :$repeatkickmsg"
} elseif {$repeat_num($n) >= ${repeatban}} {
newignore $reps_banmask repeat.tcl Ignore-flood 1
newchanban $chan $reps_banmask repeat.tcl $repeatkickmsg [expr 60 * 15]
puthelp "KICK $chan $nick :$repeatkickmsg"
putnow "MODE $chan +b $reps_banmask"
timer $repeattime [list puthelp "MODE $chan -b $reps_banmask"]
if {$repeat_num($n) >= ${repeatban}} {
unset repeat_last($n)
unset repeat_num($n)
set repeat_num($n) 1
set repeat_last($n) $text
proc repeat_nick {nick uhost hand chan newnick} {
if {[matchattr $nick mo|mo $chan] || [isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan] || [matchattr $nick o|o $chan]} {return 0}
global repeat_last repeat_num
catch {set repeat_last([set nn [string tolower $newnick]]) \
$repeat_last([set on [string tolower $nick]])}
catch {unset repeat_last($on)}
catch {set repeat_num($nn) $repeat_num($on)}
catch {unset repeat_num($on)}
proc Similar {s t} {
# Edge cases
#regsub -all {[^b-zB-Z]} $string "_" s
#regsub -all {[^b-zB-Z]} $text "_" t
#set s [string tolower $s]
#set t [string tolower $t]
if {![set n [string length $t]]} {
return [string length $s]
} elseif {![set m [string length $s]]} {
return $n
# Fastest way to initialize
for {set i 0} {$i <= $m} {incr i} {
lappend d 0
lappend p $i
# Loop, computing the distance table (well, a moving section)
for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {} {
set tj [string index $t $j]
lset d 0 [incr j]
for {set i 0} {$i < $m} {} {
set a [expr {[lindex $d $i]+1}]
set b [expr {[lindex $p $i]+([string index $s $i] ne $tj)}]
set c [expr {[lindex $p [incr i]]+1}]
# Faster than min($a,$b,$c)
lset d $i [expr {$a<$b ? $c<$a ? $c : $a : $c<$b ? $c : $b}]
# Swap
set nd $p; set p $d; set d $nd
# The score is at the end of the last-computed row
return [lindex $p end]
proc repeat_ipv {n u} {
if {![regexp {[^@]+@[A-D][A-z0-9]{5}\.[A-D][A-z0-9]{5}\.v(irtual|6)} $u]} {
return "$n!*@*"
} else {
return "*!*[string range $u [string first "@" $u] end]"
putlog "Cargado script antirrepeticiones \[$repeat_percent%\]"
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