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Last active December 28, 2015 16:29
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Data Platform Tech Stack

RT Data Platform

Pas de request/response mais une solution élégante en PUB/SUB

  • Pubnub - The global data stream network for IoT, Mobile, and Web applications

Ultra overkill mais apparemment très puissant. Fait à peu près tout.

  • Nats - A central nervous system for distributed systems at scale

Self hosted mais sur-performant, existe dans les principaux languages et très simple d'utilisation

  • REST API - Simple REST layer on top of Cerebro

Simple et rapide à déployer, mais self-managed, pas forcément/facilement scalable

  • RPC - An easy to use, intuitive, and cross-language RPC

Distributed Database

  • Firebase - A powerful platform for your mobile or web application

Reactive data storage, hosted. Pas de client offciel Python

  • Kinto - lightweight JSON storage service with synchronisation and sharing abilities

Créer exactement pour notre use case, mais pas optimisé pour des accès simples key/value et n'a pas fonctioné du premier coup. Projet très jeune mais backé par Mozilla.

  • PouchDB - enables applications to store data locally while offline, then synchronize it with CouchDB and compatible servers

Pas forcément notre use case (offline apps) mais super simple, marche, et utilies la robustesse de CouchDB. Une nouvelle base à déployer néanmoins.


  • Shiny - A web application framework for R. Turn your analyses into interactive web applications. No HTML, CSS, or JavaScript knowledge required

  • Periscope - Type SQL, get charts

  • RethinkDB nice query language - It offers a very powerful and convenient way to manipulate JSON documents

  • Airpal - A web-based query execution tool built on top of Facebook's PrestoDB

  • GraphQL - a query language created by Facebook in 2012 for describing the capabilities and requirements of data models for client‐server applications

  • data explorer - Open Source Data Explorer. Explore and visualize your event data

  • Pinot - A realtime distributed OLAP datastore

  • Metabase - _Open Source, easy use for everyone for analyze, visualize data on SQL like database _

  • Trifacta Wrangler - Leverage a more efficient and intuitive approach for preparing diverse data residing on the desktop for a variety of downstream analytic uses such as visualization.

  • Chronograf - web application for ad hoc exploration of your time series data in InfluxDB

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