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Created October 24, 2012 17:18
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A CodePen by Takashi Kitao. Lighting and Billboard with CSS - This is an example of DivSugar, a CSS-based 3D graphics library. DivSugar:
'use strict';
// create a scene
var scn = new DivSugar.Scene().setSize(800, 600).setImage('#d0d0d0').appendTo(document.body);
// maximize the scene size
function resize() { scn.adjustLayout(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, 'cover'); }
window.addEventListener('resize', resize, true);
// create the root node and an animation task to rotate the whole scene
var root = new DivSugar.Node().setPosition(400, 300, 0).rotate(-50, 0, 0).appendTo(scn);
var task = new DivSugar.Task().appendTo(DivSugar.rootTask);
task.onUpdate = function() { root.rotate(0, this.deltaTime * 0.02, this.deltaTime * 0.015); };
// Define a 3D object class which refrects light and has a text billboard
var mat = new DivSugar.Matrix();
var lightDir = new DivSugar.Vector(1, 1, -2).normalize();
function Monolith(name, x, z) {
this.faces = [];
this.colors = []; = new DivSugar.Node().setPosition(x, 0, z).setOpacity(0.6).rotate(0, Math.random() * 360, 0).appendTo(root);
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { this.faces[i] = new DivSugar.Node().setImage('#00ff00').appendTo(; }
var sx = Math.random() * 30 + 30;
var sy = Math.random() * 100 + 50;
var sz = Math.random() * 30 + 30;
this.faces[0].setSize(sx, sy).setPosition(-sx / 2, -sy / 2, sz / 2);
this.faces[1].setSize(sz, sy).setPosition(sx / 2, -sy / 2, sz / 2).rotate(0, 90, 0);
this.faces[2].setSize(sx, sy).setPosition(sx / 2, -sy / 2, -sz / 2).rotate(0, 180, 0);
this.faces[3].setSize(sz, sy).setPosition(-sx / 2, -sy / 2, -sz / 2).rotate(0, 270, 0);
this.faces[4].setSize(sx, sz).setPosition(-sx / 2, -sy / 2, -sz / 2).rotate(90, 0, 0);
this.faces[5].setSize(sx, sz).setPosition(-sx / 2, sy / 2, sz / 2).rotate(-90, 0, 0);
this.label = new DivSugar.Node().setSize(100, 0).appendTo(scn);
this.label.div.innerHTML = '<h3 style="text-align:center; color:white">' + name + '</h3>';
DivSugar.inherit(Monolith, DivSugar.Task);
Monolith.prototype.onUpdate = function() {;
// calculate the color of the faces
this.colors[0] = Math.max(, 0) * 191 + 64;
this.colors[1] = Math.max(, 0) * 191 + 64;
this.colors[2] = Math.max(, 0) * 191 + 64;
this.colors[3] = Math.max(, 0) * 191 + 64;
this.colors[4] = Math.max(, 0) * 191 + 64;
this.colors[5] = Math.max(, 0) * 191 + 64;
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { this.faces[i].setImage(DivSugar.getCSSColor(0, this.colors[i], 0)); }
// update the position of the text billboard
this.label.setPosition(mat.trans.x - 50, mat.trans.y - 30, mat.trans.z + 80);
Monolith.prototype.onDestroy = function() { scn.remove(; };
// create and register the instances
var rad;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
rad = DivSugar.DEG_TO_RAD * 36 * i;
new Monolith('000' + i, Math.cos(rad) * 200, Math.sin(rad) * 200).appendTo(DivSugar.rootTask);
body { margin: 0px; }
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