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Breaking Rules

Xavier Arpa xavierarpa

Breaking Rules
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// c# companion script
// SpriteUVToShader.cs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Save you your project, add to your SpriteRenderer gameObject
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
Shader "Hidden/JumpFloodOutline"
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
Tags { "PreviewType" = "Plane" }
Cull Off ZWrite Off ZTest Always
Shader "Pristine Grid"
[KeywordEnum(MeshUV, WorldX, WorldY, WorldZ)] _UVMode ("UV Mode", Float) = 2.0
_GridScale ("Grid Scale", Float) = 1.0
_LineWidthX ("Line Width X", Range(0,1.0)) = 0.01
_LineWidthY ("Line Width Y", Range(0,1.0)) = 0.01
Shader "Pristine Triplanar Grid"
[KeywordEnum(World,Object,ObjectAlignedWorld)] _GridSpace ("Grid Space", Float) = 0.0
_GridScale ("Grid Scale", Float) = 1.0
[Toggle(USE_VERTEX_NORMALS)] _UseVertexNormals ("Use Vertex Normals", Float) = 0.0
[Toggle] _ShowOnlyTwo ("Show Only Two Grid Axis", Float) = 0.0