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Created July 19, 2018 08:23
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data Alignment
= LeftAligned
| CenterAligned
| RightAligned
data FontLevel
= DisplayTitle
| BodyText
data Variant
= Plain
| Highlighted
| Inverse
data Swatch
= PrimaryColor
| SecondaryColor
data InteractiveState
= Regular
| Hovered
| Pressed
| Disabled
data ValidBackground : Swatch -> InteractiveState -> Type where
PrimaryRegular : (swatch : Swatch) ->
{auto isPrimaryColor : swatch=PrimaryColor} ->
(interactiveState : InteractiveState) ->
{auto isRegular : interactiveState=Regular} ->
ValidBackground PrimaryColor Regular
data ValidShape : Type where
ValidBackgroundShape : {a : Swatch} -> {b : InteractiveState} -> ValidShape
data Shape : Type where
BackgroundShape : (swatch : Swatch) ->
(interactiveState : InteractiveState) ->
{auto validBackground : ValidBackground swatch interactiveState} ->
-- validShapes : Shape a -> a
notPrimaryHovered : ValidBackground PrimaryColor Hovered -> Void
notPrimaryHovered (PrimaryRegular _ _) impossible
notPrimaryPressed : ValidBackground PrimaryColor Pressed -> Void
notPrimaryPressed (PrimaryRegular _ _) impossible
notPrimaryDisabled : ValidBackground PrimaryColor Disabled -> Void
notPrimaryDisabled (PrimaryRegular _ _) impossible
noSecondary : ValidBackground SecondaryColor interactiveState -> Void
noSecondary (PrimaryRegular _ _) impossible
validBackground : (swatch : Swatch) ->
(interactiveState : InteractiveState) ->
Dec (ValidBackground swatch interactiveState)
validBackground PrimaryColor Regular = Yes (PrimaryRegular PrimaryColor Regular)
validBackground PrimaryColor Hovered = No notPrimaryHovered
validBackground PrimaryColor Pressed = No notPrimaryPressed
validBackground PrimaryColor Disabled = No notPrimaryDisabled
validBackground SecondaryColor interactiveState = No noSecondary
background : (swatch : Swatch) ->
(interactiveState : InteractiveState) ->
background swatch interactiveState with (validBackground swatch interactiveState)
background PrimaryColor Regular | (Yes (PrimaryRegular x y)) = BackgroundShape PrimaryColor Regular
background swatch interactiveState | (No contra) = ?background_rhs_rhs_2
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