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Created July 29, 2016 15:51
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type Type =
| String of int
| Guid
| Date
| Bool
| Integer
| Enum of name : string
type Property =
{ Name : string
Type : Type
DefaultValue : string option }
let prop name ty =
{ Name = name
Type = ty
DefaultValue = None }
let propDefault name ty def =
{ Name = name
Type = ty
DefaultValue = Some def }
let templateText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText((__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "\objecttemplate.txt"))
let indentSize = 4
let nl = "\r\n"
let indent count =
let count = count * indentSize
nl + System.String(' ', count)
let indentNoNl count =
let count = count * indentSize
System.String(' ', count)
let buildStructs properties =
|> x ->
let ty =
match x.Type with
| String _ -> "String"
| Guid -> "Guid"
| Date -> "Date"
| Integer -> "Integer"
| Bool -> "Boolean"
| Enum x -> x
sprintf "Dim %s as %s" x.Name ty)
|> String.concat(indent 2)
let buildInits properties =
let indentCount = 3
|> x ->
let value =
match x.DefaultValue with
| Some x -> x
| None ->
match x.Type with
| String _ -> "\"\""
| Guid -> "Guid.Empty"
| Bool -> "True"
| Date -> "#12:00:00 AM#"
| Integer -> "0"
| Enum x -> failwithf "Enum '%s' must have default value specified" x
sprintf ".%s = %s" x.Name value)
|> String.concat(indent 3)
let guidTemplate =
"""Public Property {name}() As System.Guid Implements I{object_name}.{name}
Return m_udtProps.{name}
End Get
Set(ByVal value As System.Guid)
If Not value.Equals({name}) Then
'm_objValid.RuleBroken("{name}", value.Equals(Guid.Empty))
m_udtProps.{name} = value
End If
End Set
End Property"""
let stringTemplate =
"""Public Property {name}() As String Implements I{object_name}.{name}
Return Trim(m_udtProps.{name})
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
value = Trim(value)
If value <> {name} Then
PropertySetStringLength(value, {length}, "{name}")
'm_objValid.RuleBroken("{name}", (Len(value) = 0))
m_udtProps.{name} = value
End If
End Set
End Property"""
let dateTemplate =
"""Public Property {name}() As Date Implements I{object_name}.{name}
Return m_udtProps.{name}
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Date)
If value <> {name} Then
'm_objValid.RuleBroken("{name}", value = #12:00:00 AM#)
m_udtProps.{name} = value
End If
End Set
End Property"""
let integerTemplate =
"""Public Property {name}() As Integer Implements I{object_name}.{name}
Return m_udtProps.{name}
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If value <> {name} Then
'm_objValid.RuleBroken("{name}", value = 0))
m_udtProps.{name} = value
End If
End Set
End Property"""
let booleanTemplate =
"""Public Property {name}() As Boolean Implements I{object_name}.{name}
Return m_udtProps.{name}
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
If value <> {name} Then
m_udtProps.{name} = value
End If
End Set
End Property"""
let enumTemplate =
"""Public Property {name}() As {type} Implements I{object_name}.{name}
Return m_udtProps.{name}
End Get
Set(ByVal value As {type})
If value <> {name} Then
m_udtProps.{name} = value
End If
End Set
End Property"""
let replace (key : string) (value : string) (source : string) =
source.Replace("{" + key + "}", value)
let buildProp objectName property =
let template =
match property.Type with
| String length -> stringTemplate |> replace "length" (length.ToString())
| Guid -> guidTemplate
| Date -> dateTemplate
| Bool -> enumTemplate |> replace "type" "Boolean"
| Integer -> integerTemplate
| Enum ty ->
enumTemplate |> replace "type" ty
|> replace "name" property.Name
|> replace "object_name" objectName
let buildProps objectName (properties : Property list) : string =
let indent = 1
|> x ->
let prop = buildProp objectName x
let lines = prop.Split([| "\r\n"; "\n" |], System.StringSplitOptions.None)
|> line -> (indentNoNl 1) + line)
|> List.ofSeq)
|> List.concat
|> String.concat nl
let buildUpdateState properties =
|> x ->
sprintf "UpdateValue(.%s, \"%s\", Record, Method)" x.Name x.Name)
|> String.concat(indent 3)
let buildColumns properties =
|> p ->
match p.Type with
| String length -> sprintf "o.AddVarChar(\"%s\", %i)" p.Name length
| Guid -> sprintf "o.AddUniqueIdentifier(\"%s\")" p.Name
| Date -> sprintf "o.AddDate(\"%s\")" p.Name
| Bool -> sprintf "o.AddBoolean(\"%s\")" p.Name
| Integer -> sprintf "o.AddInteger(\"%s\")" p.Name
| Enum _ -> sprintf "o.AddInteger(\"%s\")" p.Name)
|> String.concat(indent 7)
let buildObject initials objectName properties =
let structs = buildStructs properties
let inits = buildInits properties
let props = buildProps objectName properties
let updateState = buildUpdateState properties
let columns = buildColumns properties
let date = (System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
|> replace "date" date
|> replace "initials" initials
|> replace "object_name" objectName
|> replace "structs" structs
|> replace "inits" inits
|> replace "props" props
|> replace "update_state" updateState
|> replace "columns" columns
buildObject "xyz" "ConnectorInfoRecord" [
prop "ObjectType" (String 1000)
prop "ObjectID" (String 4000)
prop "ConnectorInstanceID" (Guid)
prop "ConnectorID" (String 4000)
prop "Enabled" (Bool)
|> printfn "%s"
buildObject "xyz" "PrintForm" [prop "Name" (String 255)]
|> printfn "%s"
buildObject "xyz" "PrintQueueItem" [
prop "Name" (String 255)
prop "DocumentID" Guid
prop "PrintFormID" Guid
propDefault "FileType" (Enum "FileTypes") "PDf"
propDefault "State" (Enum "States") "NotFinished"
prop "FirstPrinted" Date
prop "LastPrinted" Date
prop "TimesPrinted" Integer
prop "ErrorMessage" (String 16000) ]
|> printfn "%s"
buildObject "xyz" "PrintForm" [prop "Name" (String 255)]
|> printfn "%s"
buildObject "xyz" "PrintQueue" [prop "Name" (String 255)
prop "AllowedForms" (String 255)]
|> printfn "%s"
'{date} {initials}
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports BirdDogSoftware.Interfaces
Imports BirdDogSoftware.Utilities
Public Class {object_name}
Inherits BirdDogObject5
Implements I{object_name}
' Private data elements
Protected Structure {object_name}Props
End Structure
Protected m_udtProps As {object_name}Props
Protected m_udtSave As {object_name}Props
Public Sub New(Optional ByVal CurrentDataBase As Domain.DataBase = Nothing)
With m_udtProps
End With
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal Record As System.Data.DataRow, Optional ByVal CurrentDataBase As Domain.DataBase = Nothing)
MyBase.New(Record, CurrentDataBase)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub InitRules(ByRef Broken As Boolean)
'With m_objValid
' .RuleBroken("STRINGPROPERTY", Broken)
'End With
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub UpdateState(ByVal Record As System.Data.DataRow, ByVal Method As ReadWrite)
With m_udtProps
End With
End Sub
Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property TableName() As String
Return Table_Name
End Get
End Property
Friend Shared ReadOnly Property Table_Name() As String
Return "BD{object_name}s"
End Get
End Property
Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property ObjectName() As String
Return "{object_name}"
End Get
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub SaveUndoState()
m_udtSave = m_udtProps
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub UndoState()
m_udtProps = m_udtSave
End Sub
End Class
Public Class {object_name}Collection
Inherits Domain.DomainCollection
Implements I{object_name}Collection
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function CreateExistingObject(ByVal Record As System.Data.DataRow, Optional ByVal CurrentDataBase As Domain.DataBase = Nothing) As Domain.DomainObject
Return New {object_name}(Record, CurrentDataBase)
End Function
Protected Overrides Function CreateNewObject(Optional ByVal CurrentDataBase As Domain.DataBase = Nothing) As Domain.DomainObject
Return New {object_name}(CurrentDataBase)
End Function
Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property ObjectName() As String
Return "{object_name}Collection"
End Get
End Property
Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property TableName() As String
Return "BD{object_name}s"
End Get
End Property
Default Public Overloads ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal Index As Integer) As I{object_name} Implements I{object_name}Collection.Item
Return CType(InnerList.Item(Index), I{object_name})
End Get
End Property
Default Public Overloads ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal ID As System.Guid) As I{object_name} Implements I{object_name}Collection.Item
For Each o{object_name} As I{object_name} In Me
If o{object_name}.ID.Equals(ID) Then Return o{object_name}
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid ID:" & ID.ToString)
End Get
End Property
Sub Remove(ByVal {object_name}ID As System.Guid)
With Item({object_name}ID)
End With
End Sub
Public Overloads Sub Load(ByVal FOREIGNKEYID As Guid)
Fetch(CreateSql(String.Format("FOREIGNKEYID = '{1}'", FOREIGNKEYID)))
End Sub
End Class
Namespace Revision
Friend Class {object_name}Table
Inherits CreationTable
Friend Shared Sub Update2010(ByVal Version As Integer, ByVal RevLevel As Integer)
Dim o As New Revision.{object_name}Table
Select Case Version
Case CreationTable.Versions.Version9
Select Case RevLevel
Case 1
End Select
End Select
End Sub
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property TableName() As String
Return "BD{object_name}s"
End Get
End Property
End Class
End Namespace
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