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Created April 12, 2015 06:18
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let translate expression =
let rec mapFun e : ExpressionResult * list<string> option =
let map = map(mapFun)
let bin (e : BinaryExpression) text =
Some (["("] @ map(e.Left) @ [text] @ map(e.Right) @ [")"])
let result =
match e with
| Call m ->
let argResult = m.Arguments.Item(0) |> map
let lambda = (stripQuotes (m.Arguments.Item(1))) :?> LambdaExpression
let bodyResult = lambda.Body |> map
Some (["SELECT * FROM ("] @ argResult @ [ ") AS T WHERE "] @ bodyResult)
| Not n ->
Some ([" NOT "] @ map(n.Operand))
| And e -> bin e "AND"
| Or e -> bin e "OR"
| Equal e -> bin e "="
| NotEqual e -> bin e "<>"
| LessThan e -> bin e "<"
| LessThanOrEqual e -> bin e "<="
| GreaterThan e -> bin e ">"
| GreaterThanOrEqual e -> bin e ">="
| Constant c ->
let q =
match c.Value with
| :? IQueryable as v -> Some v
| _ -> None
if q <> None then
Some ["SELECT * FROM "; q.Value.ElementType.Name]
else if c.Value = null then
Some ["NULL"]
let cv =
match System.Type.GetTypeCode(c.Value.GetType()) with
| System.TypeCode.Boolean -> if (c.Value :?> bool) then "1" else "0"
| System.TypeCode.String -> "'" + (c.Value :?> string) + "'"
| System.TypeCode.Object -> failwithf "The constant for '%A' is not supported" c.Value
| _ -> c.Value.ToString()
Some [cv]
| MemberAccess m ->
if m.Expression <> null && m.Expression.NodeType = ExpressionType.Parameter then
Some [m.Member.Name]
failwithf "The member '%s' is not supported" m.Member.Name
| _ -> None
if result.IsSome then
ExpressionResult.Skip, result
ExpressionResult.Recurse, result
let ls =
|> map(mapFun)
|> String.concat("")
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