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Last active January 15, 2017 14:05
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Atmosphere packages


alanning:roles # easy-peasy permission stuff for your users


check # check arguments of a function manually
mdg:validation-method # meteor recommended way to use methods
aldeed:simple-schema # like check, but with deeper stuff
aldeed:collection2 # auto-validate data when doing CRUD operation on a collection


kadira:flow-router # don't use iron:router, it's unfortunately dead ; 
kadira:blaze-layout # helpful with flow router


dburles:collection-helpers # really helpful to attach functions to a mongo document \o/
mattb33:collection-hooks # really helpful to perform things before / after mongo operation

reactive-publish # doing crazy shit with your publications (joins)
cultofcoders:grapher # looks really promising way to handle your data model!! (never used, heard good echos:

tmeasday:publish-counts # publish the count of a cursor in real time 


slingshot:s3 # easy-peasy file upload, don't use CollectionFS

Node packages

Always prefer a Node package over a Meteor package wrapping a Node package

cloudinary # image storage and/or resizing before uploading to S3 for instane
moment # date formatting ftw, example of using a Node pkg directly instead of a Meteor pkg wrapping a Node pkg
request-promise # really sweet way to perform HTTP requests 🚀
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