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Created May 3, 2020 02:39
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Solar panel pump with differential in/out temperature sensing for pump control
### Solar Pump Hysteresis Offsets ##
name: Pump OFF offset
initial: 0.1
min: 0
max: 2
step: 0.1
name: Pump ON offset
initial: 3
min: 0
max: 10
step: 0.5
## Water Out Temp ##
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "/solar/exit/temperature"
name: "Solar Temperature"
qos: 0
unit_of_measurement: "C"
## Water In Temp ##
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "/solar/Tin/temperature"
name: "Solar Input Temperature"
qos: 0
unit_of_measurement: "C"
# GPIO 12 for PWM Control
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "/solar/pwm/12"
name: "Solar Motor Value"
qos: 0
- platform: template
friendly_name: Temperature Difference
value_template: >
{% if ((states.sensor.solar_temperature.state | float ) - (states.sensor.pool_temperature.state | float))
< (states.input_number.pump_off_offset.state | float ) %} pump_off
{% elif ((states.sensor.solar_temperature.state | float ) - (states.sensor.pool_temperature.state | float))
> (states.input_number.pump_on_offset.state | float ) %} pump_on
{% else %} pending {% endif %}
- platform: mqtt
name: "Solar Pump"
state_topic: "/solar/pwm/12"
command_topic: "/solar/pwm/12"
payload_on: "1023"
payload_off: "0"
qos: 1
retain: true
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xbmcnut commented May 3, 2020

That's a bit more difficult to explain. I've got another sensor in there sensor.pool_temperature that is part of the differential template so you'd need that set up too or modify to respect whatever sensors you do have. Easiest way to implement is to use packages. That way you can just drop the whole solar.yaml into your packages folder and it will pick up all the entities.

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pthelm commented May 3, 2020

Thanks again for the swift reply.
So I set up a packages folder as per Packages in Home Assistant ( Downloaded your solar.yaml and included packages in my configuration.yaml.
I need to modify my ESPHome DS18B20 temperature sensors to replace your platform: mqtt sensor. However I do not see any of the history graph or status window. Am I missing something. Thanks

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