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Created December 9, 2012 23:17
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ExcelGlossary - VB Script
Option Explicit
Const kOpenTermChar = "{"
Const kCloseTermChar = "}"
Const kExternalTermChar = "^"
Const kQuotingChar = """"
Const kNewTermIdPrefix = "-"
Const kTermIdDelimiter = "#"
Const kTermDelimiters = " (),;:.?!(){}^$<>/\|@#""'^§°%µ£"
'---------- Excel Zone that should be defined in the glossary sheet ----------------
'--- Glossary
Const kGlossarySheet = "Glossary"
Const kGlossaryTableZone = "GlossaryTableZone"
Const kGlossaryContextZone = "GlossaryContextZone"
Const kGlossaryDefinitionZone = "GlossaryDefinitionZone"
Const kGlossaryExampleZone = "GlossaryExampleZone"
Const kGlossaryReferenceZone = "GlossaryReferenceZone"
Const kGlossarySynonymsZone = "GlossarySynonymsZone"
Const kGlossaryTermZone = "GlossaryTermZone"
Const kGlossaryTranslationZone = "GlossaryTranslationZone"
Const kReferencedByZone = "ReferencedByZone"
Const kInternalReferenceTableZone = "_ReferenceTableZone"
Const kInternalReferenceGlossaryDefinition = 1
Const kInternalReferenceRefInLexicon = 2
Const kInternalReferenceRefInGlossary = 3
Const kInternalReferenceSummaryTableZone = "_ReferenceSummaryTableZone"
Const kInternalReferenceSummaryTermId = 1
Const kInternalReferenceSummaryRefTo = 2
Const kInternalReferenceSummaryRefFrom = 3
Const kInternalReferenceSummaryTerm = 4
Const kInternalReferenceSummaryDefinition = 5
Const kInternalReferenceSummaryRefToTerms = 6
Const kInternalReferenceSummaryRefFromTerms = 7
Const kInternalReferenceSummaryOut = 8
Const kInternalReferenceSummaryIn = 9
Const kExportSheetName = "_X"
Const kBlack = 0
Const kBlue = -4165632
Const kDarkRed = -14614363
Dim g As Integer
Function pair(value1 As Variant, value2 As Variant, Optional key1 As String = "from", Optional key2 As String = "to") As Collection
Dim result As New Collection
Call result.Add(value1, key1)
Call result.Add(value2, key2)
Set pair = result
End Function
'Function FindInCollection(elem As Variant, coll As Collection, Optional start As Integer = 1, Optional key As Variant = Null) As Integer
' Dim i, n As Integer
' Dim found As Boolean
' found = False
' i = start
' n = coll.Count
' While (i <= n And Not found)
' If ...............................
' If coll(i) = elem Then
' found = True
' Else
' i = i + 1
' End If
' Wend
' If found Then
' FindInArray = i
' Else
' FindInArray = -1
' End If
'End Function
' not used
Function TrimString(aString As String) As String
TrimString = ReplaceString(aString, " ", "")
End Function
' replace ALL occurrences of a string by another one
Function ReplaceString(aString As String, toFind As String, toReplace As String) As String
Dim szReturn As String
Dim nPosition As Integer
Dim nPreviousPosition As Integer
szReturn = ""
nPreviousPosition = 1
nPosition = InStr(nPreviousPosition, aString, toFind)
If (nPosition <> 0) Then
szReturn = szReturn & Mid(aString, nPreviousPosition, nPosition - nPreviousPosition) & toReplace
szReturn = szReturn & Mid(aString, nPreviousPosition, Len(aString) - nPreviousPosition + 1)
End If
nPreviousPosition = nPosition + Len(toFind)
Loop While (nPosition <> 0)
ReplaceString = szReturn
End Function
Function ParseSimpleBracketedExpr(text As String, _
Optional openSeparator As String = "(", _
Optional closeSeparator As String = ")", _
Optional doTrim As Boolean = True) _
As Collection
Dim result As New Collection
Dim beforeBracket, inBracket, afterBracket As String
If (text = "") Then
beforeBracket = ""
inBracket = ""
afterBracket = ""
Dim leftParenthesisPos, rightParenthesisPos As Integer
leftParenthesisPos = InStr(1, text, openSeparator)
rightParenthesisPos = InStr(leftParenthesisPos + 1, text, closeSeparator)
If (leftParenthesisPos >= 1 And rightParenthesisPos >= 1 And rightParenthesisPos >= leftParenthesisPos) Then
beforeBracket = Mid(text, 1, leftParenthesisPos - 1)
inBracket = Mid(text, leftParenthesisPos + 1, rightParenthesisPos - leftParenthesisPos - 1)
afterBracket = Mid(text, rightParenthesisPos + 1, Len(text) - rightParenthesisPos)
beforeBracket = text
inBracket = ""
afterBracket = ""
End If
If (doTrim) Then
beforeBracket = Trim(beforeBracket)
inBracket = Trim(inBracket)
afterBracket = Trim(afterBracket)
End If
End If
Call result.Add(beforeBracket, "before")
Call result.Add(inBracket, "in")
Call result.Add(afterBracket, "after")
Set ParseSimpleBracketedExpr = result
End Function
Function FindInArray(elem As Variant, elems As Variant, Optional start As Integer = 0) As Integer
Dim i, n As Integer
Dim found As Boolean
found = False
i = start
n = UBound(elems)
While (i <= n And Not found)
If elems(i) = elem Then
found = True
i = i + 1
End If
If found Then
FindInArray = i
FindInArray = -1
End If
End Function
' Return the NextFreeString position as an interval where
' Start is the position of the first character of the free string
' End is the position of the character AFTER the string.
' If the free string is empty Start=End
'Function NextFreeString(sText As String, Optional nBegin As Integer = 1, Optional sDelimiter As String = "'") As IntegerInterval
' Dim nStart, nEnd, nFirstDelimiter As Integer
' If (Len(sText) = 0) Then
' ' The string is empty
' nStart = nBegin
' nEnd = nBegin
' Else
' nFirstDelimiter = InStr(nBegin, sText, sDelimiter)
' If (nFirstDelimiter >= 1) Then
' ' The next free string start from the begining to the delimiter
' nStart = nBegin
' nEnd = nFirstDelimiter
' Else
' ' The next free string goes to the end
' nStart = nBegin
' nEnd = Len(sText)
' End
' End
' NextFreeString.Start = nStart
' NextFreeString.End = nEnd
'End Function
' this function indicates if col.item(key). Otherwise it generates an error!
Function ContainsKey(col As Collection, key As Variant) As Boolean
Dim itm As Variant
On Error Resume Next
itm = col.Item(key)
ContainsKey = Not (Err.Number = 5 Or Err.Number = 9)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function PositionInCollection(col As Collection, value As Variant) As Integer
Dim v As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim position As Integer
position = -1
i = 0
For Each v In col
i = i + 1
If (v = value) Then
position = i
Exit For
End If
Next v
PositionInCollection = position
End Function
Function JoinCollection(coll As Collection, Optional delimiter As String = "") As String
Dim result As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim elem
If coll.Count = 0 Then
result = ""
i = 1
For Each elem In coll
If (i <> 1) Then
result = result & delimiter
End If
result = result & CStr(elem)
i = i + 1
Next elem
End If
JoinCollection = result
End Function
' Split the text according to the given delimiters
' return either a collection of strings or a collection of "fullSegment"
' a Full segment is a collection with a key "text", "position", "previousDelimiter"
Function SplitMultipleDelimiters(sText As String, sDelimiters As String, _
Optional sQuotingDelimiters As String = """", _
Optional returnFullSegments As Boolean = False) As Collection
Dim segments As New Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim c As String
Dim nBeginSegment As Integer
Dim currentString As String
Dim lastDelimiter As String
Dim cIsDelimiter As Boolean
Dim cIsQuotingDelimiter As Boolean
Dim fullSegment As Collection
Dim inQuotedString As Boolean
Dim idx As Integer
currentString = ""
lastDelimiter = ""
nBeginSegment = 1
inQuotedString = False
For idx = 1 To Len(sText)
c = Mid(sText, idx, 1)
cIsQuotingDelimiter = (InStr(1, sQuotingDelimiters, c) >= 1)
If cIsQuotingDelimiter Then
inQuotedString = Not inQuotedString
End If
' delimiters chars are ignored if there are in quoted string
cIsDelimiter = (Not inQuotedString) And (InStr(1, sDelimiters, c) >= 1)
If (Not cIsDelimiter) Then
' This is not a delimiter
currentString = currentString & c
End If
If (cIsDelimiter Or idx = Len(sText)) Then
If (returnFullSegments) Then
Set fullSegment = New Collection
fullSegment.Add key:="text", Item:=currentString
fullSegment.Add key:="position", Item:=nBeginSegment
fullSegment.Add key:="previousDelimiter", Item:=lastDelimiter
segments.Add fullSegment
segments.Add currentString
End If
'we start another string
currentString = ""
nBeginSegment = idx + 1
End If
If (cIsDelimiter) Then
lastDelimiter = c
End If
Next idx
Set SplitMultipleDelimiters = segments
End Function
Function AlternateCollection(coll As Collection, nBegin As Integer, nPeriod As Integer) As Collection
Dim result As New Collection
Dim idx As Integer
For idx = 1 To coll.Count
If (idx - nBegin) Mod nPeriod = 0 Then
result.Add (coll(idx))
End If
Next idx
Set AlternateCollection = result
End Function
Function MapItemCollection(coll As Collection, key As Variant) As Variant
Dim result As New Collection
For Each elem In coll
result.Add (elem.Item(key))
Next elem
Set MapItemCollection = result
End Function
'==================================== XLS General helpers ===============================================
Function XLSSetCellCharacters(cell As Range, start As Integer, lgth As Integer, Color As Long, Optional style As String = "")
With cell.Characters(start, lgth).Font
.Color = Color
.FontStyle = style
End With
End Function
Function XLSLastNRow(R As Range) As Integer
XLSLastNRow = R.Row + XLSRangeHeight(R) - 1
End Function
Function XLSRangeHeight(R As Range) As Integer
XLSRangeHeight = R.Rows.Count
End Function
Function XLSRangeWidth(R As Range) As Integer
XLSRangeWidth = R.Columns.Count
End Function
Function XLSRangeBottomRight(R As Range) As Range
Set XLSRangeBottomRight = R.Item(XLSRangeHeight(R), XLSRangeWidth(R))
End Function
Function XLSTopRight(R As Range) As Range
Set XLSTopRight = R.cells(1, 1)
End Function
Sub XLSDimZone(name As String, height As Integer, Optional width As Integer = -1)
Dim originalRange As Range
Dim worksheetName As String
Dim h As Integer
Dim w As Integer
Dim ref As String ' the reference of the new calculated zone
Set originalRange = Names(name).RefersToRange
If height = 0 Then
h = 1
h = height
End If
If width = -1 Then
w = originalRange.Columns.Count
w = width
End If
worksheetName =
ref = worksheetName & "!" _
& "R" & CStr(originalRange.Row) & "C" & CStr(originalRange.Column) _
& ":" _
& "R" & CStr(originalRange.Row + h - 1) & "C" & CStr(originalRange.Column + w - 1)
Names(name).RefersToR1C1 = "=" & ref
End Sub
'=========================== Glossary helpers ==========================================
Sub RedimGlossaryTableAndZones()
Dim tableHeaderRow, firstTableRow, lastTableRow, zonesHeight, iz As Integer
tableHeaderRow = Range(kGlossaryTableZone).Row
firstTableRow = tableHeaderRow + 1
lastTableRow = Sheets(kGlossarySheet).UsedRange.Rows.Count
zonesHeight = lastTableRow - firstTableRow + 1
Call XLSDimZone(kGlossaryTableZone, (zonesHeight + 1))
Dim zone As Variant
Dim zonename As String
For Each zone In Array( _
kGlossaryContextZone, kGlossaryDefinitionZone, kGlossaryExampleZone, kGlossaryReferenceZone, _
kGlossarySynonymsZone, kGlossaryTermZone, kGlossaryTranslationZone)
zonename = zone
Call XLSDimZone(zonename, (zonesHeight))
Next zone
End Sub
Function IsTermDelimiter(char As String) As Boolean
If (char = "") Then
IsTermDelimiter = True
IsTermDelimiter = (InStr(1, kTermDelimiters, char) >= 1)
End If
End Function
Function GetSingularAndPlural(termExpr As String)
Dim result As New Collection
Dim singular, plural, suffix As String
Dim parseResult As Collection
Set parseResult = ParseSimpleBracketedExpr(termExpr, "(", ")", True)
singular = parseResult.Item("before")
suffix = parseResult.Item("in")
If (suffix = "") Then
plural = ""
If (suffix = "s" Or suffix = "es") Then
plural = singular & suffix
If (suffix = "ies" And Right(singular, 1) = "y") Then
plural = Left(singular, Len(singular) - 1) & "ies"
If (Len(suffix) > 3) Then
plural = suffix
plural = singular & suffix
End If
End If
End If
End If
Call result.Add(singular, "singular")
Call result.Add(plural, "plural")
Set GetSingularAndPlural = result
End Function
Function GetSingularTerm(iGlossaryTerm As Integer) As String
GetSingularTerm = GetSingularAndPlural(Range(kGlossaryTermZone).Item(iGlossaryTerm).value).Item("singular")
End Function
Function GetDefinition(iGlossaryTerm As Integer) As String
GetDefinition = Range(kGlossaryDefinitionZone).Item(iGlossaryTerm).value
End Function
Function GetSynonymsExpr(iGlossaryTerm As Integer) As String
GetSynonymsExpr = Range(kGlossarySynonymsZone).Item(iGlossaryTerm).value
End Function
Function GetSynonyms(iGlossaryTerm As Integer) As Collection
Dim expr As String
Dim synonymExpr As Variant 'object/string
Dim synonymParts As New Collection
Dim synonym As String
Dim synonyms As New Collection
expr = GetSynonymsExpr(iGlossaryTerm)
For Each synonymExpr In SplitMultipleDelimiters(expr, ";", "", False)
Set synonymParts = ParseSimpleBracketedExpr((synonymExpr), "(", ")", True)
synonym = synonymParts.Item("before")
If (synonym <> "") Then
synonyms.Add (synonym)
End If
Next synonymExpr
Set GetSynonyms = synonyms
End Function
Function AllSubTerms(term As String) As Collection 'of Strings
Dim rawColl As New Collection
Dim uniTermColl As New Collection
Dim resultColl As New Collection
Dim R, uniTerm, subTerm As String
Set rawColl = SplitMultipleDelimiters(term, kTermDelimiters, kQuotingChar, False)
' some of the terms in the collection may be "". Filter them.
For Each R In rawColl
If (R <> "") Then
uniTermColl.Add (R)
End If
Next R
' generate all intervals and add them to the list of subterm
' for instance if the maximum is 3
' the intervals are 1 ; 1,2 then 2 ; 2,3 then 3
Dim max, lowBound, highBound, i As Integer
max = uniTermColl.Count
For lowBound = 1 To max
For highBound = lowBound To max
If (highBound - lowBound + 1 < max) Then
'subTerm = term & "[" & CStr(lowBound) & "," & CStr(highBound) & "]"
subTerm = ""
For i = lowBound To highBound
If i <> lowBound Then
subTerm = subTerm & " "
End If
subTerm = subTerm & uniTermColl.Item(i)
Next i
resultColl.Add (subTerm)
End If
Next highBound
Next lowBound
Set AllSubTerms = resultColl
End Function
' replace all occurrence of a term in a string. Do not take into account delimiters or quotes.
' if a plural with an s is detected then the replacement is done anyway. Check the details in
' the procedure
Function ReplaceTermInFreeString(term As String, replacement As String, text As String) As String
Dim lowerTerm As String
lowerTerm = LCase(term)
Dim lenTerm As Integer
lenTerm = Len(term)
Dim lenText As Integer
lenText = Len(text)
Dim lowerText As String
lowerText = LCase(text)
Dim termFound As Boolean
Dim termPosition As Integer
Dim positionOfRemainingText As Integer
Dim newText As String
newText = ""
positionOfRemainingText = 1
' searched the lowercased version of the term in the lowerversion of the text
termPosition = InStr(positionOfRemainingText, lowerText, lowerTerm, vbTextCompare)
If (termPosition >= 1) Then
'the term is textually found, but we should check if this occurence is clearly delimitated
'otherwize a term will be detected within words (e.g. engineer in engineering)
Dim beforeOk, afterOk As Boolean
' check what is the character before the text. Should be a delimiter or the begining of the string
If (termPosition = 1) Then
beforeOk = True
beforeOk = IsTermDelimiter(Mid(lowerText, termPosition - 1, 1))
End If
' check what is the character after the text.
' since we want to deal with plural, this is a little bit more complicated
' For instance group should be found in groups but not groupss
' first case: this is the end of the text: cool, that's is
If (termPosition + lenTerm > lenText) Then
afterOk = True
' there is a character after the term found
' check which char it is
Dim nextChar As String
nextChar = Mid(lowerText, termPosition + lenTerm, 1)
If (IsTermDelimiter(nextChar)) Then
afterOk = True
If (nextChar = "s") Then
' this seems to be a plural. But check if this is the case
If (termPosition + lenTerm + 1 > lenText) Then
' the s is the last char. So this is the occurence of the term in its plura
afterOk = True
' check if the s is followed by a delimiter
afterOk = IsTermDelimiter(Mid(lowerText, termPosition + lenTerm + 1, 1))
End If
'this is not a s, nor a term delimiter
afterOk = False
End If 'nextChar = "s"
End If 'IsTermDelimiter(nextChar)
End If 'termPosition >= 1
termFound = beforeOk And afterOk
If (termFound) Then
' we found a valid occurrence of the term
' output everything that was before this term + the term, and then continue after
newText = newText & Mid(text, positionOfRemainingText, termPosition - positionOfRemainingText) & replacement
positionOfRemainingText = termPosition + lenTerm
' this is a false alert
' we copy everything before + the term as found, and then we continue after
newText = newText & Mid(text, positionOfRemainingText, termPosition + lenTerm - positionOfRemainingText)
positionOfRemainingText = termPosition + lenTerm
End If 'termFound
newText = newText & Mid(text, positionOfRemainingText, lenText - positionOfRemainingText + 1)
positionOfRemainingText = lenText + 1
End If
Loop While (positionOfRemainingText <= lenText)
ReplaceTermInFreeString = newText
End Function
Function TermIdString(i As Integer, Optional prefix As String = "") As String
TermIdString = kTermIdDelimiter & prefix & CStr(i) & kTermIdDelimiter
End Function
' return either reference as '#34#' or 34,
Function ExtractTermIds(text As String, returnString As Boolean) As Collection
Dim results As New Collection
Dim segment As Variant 'String
For Each segment In AlternateCollection(SplitMultipleDelimiters(text, kTermIdDelimiter, kQuotingChar, False), 2, 2)
If returnString Then
results.Add (kTermIdDelimiter & segment & kTermIdDelimiter)
results.Add (CInt(segment))
End If
Next segment
Set ExtractTermIds = results
End Function
Function ReplaceAllPairsInFreeString(termPairs As Collection, text As String, Optional reverse As Boolean = False) As String
Dim index As Integer
Dim term As String
Dim result As String
Dim termPair As New Collection
Dim source, target As String
If Not reverse Then
source = "from"
target = "to"
source = "to"
target = "from"
End If
result = text
For Each termPair In termPairs
If (termPair.Item(source) <> "" And termPair.Item(target) <> "") Then
result = ReplaceTermInFreeString((termPair.Item(source)), (termPair.Item(target)), result)
End If
Next termPair
ReplaceAllPairsInFreeString = result
End Function
Function BuildCellAndStrIndexPairs(cells As Range, Optional reverse As Boolean = False) As Collection
Dim pairs As New Collection
Dim cell As Range
Dim index As Integer
Dim key1, key2 As String
If reverse Then
key1 = "to"
key2 = "from"
key1 = "from"
key2 = "to"
End If
index = 0
For Each cell In cells
index = index + 1
' TODO we could use the Pair function
Dim pair As Collection
Set pair = New Collection
Call pair.Add(cell.value, key1)
Call pair.Add(TermIdString(index), key2)
Call pairs.Add(pair)
Next cell
Set BuildCellAndStrIndexPairs = pairs
End Function
Function ReplaceTermIdsInString(lexiconReplacementToId As Collection, additionalTerms As Collection, text As String) As String
Dim result As String
Dim additionalTerm As Variant 'String
Dim index As Integer
' we don't care about quotes, etc. The id have a very particular form, so...
' first replace the defined term id by their replacement string
result = ReplaceAllPairsInFreeString(lexiconReplacementToId, text, True)
' replace the additional term id to their term
index = 0
For Each additionalTerm In additionalTerms
index = index + 1
result = ReplaceTermInFreeString(TermIdString(index, kNewTermIdPrefix), kOpenTermChar & additionalTerm & kCloseTermChar, result)
Next additionalTerm
ReplaceTermIdsInString = result
End Function
' lexiconTermToId is a list of pairs of the form ("from"=>term, "to"=>theIdString)
' lexiconReplacementToId is a list of pairs of the form ("from"=>replacement string, "to"=>theIdString)
' additionalTerms is a In Out variable that accumulate terms that are to be defined
' this is a just a list of string. The corresponding id are calculated from the order of the string.
Function ReplaceAllTermsByTheirIdInAString(lexiconTermToId As Collection, _
lexiconReplacementToId As Collection, _
text As String, _
additionalTerms As Collection) As String
Dim globalResult As String
Dim segmentText As Variant 'text
Dim newSegmentText As String
Dim isQuotedString As Boolean
' quoted string alternate. There are even segments.
isQuotedString = False
globalResult = ""
For Each segmentText In SplitMultipleDelimiters(text, kQuotingChar, "", False)
If isQuotedString Then
' this is a quoted string. Just add it with the quotes without any kind of replacement
newSegmentText = kQuotingChar & segmentText & kQuotingChar
' this is not a free string so we should replace the all the terms we can replace
' start with replacing the "lexicon replacements". As they are already quoted, this is easy
newSegmentText = segmentText
newSegmentText = ReplaceAllPairsInFreeString(lexiconReplacementToId, newSegmentText)
' Now all the term brackets that are still there are terms that the user want to define
' so we should check all occurrences of them and build a dictionnary
Dim parseResult As Collection
Dim before As String
Dim into As String
Dim after As String
Dim subSegment As String
Dim newId As Variant
Dim additionalTermPosition As Integer
subSegment = ""
after = newSegmentText
Set parseResult = ParseSimpleBracketedExpr(after, kOpenTermChar, kCloseTermChar, False)
before = parseResult.Item("before")
into = parseResult.Item("in")
If into = "" Then
subSegment = subSegment & before
additionalTermPosition = PositionInCollection(additionalTerms, into)
If (additionalTermPosition < 1) Then
' the term is not in the additional dictionary. So add it
Call additionalTerms.Add(into)
newId = TermIdString(additionalTerms.Count, kNewTermIdPrefix)
newId = TermIdString(additionalTermPosition, kNewTermIdPrefix)
End If
subSegment = subSegment & before & newId
End If
after = parseResult.Item("after")
Loop While (after <> "")
newSegmentText = subSegment
' now replace the "lexicon terms"
newSegmentText = ReplaceAllPairsInFreeString(lexiconTermToId, newSegmentText)
End If
isQuotedString = Not isQuotedString
globalResult = globalResult & newSegmentText
Next segmentText
ReplaceAllTermsByTheirIdInAString = globalResult
End Function
' return a list of additional terms to add + a collection of reference pairs
Function XLSReplaceAllTermsInARange(cells As Range, Optional cellOffset As Integer = 0) As Collection
Dim cell As Range
Dim nCell As Integer
Dim dicoReplacement As Collection
Dim dicoTerm As Collection
Dim textWithIds As String
Dim additionalTerms As New Collection
Dim comment As String
Dim referencePairs As New Collection 'of Pair
Dim sourceReference As Integer
Dim targetReference As Variant 'Integer
Set dicoReplacement = BuildCellAndStrIndexPairs(Range("LexiconReplacementZone"))
Set dicoTerm = BuildCellAndStrIndexPairs(Range("LexiconTermZone"))
sourceReference = cellOffset
For Each cell In cells
sourceReference = sourceReference + 1
textWithIds = ReplaceAllTermsByTheirIdInAString(dicoTerm, dicoReplacement, cell.value, additionalTerms)
For Each targetReference In ExtractTermIds(textWithIds, False)
' note that we can't remove reflexive reference here because targetReference is in term of the lexicon, because they might be synonym, etc.
Call referencePairs.Add(pair(sourceReference, CInt(targetReference)))
Next targetReference
comment = "=>" & JoinCollection(ExtractTermIds(textWithIds, True), ",") ' & " -- " & textWithIds
Call cell.AddComment(comment)
cell.value = ReplaceTermIdsInString(dicoReplacement, additionalTerms, textWithIds)
Next cell
Dim result As Collection
Set result = pair(additionalTerms, referencePairs, "additionalTerms", "referencePairs")
Set XLSReplaceAllTermsInARange = result
End Function
Sub AddHyperlink()
' Macro1 Macro
' c'est un test
'ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "12"
With ActiveSheet
Set GlossaryDefinitionZone = .Range(kGlossaryDefinitionZone)
Set termZone = .Range(kGlossaryTermZone)
Set seeAlsoZone = .Range(kSeeAlsoZone)
Set referencedByZone = .Range(kReferencedByZone)
Set debugZone = .Range(kDebugZone)
End With
'Compute the size of the zone. Should be all the same...
Dim nZoneSize As Integer
nZoneSize = termZone.Count
If (GlossaryDefinitionZone.Count <> Count) Then
'WriteErrorLog "TermZone has " + nZoneSize + " rows but GlossaryDefinitionZone has " + GlossaryDefinitionZone.Count
End If
'Get the first element
Dim firstTermRow As Integer
firstTermRow = termZone.cells(1, 1).Row
Dim currentTerm As String
Dim nRow As Integer
Dim termToSearch As String
Dim addressOfTargetCell As String
Dim targetTermIndex As Integer
For termIndex = 1 To nZoneSize
referencedByZone.cells(termIndex, 1) = ""
Next termIndex
For termIndex = 1 To nZoneSize
Set termCell = termZone.cells(termIndex, 1)
currentTerm = termCell.value
Set seeAlsoCell = seeAlsoZone.cells(termIndex, 1)
If (seeAlsoCell.value <> "") Then
termToSearch = seeAlsoCell.value
Set targetCell = termZone.Find(What:=termToSearch)
If (targetCell Is Nothing) Then
debugZone.cells(termIndex, 1).value = "not found"
addressOfTargetCell = CStr(targetCell.Address(RowAbsolute:=True, ColumnAbsolute:=False, RelativeTo:=termZone))
targetTermIndex = targetCell.Row - firstTermRow + 1
debugZone.cells(termIndex, 1).value = targetTermIndex
Call ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add(Anchor:=seeAlsoCell, _
Address:="", _
SubAddress:=addressOfTargetCell, _
ScreenTip:="test", _
Set targetRefByCell = referencedByZone.cells(targetTermIndex, 1)
If (targetRefByCell.value <> "") Then
targetRefByCell.value = targetRefByCell.value + " ; " + currentTerm
End If
targetRefByCell.value = targetRefByCell.value + currentTerm
'referencedByZone.Cells(termIndex, 1).Value + "; " + currentTerm
End If
'SubAddress:=addressOfTargetCell, _
End If
'For Each c In Range("MyRange")
' If c.Value > Limit Then
' c.Interior.ColorIndex = 27
' End If
'Next c
'If (Worksheet.Cells(nTempRow, nColumnRelatedElements).Value <> "") Then
' Worksheet.Columns("B:B").Find(What:=Worksheet.Cells(nTempRow, nColumnRelatedElements).Value, _
' After:=Worksheet.Cells(3, 2), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
' LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
' MatchCase:=True, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
' szHyperlink = CStr(ExcelApp.ActiveCell.Address(1, 0))
' If (szHyperlink <> "") Then
' Worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Worksheet.Cells(nTempRow, nColumnRelatedElements), Address:="", SubAddress:=szHyperlink, _
' TextToDisplay:=Worksheet.Cells(nTempRow, nColumnRelatedElements).Value
' Else
' WriteErrorLog "unable to make hyperlink for " + Worksheet.Cells(nTempRow, nColumnRelatedElements).Value
' End If
'End If
Next termIndex
End Sub
'----------------------------------------------- Internal Tables Reference Management -----------------------------------
Sub ClearInternalReferenceTable()
End Sub
Sub BuildInternalReferenceTable(referencePairs As Collection)
Dim pair As Collection 'of pair("from","to")
Dim table As Range
Dim index As Integer
Dim source, targetInLexicon, targetInGlossary As Integer
Set table = Range(kInternalReferenceTableZone)
index = 1
For Each pair In referencePairs
source = pair.Item("from")
targetInLexicon = pair.Item("to")
If targetInLexicon >= 1 Then
targetInGlossary = Range("LexiconGlossaryIdZone").cells(targetInLexicon, 1).value
targetInGlossary = targetInLexicon
End If
If (source <> targetInGlossary) Then
table.cells(index + 1, kInternalReferenceGlossaryDefinition).value = source
table.cells(index + 1, kInternalReferenceRefInLexicon).value = targetInLexicon
table.cells(index + 1, kInternalReferenceRefInGlossary).value = targetInGlossary
index = index + 1
End If
Next pair
Call XLSDimZone(kInternalReferenceTableZone, index)
Call BuildInternalReferenceSummaryTable
Call XLSUpdateExportSheet
End Sub
Sub ClearInternalReferenceSummaryTable()
Range(kInternalReferenceSummaryTableZone).offset(1, 0).Clear
Range(kInternalReferenceSummaryTableZone).offset(1, 0).ClearComments
End Sub
Sub BuildInternalReferenceSummaryTable()
Dim index As Integer
Dim indexGlossary As Integer
Dim sourceInGlossary, targetInGlossary As Integer
Dim sourceIdStr, targetIdStr As String
Dim pairTable As Range
Dim summaryTable As Range
Dim refTo, refFrom As String
Set pairTable = Range(kInternalReferenceTableZone)
Call ClearInternalReferenceSummaryTable
Call XLSDimZone(kInternalReferenceSummaryTableZone, Range(kGlossaryTermZone).Rows.Count + 1)
Set summaryTable = Range(kInternalReferenceSummaryTableZone)
For index = 1 To pairTable.Rows.Count - 1 'the header does not count
sourceInGlossary = pairTable.cells(index + 1, kInternalReferenceGlossaryDefinition).value
sourceIdStr = TermIdString((sourceInGlossary)) 'XXX
targetInGlossary = pairTable.cells(index + 1, kInternalReferenceRefInGlossary).value
targetIdStr = TermIdString((targetInGlossary))
' add to the refTo if not already present
refTo = summaryTable.cells(sourceInGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryRefTo).value
If (InStr(1, refTo, targetIdStr) >= 1) Then
' the reference to this glossary term is already there
summaryTable.cells(sourceInGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryRefTo).value = refTo & targetIdStr & ";"
End If
summaryTable.cells(sourceInGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryOut).value = summaryTable.cells(sourceInGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryOut).value + 1
' add to the refFrom list if not already present
If targetInGlossary >= 1 Then
refFrom = summaryTable.cells(targetInGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryRefFrom).value
If (InStr(1, refFrom, sourceIdStr) >= 1) Then
' the reference is already there
summaryTable.cells(targetInGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryRefFrom).value = refFrom & sourceIdStr & ";"
End If
End If
If targetInGlossary >= 1 Then
summaryTable.cells(targetInGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryIn).value = summaryTable.cells(targetInGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryIn).value + 1
End If
Next index
Dim cleaned As String
Dim reference As Variant 'string that is a int
Dim refTerms As String
Dim n As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For indexGlossary = 1 To Range(kGlossaryTermZone).Rows.Count
summaryTable.cells(indexGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryTermId) = indexGlossary
summaryTable.cells(indexGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryTerm) = GetSingularTerm(indexGlossary)
summaryTable.cells(indexGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryDefinition) = GetDefinition(indexGlossary)
' the code below is quite ugly. All that just to replace some StrIds to their equivalent! TODO clean it
refTerms = ""
i = 0
For Each reference In Split(Replace(summaryTable.cells(indexGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryRefTo).value, "#", ""), ";")
i = i + 1
If reference <> "" Then
n = CInt(reference)
If n >= 1 Then
If (i <> 1) Then
refTerms = refTerms & ";"
End If
refTerms = refTerms & GetSingularTerm(n)
End If
End If
Next reference
summaryTable.cells(indexGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryRefToTerms) = refTerms
refTerms = ""
i = 0
For Each reference In Split(Replace(summaryTable.cells(indexGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryRefFrom).value, "#", ""), ";")
i = i + 1
If reference <> "" Then
n = CInt(reference)
If n >= 1 Then
If (i <> 1) Then
refTerms = refTerms & ";"
End If
refTerms = refTerms & GetSingularTerm(n)
End If
End If
Next reference
summaryTable.cells(indexGlossary + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryRefFromTerms) = refTerms
Next indexGlossary
' Call range(kInternalReferenceSummaryTableZone).Replace(What:="#",replacement:="",lookAT:=searchOrder,
End Sub
Sub XLSNewGlossaryTerm()
Dim lastRow As Range
Set lastRow = Rows(XLSLastNRow(Range(kGlossaryTermZone)))
Call lastRow.Insert
Call lastRow.ClearContents
Call lastRow.ClearComments
End Sub
Sub XLSAddGlossaryTerm(term As String)
Call XLSNewGlossaryTerm
ActiveCell.value = term
End Sub
Sub XLSAddGlossaryTerms(terms As Collection)
Dim term As Variant
For Each term In terms
Call XLSAddGlossaryTerm((term))
Next term
End Sub
Sub XLSSortGlossaryTable()
Call Range(kGlossaryTableZone).offset(1).Sort(Range(kGlossaryTermZone), xlAscending)
End Sub
Sub XLSReplaceAllTermsInRange(cells As Range, Optional offset As Integer = 0, Optional doColor As Boolean = False)
Dim pair As Collection
Dim additionalTerms As Collection
Dim referencePairs As Collection
Call XLSBuildLexicon
Call SortLexiconTable("LexiconLengthZone")
Set pair = XLSReplaceAllTermsInARange(cells, offset)
Set additionalTerms = pair.Item("additionalTerms")
Set referencePairs = pair.Item("referencePairs")
If doColor Then
Call XLSColorQuotedText(cells, Range("LexiconReplacementZone"))
End If
Call XLSAddGlossaryTerms(additionalTerms)
If offset = 0 Then
Call BuildInternalReferenceTable(referencePairs)
End If
End Sub
' Ctrl - r
Sub XLSReplaceAllTermsInSelection()
Call RedimGlossaryTableAndZones
Call XLSReplaceAllTermsInRange(Selection, -5000, True)
End Sub
' Ctrl - u
Sub XLSReplaceAllTermsInGlossaryDefinitionZone()
Call RedimGlossaryTableAndZones
Call XLSReplaceAllTermsInRange(Range(kGlossaryDefinitionZone), 0, True)
End Sub
Sub XLSUpdateExportSheet()
Call RedimGlossaryTableAndZones
Dim export As Range
Dim summary As Range
Dim termIndex As Integer
Set export = Sheets(kExportSheetName).cells
Set summary = Range(kInternalReferenceSummaryTableZone)
Call export.Columns.Clear
For termIndex = 1 To summary.Rows.Count - 1 'because of header
export.cells(termIndex, 1).value = summary.cells(termIndex + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryTerm).value
export.cells(termIndex, 2).value = summary.cells(termIndex + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryDefinition).value
export.cells(termIndex, 3).value = summary.cells(termIndex + 1, kInternalReferenceSummaryRefToTerms).value
Next termIndex
End Sub
'========================================= LEXICON MANAGEMENT =========================================================
Sub XLSPutItemInLexicon(nitem As Integer, term As String, glossaryTerm As String, glossaryId As Integer, targetCell As Range, _
isGlossaryTerm As Boolean, isPlural As Boolean, isSynonym As Boolean, isSubterm As Boolean, isComposedTerm)
Dim termCell, refToGlossaryCell As Range
Dim addressOfTargetCell As String
Dim linkCell As Range
Dim linkText As String
Dim glossaryTermDefinition As String
Dim replacementCell As Range
Set termCell = Range("LexiconTermZone").Item(nitem)
termCell.value = term
Set refToGlossaryCell = Range("LexiconGlossaryTermZone").Item(nitem)
addressOfTargetCell = kGlossarySheet & "!" & CStr(targetCell.Address(RowAbsolute:=True, ColumnAbsolute:=True))
refToGlossaryCell.value = glossaryTerm
' glossaryTermDefinition = GetDefinition(nitem
If (glossaryTerm <> "") Then
Set linkCell = refToGlossaryCell
linkText = glossaryTerm
Set linkCell = termCell
linkText = term
End If
Call ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add(Anchor:=linkCell, _
Address:="", _
SubAddress:=addressOfTargetCell, _
ScreenTip:="test", _
Range("LexiconIsGlossaryTermZone").Item(nitem).value = isGlossaryTerm
Range("LexiconIsPluralZone").Item(nitem).value = isPlural
Range("LexiconIsSynonymZone").Item(nitem).value = isSynonym
Range("LexiconIsSubTermZone").Item(nitem).value = isSubterm
Range("LexiconIsComposedTermZone").Item(nitem).value = isComposedTerm
Range("LexiconLengthZone").Item(nitem).value = Len(term)
Range("LexiconGlossaryIdZone").Item(nitem).value = glossaryId
Set replacementCell = Range("LexiconReplacementZone").Item(nitem)
If (isGlossaryTerm Or isPlural) Then
replacementCell.value = kOpenTermChar & term & kCloseTermChar
If (isSynonym) Then
replacementCell.value = kOpenTermChar & glossaryTerm & " <= " & term & kCloseTermChar
replacementCell.value = ""
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ClearLexiconTableContent()
End Sub
Sub SortLexiconTable(zonename As String)
Call Range("LexiconTableZone").Sort(Range(zonename), xlDescending)
End Sub
Sub XLSBuildLexicon()
Dim lexiconTermCells As Range
Dim glossaryTermCell As Range
Dim lexiconTermCell As Range
Dim nbLexiconTerm As Integer
Dim glossaryTermExpr, plural, singular As String
Dim termExprParsed As Collection
Dim iGlossaryTerm As Integer
Set lexiconTermCells = Range("LexiconTermZone")
nbLexiconTerm = 0
Call ClearLexiconTableContent
'----- Add all the glossary terms in their singular form
iGlossaryTerm = 0
For Each glossaryTermCell In Range(kGlossaryTermZone)
iGlossaryTerm = iGlossaryTerm + 1
Set glossaryTermExpr = GetSingularAndPlural(glossaryTermCell.value)
singular = glossaryTermExpr.Item("singular")
If (singular <> "") Then
Call XLSPutItemInLexicon(nitem:=nbLexiconTerm + 1, term:=singular, glossaryTerm:="", glossaryId:=iGlossaryTerm, _
targetCell:=glossaryTermCell, _
isGlossaryTerm:=True, isPlural:=False, isSynonym:=False, _
isSubterm:=False, isComposedTerm:=(InStr(1, singular, " ") >= 1))
nbLexiconTerm = nbLexiconTerm + 1
End If
Next glossaryTermCell
'---- Add all plurals based on glossary terms
iGlossaryTerm = 0
For Each glossaryTermCell In Range(kGlossaryTermZone)
iGlossaryTerm = iGlossaryTerm + 1
Set glossaryTermExpr = GetSingularAndPlural(glossaryTermCell.value)
singular = glossaryTermExpr.Item("singular")
plural = glossaryTermExpr.Item("plural")
If (singular <> "" And plural <> "") Then
Call XLSPutItemInLexicon(nitem:=nbLexiconTerm + 1, term:=(plural), glossaryTerm:=(singular), glossaryId:=iGlossaryTerm, _
targetCell:=glossaryTermCell, _
isGlossaryTerm:=False, isPlural:=True, isSynonym:=False, _
isSubterm:=False, isComposedTerm:=(InStr(1, plural, " ") >= 1))
nbLexiconTerm = nbLexiconTerm + 1
End If
Next glossaryTermCell
'---- Add all subTerms of glossary terms
'================= removed ===================
If False Then
Dim subTerms As New Collection
Dim subTerm As Variant
iGlossaryTerm = 0
For Each glossaryTermCell In Range(kGlossaryTermZone)
iGlossaryTerm = iGlossaryTerm + 1
Set glossaryTermExpr = GetSingularAndPlural(glossaryTermCell.value)
singular = glossaryTermExpr.Item("singular")
If (singular <> "") Then
Set subTerms = AllSubTerms(singular)
For Each subTerm In subTerms
Call XLSPutItemInLexicon(nitem:=nbLexiconTerm + 1, term:=(subTerm), glossaryTerm:=(singular), glossaryId:=iGlossaryTerm, _
targetCell:=glossaryTermCell, _
isGlossaryTerm:=False, isPlural:=False, isSynonym:=False, _
isSubterm:=True, isComposedTerm:=(InStr(1, subTerm, " ") >= 1))
nbLexiconTerm = nbLexiconTerm + 1
Next subTerm
End If
Next glossaryTermCell
End If
'---- Add all synonyms of glossary terms
Dim synonym As Variant 'Object string
iGlossaryTerm = 0
For Each glossaryTermCell In Range(kGlossaryTermZone)
iGlossaryTerm = iGlossaryTerm + 1
Set glossaryTermExpr = GetSingularAndPlural(glossaryTermCell.value)
singular = glossaryTermExpr.Item("singular")
For Each synonym In GetSynonyms(iGlossaryTerm)
Call XLSPutItemInLexicon(nitem:=nbLexiconTerm + 1, term:=(synonym), glossaryTerm:=(singular), glossaryId:=iGlossaryTerm, _
targetCell:=glossaryTermCell, _
isGlossaryTerm:=False, isPlural:=False, isSynonym:=True, _
isSubterm:=False, isComposedTerm:=(InStr(1, synonym, " ") >= 1))
nbLexiconTerm = nbLexiconTerm + 1
Next synonym
Next glossaryTermCell
Call XLSDimZone("LexiconTermZone", nbLexiconTerm)
Call XLSDimZone("LexiconReplacementZone", nbLexiconTerm)
Call XLSDimZone("LexiconTableZone", nbLexiconTerm, -1)
Call XLSDimZone("LexiconLengthZone", nbLexiconTerm)
' Call range("LexiconTermZone").Rows.Offset(-1).Sort("R6C8", xlDescending)
' Call range("R6:R1000").Sort("R6C8", xlDescending)
End Sub
' dico could be either null, a array of string, or a excel range (of cells)
Sub XLSColorQuotedText(cells As Range, Optional dico As Variant = Null)
Dim cell As Range
Dim segments As Collection
Dim cellText As String
For Each cell In cells
cellText = cell.value
' Parse the cellvalue
Set segments = _
SplitMultipleDelimiters(cellText, kOpenTermChar & kCloseTermChar & kExternalTermChar, kQuotingChar, True)
' Color the quoted text, that is the segments that are at odd positions
Dim nSegment As Integer
Dim text As String ' Text of current segment
Dim start As Integer ' Start position of current segment
Dim size As Integer ' Length of current segment
Dim isQuotedText As Boolean ' Is the current segment quoted
Dim isInDico As Boolean ' Is the current segement in the dictionnary
Dim Color As Long
Dim style As String
Dim segment As Collection
nSegment = 1
For Each segment In segments
text = segment.Item("text")
size = Len(text)
start = segment.Item("position")
isQuotedText = nSegment Mod 2 = 0
If (isQuotedText) Then
If Not IsNull(dico) Then
If IsObject(dico) Then
Dim targetCell As Range
Set targetCell = dico.Find(What:=kOpenTermChar & text & kCloseTermChar, _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookAT:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
isInDico = Not (targetCell Is Nothing)
If IsArray(dico) Then
isInDico = FindInArray(text, dico) <> -1
End If
isInDico = False
End If
End If
' we add the preceding quote in the set of char to color
start = start - 1
size = size + 1
If (start + size <= Len(cellText)) Then
' if there a final quote (it may not exist and the string may end abrubtly)
size = size + 1
End If
If Not IsNull(dico) And isInDico Then
Color = kBlue
Color = kDarkRed
End If
style = "Bold"
Color = kBlack
style = ""
End If
Call XLSSetCellCharacters(cell, start, size, Color, style)
nSegment = nSegment + 1
Next segment
Next cell
End Sub
Sub XLSColorSelectedDefinitions()
Call XLSColorQuotedText(Selection, Range("LexiconReplacementZone"))
End Sub
Sub XLSColorDefinitions()
Call XLSColorQuotedText(Range(kGlossaryDefinitionZone), Range("LexiconReplacementZone"))
End Sub
'============================================== TEST =========================================
' Temporary macro to test the computation of plural
Sub XSLPlural()
Dim cell As Range
Dim termExpr As String
Dim c As Collection
For Each cell In Range(kGlossaryTermZone)
termExpr = cell.value
Set c = GetSingularAndPlural(termExpr)
Call cell.ClearComments
Call cell.AddComment(c.Item("singular") & " / " & c.Item("plural"))
Next cell
End Sub
' Test rountine called with ctrl t
Sub XLSTest()
'Call XLSReplaceAllTermsByTheirIdInARange(Selection)
'Dim term As String
'Call ActiveCell.ClearComments
'Call ActiveCell.AddComment(JoinCollection(AllSubTerms(ActiveCell), ", "))
'Dim s As String
's = JoinCollection(GetSynonyms(CInt(ActiveCell.Value)), ", ")
'ActiveCell.AddComment (s)
'Call XLSDimZone("DebugZone", 23)
' Call ActiveCell.AddComment(XLSReplaceAllTermsByTheirIdInARange)
'g = g + 1
'ActiveCell.value = g
Call XLSUpdateExportSheet
End Sub
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