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Created March 7, 2022 15:57
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Reconcile descrepencies in document counts within elasticsearch
from requests import get
from json import dumps, loads
from prettytable import PrettyTable
src_server = 'http://localhost:9200'
def docCount(idx=None, typ=None):
url = src_server
if idx:
url += "/%s" % idx
if typ:
url += "/%s" % typ
url += "/_count"
res = loads(get(url).content)
return res['count'] if 'count' in res else 0
tbl = PrettyTable(['Index', 'Count on Index', 'Docs In Types'])
tbl.add_row(['entire cluster', docCount(), 'n/a'])
src_state=loads(get("%s/_cluster/state" % (src_server), timeout=600).content)
docsCountedInIndexes = 0
docsCountedInTypes = 0
for idx in src_state['metadata']['indices']:
docsInIndex = docCount(idx)
docsCountedInIndexes += docsInIndex
docsInTypes = 0
for typ in src_state['metadata']['indices'][idx]['mappings']:
docsInTypes += docCount(idx, typ)
docsCountedInTypes += docsInTypes
tbl.add_row([idx, docsInIndex, docsInTypes])
tbl.add_row(['Totals', docsCountedInIndexes, docsCountedInTypes])
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