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Created November 16, 2012 06:50
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Utility that copies all files from source directory that absent in target directory.
module Main (main) where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents, doesFileExist, copyFile)
import Control.Monad (filterM, mapM)
import Data.List
-- Line separator
lineSeparator = "\n"
-- Not proper names
bannedNames = ["..", "."]
-- Info string
usageString = "Usage: [source directory] [target directory]"
-- Function that appends directory name to file's name
appendDirectoryToFileName :: String -> String -> String
appendDirectoryToFileName directory fileName = directory ++ "/" ++ fileName
-- Function that gets only file contents from directory.
getProperFileNames :: String -> IO [FilePath]
getProperFileNames directoryName = do
directoryContents <- getDirectoryContents directoryName
let properNames =
(\name -> name `notElem` bannedNames)
filterM (\name -> doesFileExist (appendDirectoryToFileName directoryName name)) properNames
-- Main function
main :: IO ()
main = do
arguments <- getArgs
let argsLength = length arguments
if argsLength == 2 then do
let sourceDirectoryName = arguments !! 0
let targetDirectoryName = arguments !! 1
putStrLn $ "Copying files from: \"" ++ sourceDirectoryName ++ "\" to \"" ++ targetDirectoryName ++ "\""
properSourceFileNames <- getProperFileNames sourceDirectoryName
properTargetFileNames <- getProperFileNames targetDirectoryName
let filesDifference = properSourceFileNames \\ properTargetFileNames
putStrLn $ foldl (\first second -> first ++ lineSeparator ++ second) "" filesDifference
copyResults <- mapM
(\name -> do
(appendDirectoryToFileName sourceDirectoryName name)
(appendDirectoryToFileName targetDirectoryName name))
putStrLn $ (show $ length copyResults) ++ " files successfuly copied."
error usageString
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