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Created July 4, 2011 15:01
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The Better Way To Do Random using Scope
# before
# from
def self.pick
return Post.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM posts as r1 JOIN (SELECT CEIL(RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM posts)) AS gid) AS r2 WHERE >= r2.gid and r1.status = ‘published’ ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1;").first;
# after
# ex. Post.rand.published.limit(5)
scope :rand, lambda { |code| {
:joins => "join (SELECT CEIL(RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM posts)) AS gid) AS r2",
:conditions => " > r2.gid",
# :order => "id ASC" # do not order here, will cause scope chain very slow, especially with published scope.
# about 0.6ms
# Post Load (0.6ms) SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `posts`.* FROM `posts` join (SELECT CEIL(RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM posts)) AS gid) AS r2 WHERE `posts`.`aasm_state` = 'published' AND ( > r2.gid) AND (published_at_unix_time <= 1309789491) ORDER BY published_at_unix_time DESC LIMIT 5
# ====
# Many to many, ex. game has many posts, through game_posts
# pure game.posts.rand.limit(5) is fast, about 1 ms
# Post Load (1.0ms) SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `posts`.* FROM `posts` INNER JOIN `game_posts` ON `posts`.id = `game_posts`.post_id join (SELECT CEIL(RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM posts)) AS gid) AS r2 WHERE ((`game_posts`.game_id = 3)) AND ( > r2.gid) LIMIT 5
# but game.posts.published.limit(5) is very slow , about 148ms
# Post Load (148.5ms) SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `posts`.* FROM `posts` INNER JOIN `game_posts` ON `posts`.id = `game_posts`.post_id join (SELECT CEIL(RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM posts)) AS gid) AS r2 WHERE `posts`.`aasm_state` = 'published' AND ((`game_posts`.game_id = 3)) AND ( > r2.gid) AND (published_at_unix_time <= 1309790192) ORDER BY published_at_unix_time DESC LIMIT 5
# ====
# you should use Post.rand_by_game(3).published.limit(5)
scope :rand_by_game, lambda { |game_id| {
:joins => "join (SELECT CEIL(RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM posts)) AS gid) AS r2",
:conditions => " > r2.gid and in (select post_id from game_posts where game_id = #{game_id})",
# about 0.8ms
# Post Load (0.8ms) SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `posts`.* FROM `posts` join (SELECT CEIL(RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM posts)) AS gid) AS r2 WHERE `posts`.`aasm_state` = 'published' AND ( > r2.gid and in (select post_id from game_posts where game_id = 3)) AND (published_at_unix_time <= 1309790467) ORDER BY published_at_unix_time DESC LIMIT 5
# =====
def published
where(:aasm_state => "published").where(["published_at_unix_time <= ?",]).order("published_at_unix_time DESC")
Post.count # => 9413
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