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Created December 22, 2013 07:54
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A simple update of Chromium
@echo off
::注意:Vista、Win7、Win8 请用管理员运行此程序
echo Loading...
del LAST_CHANGE /f /s /q
del install.exe /f /s /q
for /f %%i in (LAST_CHANGE) do set newver=%%i
del LAST_CHANGE /f /s /q
title Chromium Updater by QXD12@QQ.COM
(for /f "tokens=3" %%b in ('reg query HKCU\Software\Chromium /v UpdVer') do set installedver=%%b)2>nul
if not a%installedver% == a (echo,已安装版本:%installedver%
) else (
echo 您是第一次使用本更新器)
echo,最新版本 :%newver%
set /a installedver=%installedver%+1-1
if %installedver% lss %newver% (
set /p=当前安装的不是最新版本,是否更新 Chromium?^(按任意键更新^)<nul & pause>nul & echo,
) else (
echo 当前安装的版本为最新,请明天再更新 Chromium 吧。& pause & exit )
echo 下载最新版本中、、、
wget "" -Oinstall.exe
reg add HKCU\Software\Chromium /v UpdVer /d %newver% /f
echo 正在安装 Chromium ...
start /wait "" install.exe
for /f "tokens=3" %%c in ('reg query HKCU\Software\Chromium /v InstallerSuccessLaunchCmdLine') do start "" %%c
echo 看到 Chromium 出现了吧 ^^_^^,安装完毕。谢谢您的使用!
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