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Created April 20, 2020 02:34
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# 如果Framework中还需要使用资源文件,请将资源文件单独复制到一个bundle中,使用一个文件夹包含.framework和.bundle
# 在build/Release-iphoneos/${Target_Name}.framework下创建真机framework
xcodebuild -configuration Release -target "${Target_Name}" -sdk iphoneos clean build
# 在build/Release-iphonesimulator/${Target_Name}.framework下创建模拟器framework
xcodebuild -configuration Release -target "${Target_Name}" -sdk iphonesimulator
# 将真机的framework里的内容全部复制到合并的framework文件夹内,主要是一些头文件,真机的编译的代码最终会被真机与模拟器合并后的代码覆盖
test -d "${Device_Simulator_Dir}" || mkdir -p "${Device_Simulator_Dir}" && cp -R "${Device_Dir}/" "${Device_Simulator_Dir}"
# 合并模拟器和真机的代码
lipo -create "${Device_Dir}/${Target_Name}" "${Simulator_Dir}/${Target_Name}" -output "${Device_Simulator_Dir}/${Target_Name}"
# 移除build目录
rm -r build
open $Device_Simulator_Dir/..
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