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Created June 14, 2024 04:17
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modify anki plugin to work with Anki 23.12.1 (Qt6)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Anki Add-on: Progress Bar
Shows progress in the Reviewer in terms of passed cards per session.
Copyright: (c) Unknown author (nest0r/Ja-Dark?) 2017
(c) SebastienGllmt 2017 <>
(c) liuzikai 2018-2020 <>
(c) Glutanimate 2017-2018 <>
License: GNU AGPLv3 or later <>
# Do not modify the following lines
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from typing import Optional
from anki.hooks import addHook, wrap
from anki import version as anki_version
from aqt.utils import showInfo
from aqt.qt import *
from aqt import mw
__version__ = '2.0.1'
############## USER CONFIGURATION START ##############
# Which queues to include in the progress calculation (all True by default)
includeNew = True
includeRev = True
includeLrn = True
# Only include new cards once reviews are exhausted.
includeNewAfterRevs = True
# Calculation weights
# Setting proper weights will make the progress bar goes smoothly and reasonably.
# For example, if all weight are 1, and you set 2 steps for a new card in your desk config, you will convey
# one 'new' into two 'learning' card if you press 'again' at the first time, which will increase remaining
# count and cause the bar to move backward.
# In this case, it's probably a good idea to set newWeight to 2, and remaining count will be calculated as
# new * 2 + learn + review. Now pressing 'again' will just make it stop going forward, but not backward. If
# you press 'easy' at first, the progress will go twice as fast, which is still reasonable.
# However, if you press 'good' followed by 'again', there will be another two learning card again, and the
# progress still needs to go backward. It may not be a big deal, but if you want the progress never goes
# backward strictly, enable forceForward below.
# Weights should be integers. It's their relative sizes that matters, not absolute values.
# Another example that make the progress goes unstably is 'bury related new cards to next day.' If you have
# three new cards in a note, there will be 3 new cards at the beginning of your review, but another two will
# disappear instantly after you learn one of them. However, all three cards will be regarded as 'completed,'
# so your progress may go three times as fast.
newWeight = 2
revWeight = 1
lrnWeight = 1
# If enabled, the progress will freeze if remaining count has to increase to prevent moving backward,
# and wait until your correct answers 'make up' this additional part.
# NOTE: This will not stop the progress from moving backward if you add cards or toggle suspended.
forceForward = False
showPercent = True # Show the progress text percentage or not.
showNumber = True # Show the progress text as a fraction
# qtxt = "aliceblue" # Percentage color, if text visible.
qtxt = "black" # Percentage color, if text visible.
qbg = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" # Background color of progress bar.
qfg = "#3399cc" # Foreground color of progress bar.
qbr = 0 # Border radius (> 0 for rounded corners).
# optionally restricts progress bar width
maxWidth = "20px" # (e.g. "5px". default: "")
scrollingBarWhenEditing = True # Make the progress bar 'scrolling' when waiting to resume.
# orientationHV = Qt.Horizontal # Show bar horizontally (side to side). Use with top/bottom dockArea.
orientationHV = Qt.Orientation.Horizontal # Show bar horizontally (side to side). Use with top/bottom dockArea.
# orientationHV = Qt.Vertical # Show bar vertically (up and down). Use with right/left dockArea.
invertTF = False # If set to True, inverts and goes from right to left or top to bottom.
# dockArea = Qt.TopDockWidgetArea # Shows bar at the top. Use with horizontal orientation.
dockArea = Qt.DockWidgetArea.TopDockWidgetArea
# dockArea = Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea # Shows bar at the bottom. Use with horizontal orientation.
# dockArea = Qt.RightDockWidgetArea # Shows bar at right. Use with vertical orientation.
# dockArea = Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea # Shows bar at left. Use with vertical orientation.
pbStyle = "" # Stylesheet used only if blank. Else uses QPalette + theme style.
'''pbStyle options (insert a quoted word above):
-- "plastique", "windowsxp", "windows", "windowsvista", "motif", "cde", "cleanlooks"
-- "macintosh", "gtk", or "fusion" might also work
-- "windowsvista" unfortunately ignores custom colors, due to animation?
-- Some styles don't reset bar appearance fully on undo. An annoyance.
-- Themes gallery:'''
############## USER CONFIGURATION END ##############
# Set up variables
remainCount = {} # {did: remaining count (weighted) of the deck}
doneCount = {} # {did: done count (weighted) of the deck}, calculated as total - remain when showing next question
totalCount = {} # {did: max total count (weighted) that was seen}, calculated as remain + done after state change
# NOTE: did stands for 'deck id'
# For old API of deckDueList(), these counts don't include cards in children decks. For new deck_due_tree(), they do.
currDID: Optional[int] = None # current deck id (None means at the deck browser)
nmStyleApplied = 0
nmUnavailable = 0
progressBar: Optional[QProgressBar] = None
pbdStyle = QStyleFactory.create("%s" % pbStyle) # Don't touch.
# Defining palette in case needed for custom colors with themes.
palette = QPalette()
# palette.setColor(QPalette.Base, QColor(qbg))
# palette.setColor(QPalette.Highlight, QColor(qfg))
# palette.setColor(QPalette.Button, QColor(qbg))
# palette.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, QColor(qtxt))
# palette.setColor(QPalette.Window, QColor(qbg))
palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Base, QColor(qbg))
palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Highlight, QColor(qfg))
palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Button, QColor(qbg))
palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.WindowText, QColor(qtxt))
palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Window, QColor(qbg))
if maxWidth:
if orientationHV == Qt.Orientation.Horizontal:
restrictSize = "max-height: %s;" % maxWidth
restrictSize = "max-width: %s;" % maxWidth
restrictSize = ""
# Remove that annoying separator strip if we have Night Mode, avoiding conflicts with this add-on.
import Night_Mode
Night_Mode.nm_css_menu \
+= Night_Mode.nm_css_menu \
+ '''
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
except ImportError:
nmUnavailable = 1
useOldAnkiAPI = anki_version.startswith("2.0.") or (
anki_version.startswith("2.1.") and int(anki_version.split(".")[-1]) < 28)
def initPB() -> None:
"""Initialize and set parameters for progress bar, adding it to the dock."""
global progressBar
progressBar = QProgressBar()
progressBar.setTextVisible(showPercent or showNumber)
if pbdStyle is None:
background-color: %s;
border-radius: %dpx;
background-color: %s;
margin: 0px;
border-radius: %dpx;
''' % (qtxt, qbg, qbr, restrictSize, qfg, qbr))
def _dock(pb: QProgressBar) -> QDockWidget:
"""Dock for the progress bar. Giving it a blank title bar,
making sure to set focus back to the reviewer."""
dock = QDockWidget()
tWidget = QWidget()
# Note: if there is another widget already in this dock position, we have to add ourself to the list
# first check existing widgets
existing_widgets = [widget for widget in mw.findChildren(QDockWidget) if mw.dockWidgetArea(widget) == dockArea]
# then add ourselves
mw.addDockWidget(dockArea, dock)
# stack with any existing widgets
if len(existing_widgets) > 0:
if dockArea == Qt.DockWidgetArea.TopDockWidgetArea or dockArea == Qt.DockWidgetArea.BottomDockWidgetArea:
stack_method = Qt.Orientation.Vertical
if dockArea == Qt.DockWidgetArea.LeftDockWidgetArea or dockArea == Qt.DockWidgetArea.RightDockWidgetArea:
stack_method = Qt.Orientation.Horizontal
mw.splitDockWidget(existing_widgets[0], dock, stack_method)
if qbr > 0 or pbdStyle is not None:
# Matches background for round corners.
# Also handles background for themes' percentage text.
return dock
def updatePB() -> None:
"""Update progress bar range and value with currDID, totalCount[] and doneCount[]"""
if useOldAnkiAPI:
# With old API, counts don't include cards in child decks
if currDID: # in a specific deck
deckName =
pbMax = pbValue = 0
# Sum up all children decks
for deckProp in mw.col.sched.deckDueList():
name = deckProp[0]
did = deckProp[1]
if name.startswith(deckName):
pbMax += totalCount[did]
pbValue += doneCount[did]
else: # at desk browser
pbMax = sum(totalCount.values())
pbValue = sum(doneCount.values())
# With new API, counts include cards in child decks
if currDID: # in a specific deck
pbMax = totalCount[currDID]
pbValue = doneCount[currDID]
else: # at desk browser
pbMax = pbValue = 0
# Sum top-level decks
for node in mw.col.sched.deck_due_tree().children:
pbMax += totalCount[node.deck_id]
pbValue += doneCount[node.deck_id]
# showInfo("pbMax = %d, pbValue = %d" % (pbMax, pbValue))
if pbMax == 0: # 100%
progressBar.setRange(0, 1)
progressBar.setRange(0, pbMax)
if showNumber:
if showPercent:
percent = 100 if pbMax == 0 else int(100 * pbValue / pbMax)
progressBar.setFormat("%d / %d (%d%%)" % (pbValue, pbMax, percent))
progressBar.setFormat("%d / %d" % (pbValue, pbMax))
def setScrollingPB() -> None:
"""Make progress bar in waiting style if the state is resetRequired (happened after editing cards.)"""
progressBar.setRange(0, 0)
if showNumber:
def nmApplyStyle() -> None:
"""Checks whether Night_Mode is disabled:
if so, we remove the separator here."""
global nmStyleApplied
if not nmUnavailable:
nmStyleApplied = Night_Mode.nm_state_on
if not nmStyleApplied:
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
def calcProgress(rev: int, lrn: int, new: int) -> int:
"""Calculate progress using weights and card counts from the sched."""
ret = 0
if includeRev:
ret += rev * revWeight
if includeLrn:
ret += lrn * lrnWeight
if includeNew or (includeNewAfterRevs and rev == 0):
ret += new * newWeight
return ret
def updateCountsForAllDecks(updateTotal: bool) -> None:
Update counts.
After adding, editing or deleting cards (afterStateChange hook), updateTotal should be set to True to update
totalCount[] based on doneCount[] and remainCount[]. No card should have been answered before this hook is
triggered, so the change in remainCount[] should be caused by editing collection and therefore goes into
When the user answer a card (showQuestion hook), updateTotal should be set to False to update doneCount[] based on
totalCount[] and remainCount[]. No change to collection should have been made before this hook is
triggered, so the change in remainCount[] should be caused by answering cards and therefore goes into
In the later case, remainCount[] may still increase based on the weights of New, Lrn and Rev cards (see comments
of "Calculation weights" above), in which case totalCount[] may still get updated based on forceForward setting.
:param updateTotal: True for afterStateChange hook, False for showQuestion hook
if useOldAnkiAPI:
for deckProp in mw.col.sched.deckDueList():
did = deckProp[1]
remain = calcProgress(deckProp[2], deckProp[3], deckProp[4])
updateCountsForDeck(did, remain, updateTotal)
for node in mw.col.sched.deck_due_tree().children:
updateCountsForTree(node, updateTotal)
def updateCountsForTree(node, updateTotal: bool) -> None:
did = node.deck_id
remain = calcProgress(node.review_count, node.learn_count, node.new_count)
updateCountsForDeck(did, remain, updateTotal)
for child in node.children:
updateCountsForTree(child, updateTotal)
def updateCountsForDeck(did: int, remain: int, updateTotal: bool):
if did not in totalCount.keys():
totalCount[did] = remainCount[did] = remain
doneCount[did] = 0
remainCount[did] = remain
if updateTotal:
totalCount[did] = doneCount[did] + remainCount[did]
if remainCount[did] + doneCount[did] > totalCount[did]:
# This may happen if you press 'again' followed by 'good' for a new card, as stated in comments
# "Calculation weights,' or when you undo a card, making remaining count increases.
if forceForward:
pass # give up changing counts, until the remainCount decrease.
totalCount[did] = doneCount[did] + remainCount[did]
doneCount[did] = totalCount[did] - remainCount[did]
def afterStateChangeCallBack(state: str, oldState: str) -> None:
global currDID
if state == "resetRequired":
if scrollingBarWhenEditing:
elif state == "deckBrowser":
# initPB() has to be here, since objects are not prepared yet when the add-on is loaded.
if not progressBar:
currDID = None
else: # "overview" or "review"
# showInfo("mw.col.decks.current()['id'])= %d" % mw.col.decks.current()['id'])
currDID = mw.col.decks.current()['id']
# showInfo("updateCountsForAllDecks(True), currDID = %d" % (currDID if currDID else 0))
updateCountsForAllDecks(True) # see comments at updateCountsForAllDecks()
def showQuestionCallBack() -> None:
# showInfo("updateCountsForAllDecks(False), currDID = %d" % (currDID if currDID else 0))
updateCountsForAllDecks(False) # see comments at updateCountsForAllDecks()
addHook("afterStateChange", afterStateChangeCallBack)
addHook("showQuestion", showQuestionCallBack)
if anki_version.startswith("2.0.x"):
"""Workaround for QSS issue in EditCurrent,
only necessary on Anki 2.0.x"""
from aqt.editcurrent import EditCurrent
def changeStylesheet(*args):
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
def restoreStylesheet(*args):
EditCurrent.__init__ = wrap(
EditCurrent.__init__, restoreStylesheet, "after")
EditCurrent.onReset = wrap(
EditCurrent.onReset, changeStylesheet, "after")
EditCurrent.onSave = wrap(
EditCurrent.onSave, changeStylesheet, "after")
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