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Created July 31, 2023 01:14
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# from
# add to your .bashrc:
## cdf -- cd to frequent directories
function cdf() {
# Use awk to extract the directories from the history, using null characters as the separator
DIRS=$(history | tr '\n' '\0' | awk -v RS='\0' '$2 == "cd" && !/\$DIR/ { $1=""; $2=""; sub("^[[:space:]]*", ""); print }' | grep -v -P -C 5 'cd.*$DIR' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 12 | awk '{$1=""; sub("^[[:space:]]*", ""); print }')
# Filter out directories that don't exist and parent directories
while IFS= read -r -d '' DIR; do
if [ -d "$(eval echo "$DIR")" ] && [[ "$DIR" != ".." && "$DIR" != */.. ]]; then
done < <(echo "$DIRS" | tr '\n' '\0' )
if (( ${#VALID_DIRS[@]} == 0 )) ; then
echo "No directories in history."
return 1
# Use select to create a menu of the directories
PS3="Choose a directory to cd to: "
select DIR in "${VALID_DIRS[@]}"; do
if [ -z "$DIR" ]; then
echo "Invalid choice."
cd "$(eval echo "$DIR")" && history -s "cd $DIR" # cd and add the cd command to the history
# This is how the output looks like in real life:
# ~$ cdf
# 1) /home/maybit/junk/code/python/django/getting_started
# 2) /home/maybit/Music
# 3) /home/maybit/junk/xwiki/xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor-jetty-hsqldb-15.0-rc-1
# [...]
# 10) /home/maybit/Downloads
# Choose a directory to cd to: 1
# ~/junk/code/python/django/getting_started$
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