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2018-05-04T06:25:44Z p-11428 t-bkyp0 INFO: "{\"table_name\":\"transactions\",\"data\":{\"account_id\":372,\"amount\":26000.0,\"description\":\"Invoice # 907\",\"debit\":true,\"current_balance\":0.0}}"
2018-05-04T06:25:44Z p-11428 t-bkyp0 WARN: {:log_msg=>"[worker-create_record:1:3w7zri][#<Thread:0x0000000251af48>][create_record][#<Sneakers::Configuration:0x000000024761c8>] {\"table_name\":\"transactions\",\"data\":{\"account_id\":372,\"amount\":26000.0,\"description\":\"Invoice # 907\",\"debit\":true,\"current_balance\":0.0}}", :class=>"DbTupleCreator", :message=>"{\"table_name\":\"transactions\",\"data\":{\"account_id\":372,\"amount\":26000.0,\"description\":\"Invoice # 907\",\"debit\":true,\"current_balance\":0.0}}", :delivery_info=>{:consumer_tag=>"bunny-1525406417000-504673120793", :delivery_tag=>#<Bunny::VersionedDeliveryTag:0x0000000251b3a8 @tag=3, @version=0>, :redelivered=>false, :exchange=>"", :routing_key=>"create_record", :consumer=>#<Bunny::Consumer:19013260 @channel_id=1 @queue=create_record> @co
xecutioner /
Created April 11, 2018 04:22 — forked from mdang/
Ruby on Rails Cheatsheet

Ruby on Rails Cheatsheet


Create a new application

Install the Rails gem if you haven't done so before commands for checking the file sizes in linux Your problem with Vim is that you don't grok vi. private_pub capistrano tasks vimrc-mcbook (secret) graph the project (secret) ruby snippet (secret) rails snippets (secret) vimrc (secret) git tricks Rails Rspec model testing skeleton & cheat sheet using rspec-rails, shoulda-matchers, shoulda-callbacks, and factory_girl_rails. Pretty much a brain dump of examples of what you can (should?) test in a model. Pick & choose what you like, and please let me know if there are any errors or new/changed features out there. Reddit co
Talk-ruby is a web portal where people can discuss various things about ruby. It also acts as a news aggregator for ruby where new things are automatically posted concerning ruby and ruby on rails.
The challenge.
Creators of talk ruby wanted to create a news aggregator for all news regarding ruby or ruby on rails but also enable visitors to be able to interact and express their thoughts about those news. They wanted to create a vibrant community of ruby enthusiasts around this platform.
The process.
Emitii is a simple, easy to use web based app that allows teams to view and download reports of the time spent for subsequent analysis as well as giving an advantage of sending daily reportings to almost any one.
The Challenge.
Emitii wanted to be a simple tool to serve teams and companies to track their time spent on various projects or tasks and provide user friendly analysis in as much simple way as possible.
The process.
We focused heavily on the simplicity and how we can help team analyze and improve their time spent across various projects and tasks.
Our solution.
- hosts: builo-test-web
strategy: debug
remote_user: ubuntu
gather_facts: false
- name: install aptitude
raw: sudo apt-get -y install aptitude
- name: install python

Feedback on proposal

My opinions.

  • First things first we should have our features shortlisted and documented being as descriptive as possible.
  • We should select a few unique selling or our strongest features to market and come up with stories to pitch . ( Use Elevator Pitch model or something else I leave it upto you explore the start up tools )
  • We should do the market validation based on the features we select to bring forward.
    • Would organizations be willing to use it?
    • Would organizations pay to use it ?
    • How much would be organizations be willing to pay for it ?

Setting up linux server using Ngix.

Steps to set up a server.

  • set up a hostname for your new server. hostnamectl set-hostname hostname
  • Set up a timezone for your new server. dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Securing your server.

  • add user [ adduser user_name groups ]
  • Set up a ssh access for your new server. ssh-keygen -b 4096 with a passphrase.

Best practices for software development using Rails.

  • TDD all the way.
  • Code Coverage and other metrics.
    • simple_cov and metric_fu
  • No Logic in views use rails helpers and implement partials for DRYness.
    • app/helpers
  • No Business Logic in controllers.
    • No more than 5 lines in a method , No more than 100 lines in a class.
    • Fat Models skinny controllers. ( Later we will look into service and policy objects)
  • DRY
GIT(1) Git Manual GIT(1)
git - the stupid content tracker
_g_i_t [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c <name>=<value>]
[--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]