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Last active August 30, 2023 08:09
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Bionic Reader Bookmarklet

This bookmarklet is inspired by Bionic Reader API that is truly incredible. However I have issues with service APIs that are not clear on how they handle the privacy and security of my data. So I made a quick and dirty bookmarklet to do the job locally.

  • Create a new bookmark in your browser
  • Use this script as the address:
javascript:(function(){!function(){window.hasOwnProperty("bionicWordWrapApplied")||(!function(e){var n,t=document.createTreeWalker(e,NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT,null,null);for(;n=t.nextNode();){for(var o,r=n.parentNode,d=n.nodeValue;o=d.match(/^(\s*)(\S+)/);){d=d.slice(o[0].length),r.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(o[1]),n);var a=Math.ceil(o[2].length/2),c=r.insertBefore(document.createElement("b"),n);c.appendChild(document.createTextNode(o[2].slice(0,a)));var i=r.insertBefore(document.createElement("span"),n);i.appendChild(document.createTextNode(o[2].slice(a)))}n.nodeValue=d}}(document.body),window.bionicWordWrapApplied=!0)}();})();

This is the initial code I wrote in ~half an hour and I'm rust. Definitely needs more testing and improvement.

javascript: (function() {
    if (!window.hasOwnProperty('bionicWordWrapApplied')) {
        window.bionicWordWrapApplied = true;
    function bionicWord( element ){
	var nodes = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, null);
	var node;
	while (node = nodes.nextNode()) {
	    var p = node.parentNode;
	    var text = node.nodeValue;
	    var m;
	    while(m = text.match(/^(\s*)(\S+)/)) {
		text = text.slice(m[0].length);		
		p.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(m[1]), node);				
		var breakpoint = Math.ceil(m[2].length/2)
  	        var firstpart = p.insertBefore(document.createElement('b'), node);
		var secondpart = p.insertBefore(document.createElement('span'), node);
	    node.nodeValue = text;

minify and encode the code to get the bookmarklet.

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