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Created January 22, 2017 21:44
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World Map
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d3.csv("population.csv", function(err, data) {
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"label0":"label 0","label1":"label 1","color0":"#99ccff","color1":"#0050A1",
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function Interpolate(start, end, steps, count) {
var s = start,
e = end,
final = s + (((e - s) / steps) * count);
return Math.floor(final);
function Color(_r, _g, _b) {
var r, g, b;
var setColors = function(_r, _g, _b) {
r = _r;
g = _g;
b = _b;
setColors(_r, _g, _b);
this.getColors = function() {
var colors = {
r: r,
g: g,
b: b
return colors;
function hexToRgb(hex) {
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return result ? {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
} : null;
function valueFormat(d) {
if (d > 1000000000) {
return Math.round(d / 1000000000 * 10) / 10 + "B";
} else if (d > 1000000) {
return Math.round(d / 1000000 * 10) / 10 + "M";
} else if (d > 1000) {
return Math.round(d / 1000 * 10) / 10 + "K";
} else {
return d;
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return (+d[MAP_VALUE]) }),
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return (+d[MAP_VALUE]) })]);
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.attr("title", function(d) { return; })
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if (valueHash[]) {
var c = quantize((valueHash[]));
var color = colors[c].getColors();
return "rgb(" + color.r + "," + color.g +
"," + color.b + ")";
} else {
return "#ccc";
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Rank Country (or dependent territory) Population Date % of world population Source
1 China 1367470000 10/24/2014 19% Official population clock
2 India 1261420000 10/24/2014 17.50% Population clock
3 United States 318964000 10/24/2014 4.43% Official population clock
4 Indonesia 252164800 7/1/2014 3.50% Official estimate
5 Brazil 203337000 10/24/2014 2.83% Official population clock
6 Pakistan 188020000 7/1/2014 2.61% Official annual projection
7 Nigeria 178517000 7/1/2014 2.48% UN projection[6]
8 Bangladesh 157193000 10/24/2014 2.18% Official population clock
9 Russian Federation 146149200 8/1/2014 2.03% Official estimate
10 Japan 127090000 10/1/2014 1.77% Monthly official estimate
11 Mexico 119713203 7/1/2014 1.66% Official projection
12 Philippines 100440100 10/24/2014 1.40% Official population clock
13 Viet Nam 89708900 7/1/2013 1.25% Official estimate
14 Ethiopia 87952991 7/1/2014 1.22% Official projection
15 Egypt 87371100 10/24/2014 1.21% Official population clock
16 Germany 80767000 12/31/2013 1.12% Official estimate
17 Iran 77838800 10/24/2014 1.08% Official population clock
18 Turkey 76667864 12/31/2013 1.07% Annual official estimate
19 Democratic Republic of Congo 69360000 7/1/2014 0.96% UN projection
20 France 66048000 10/1/2014 0.92% Monthly official estimate
21 Thailand 64871000 7/1/2014 0.90% Official estimate
22 United Kingdom 64105654 7/1/2013 0.89% Annual official estimate
23 Italy 60780377 4/30/2014 0.84% Monthly official estimate
24 South Africa 54002000 7/1/2014 0.75% Official estimate
25 Myanmar 51419420 3/29/2014 0.71% Preliminary 2014 census result
26 South Korea 50423955 7/1/2014 0.70% Official projection
27 Colombia 47832200 10/24/2014 0.67% Official population clock
28 Tanzania 47421786 7/1/2014 0.66% Official Projection
29 Spain 46507800 1/1/2014 0.63% Annual official estimate
30 Ukraine 42981850 8/1/2014 0.60% Monthly official estimate
31 Argentina 42669500 7/1/2014 0.59% Official annual projection
32 Kenya 41800000 7/1/2013 0.58% Annual official estimate
33 Algeria 38700000 1/1/2014 0.54% Official estimate
34 Poland 38496000 12/31/2013 0.53% Official estimate
35 Sudan 37289406 7/1/2014 0.52% Official annual projection
36 Uganda 36600000 7/1/2014 0.51% Annual official estimate
37 Iraq 36004552 7/1/2014 0.50% Official annual projection
38 Canada 35540419 7/1/2014 0.49% Official estimate
39 Morocco 33414900 10/24/2014 0.46% Official population clock
40 Peru 30814175 7/1/2014 0.43% Official annual projection
41 Saudi Arabia 30770375 7/1/2014 0.43% Official annual projection
42 Uzbekistan 30492800 1/1/2014 0.42% Official estimate
43 Malaysia 30378300 10/24/2014 0.42% Official population clock
44 Venezuela 30206307 6/30/2014 0.42% Official annual projection
45 Ghana 27043093 7/1/2014 0.38% Official annual projection
46 Nepal 26494504 6/22/2011 0.37% Final 2011 census result
47 Afghanistan 26023100 7/1/2013 0.36% Official estimate
48 Yemen 25956000 7/1/2014 0.36% Official estimate
49 Mozambique 25041922 7/1/2014 0.35% Annual official projection
50 North Korea 25027000 7/1/2014 0.35% UN projection
51 Angola 24383301 5/16/2014 0.34% Preliminary 2014 census result
52 Australia 23640800 10/24/2014 0.33% Official population clock
53 Taiwan 23410280 9/30/2014 0.33% Monthly official estimate
54 Côte d'Ivoire 23202000 7/1/2012 0.32% Official estimate
55 Syrian Arab Republic 21987000 7/1/2014 0.31% UN projection[13]
56 Madagascar 21263403 7/1/2012 0.30% Annual official estimate
57 Cameroon 20386799 7/1/2012 0.28% Official estimate
58 Sri Lanka 20277597 3/21/2012 0.28% Preliminary 2012 census result
59 Romania 19942642 1/1/2014 0.28% Annual official estimate
60 Chile 17819054 7/1/2014 0.25% Official annual projection
61 Kazakhstan 17330000 9/1/2014 0.24% Monthly official estimate
62 Burkina Faso 17322796 7/1/2013 0.24% Official estimate
63 Niger 17138707 12/10/2012 0.24% Preliminary 2012 census result
64 Netherlands 16873600 10/24/2014 0.23% Official population clock
65 Ecuador 15852800 10/24/2014 0.22% Official population clock
66 Guatemala 15806675 6/30/2014 0.22% Official estimate
67 Malawi 15805239 7/1/2014 0.22% Official annual projection
68 Mali 15768000 7/1/2014 0.22% UN projection
69 Cambodia 15184116 7/1/2014 0.21% Official annual projection
70 Zambia 15023315 7/1/2014 0.21% Official estimate
71 Senegal 13508715 11/19/2013 0.19% 2013 census result
72 Chad 13211000 7/1/2014 0.18% UN projection
73 Zimbabwe 13061239 8/17/2012 0.18% 2012 Census Result
74 South Sudan 11384393 7/1/2014 0.16% Official annual projection
75 Belgium 11215442 9/1/2014 0.16% Monthly official estimate
76 Cuba 11210064 12/31/2013 0.16% Annual official estimate
77 Rwanda 10996891 7/1/2014 0.15% Official annual projection
78 Greece 10992589 1/1/2014 0.15% Official estimate
79 Tunisia 10982754 4/23/2014 0.15% Preliminary 2014 census result
80 Somalia 10806000 7/1/2014 0.15% UN projection
81 Haiti 10745665 2014 0.15% Official projection
82 Guinea 10628972 4/2/2014 0.15% Preliminary 2014 census result
83 Czech Republic 10521600 6/30/2014 0.15% Official quarterly estimate
84 Portugal 10477800 12/31/2013 0.15% Annual official estimate
85 Dominican Republic 10378267 2014 0.14% Official estimate
86 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 10027254 11/21/2012 0.14% 2012 census result
87 Benin 9988068 7/1/2014 0.14% Official annual projection
88 Hungary 9879000 1/1/2014 0.14% Annual official estimate
89 Sweden 9716962 8/31/2014 0.14% Monthly official estimate
90 Azerbaijan 9540400 8/1/2014 0.13% Official estimate
91 Burundi 9530434 7/1/2014 0.13% Official annual projection
92 Belarus 9469200 7/1/2014 0.13% Quarterly official estimate
93 United Arab Emirates 9446000 7/1/2014 0.13% UN projection
94 Honduras 8725111 7/1/2014 0.12% Annual official estimate
95 Austria 8527230 4/1/2014 0.12% Official quarterly estimate
96 Israel 8238300 8/31/2014 0.11% Official Monthly Estimate
97 Switzerland 8183800 6/30/2014 0.11% Quarterly provisional figure
98 Tajikistan 8161000 1/1/2014 0.11% Official estimate
99 Papua New Guinea 7398500 7/1/2013 0.10% Annual official estimate
100 Bulgaria 7245677 12/31/2013 0.10% Official estimate
101 * Hong Kong* (China) 7234800 7/1/2014 0.10% Official estimate
102 Serbia 7146759 1/1/2014 0.10% Annual official estimate
103 Togo 6993000 7/1/2014 0.10% UN projection
104 Paraguay 6893727 2014 0.10% Official estimate
105 Lao People's Democratic Republic 6693300 7/1/2014 0.09% Annual official projection
106 Jordan 6646840 10/24/2014 0.09% Official population clock
107 Eritrea 6536000 7/1/2014 0.09% UN projection
108 El Salvador 6401240 2014 0.09% Official estimate
109 Libya 6253000 7/1/2014 0.09% UN projection
110 Sierra Leone 6205000 7/1/2014 0.09% UN projection
111 Nicaragua 6146400 2013 0.09% Official estimate
112 Turkmenistan 5824960 10/24/2014 0.08% Official population clock
113 Kyrgyzstan 5776570 2014 0.08% Official estimate
114 Denmark 5639719 7/1/2014 0.08% Quarterly official estimate
115 Singapore 5469700 7/1/2014 0.08% Official estimate
116 Finland 5468609 9/30/2014 0.08% Monthly official estimate
117 Slovakia 5415949 12/31/2013 0.08% Official estimate
118 Norway 5137679 7/1/2014 0.07% Quarterly official estimate
119 Central African Republic 4709000 7/1/2014 0.07% UN projection
120 Costa Rica 4667096 7/1/2013 0.07% Official estimate
121 Ireland 4609600 4/1/2014 0.06% Annual official estimate
122 Congo 4559000 7/1/2014 0.06% UN projection
123 * Palestine* 4550368 7/1/2014 0.06% Official estimate
124 New Zealand 4536140 10/24/2014 0.06% Official population clock
125 Georgia 4490500 1/1/2014 0.06% Annual official estimate
126 Liberia 4397000 7/1/2014 0.06% UN projection
127 Croatia 4267558 7/1/2012 0.06% Annual official estimate
128 Lebanon 4104000 7/1/2012 0.06% Official estimate
129 Oman 4071147 10/22/2014 0.06% Weekly official estimate
130 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3791622 10/15/2013 0.05% Preliminary 2013 census result
131 Panama 3713312 2014 0.05% Official estimate
132 * Puerto Rico* (USA) 3615086 7/1/2013 0.05% Official estimate
133 Moldova, Republic of 3557600 1/1/2014 0.05% Official estimate
134 Mauritania 3545620 7/1/2014 0.05% Annual official estimate
135 Uruguay 3404189 6/30/2014 0.05% Annual official estimate
136 Kuwait 3065850 7/1/2011 0.04% Official estimate
137 Armenia 3009800 6/30/2014 0.04% Monthly official estimate
138 Mongolia 2978997 10/24/2014 0.04% Official population clock
139 Lithuania 2927310 10/1/2014 0.04% Monthly official estimate
140 Albania 2895947 1/1/2014 0.04% Annual official estimate
141 Jamaica 2717991 12/31/2013 0.04% Annual official estimate
142 Qatar 2187326 9/30/2014 0.03% Monthly official estimate
143 Namibia 2113077 8/28/2011 0.03% Final 2011 census result
144 Lesotho 2098000 7/1/2014 0.03% UN projection
145 Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of 2065769 12/31/2013 0.03% Official estimate
146 Slovenia 2064394 10/24/2014 0.03% Official population clock
147 Botswana 2024904 8/22/2011 0.03% Final 2011 census result
148 Latvia 1991800 10/1/2014 0.03% Monthly official estimate
149 Gambia 1882450 4/15/2013 0.03% Preliminary 2013 census result
150 Kosovo 1816891 2014 0.03% Official annual projection
151 Guinea-Bissau 1746000 7/1/2014 0.02% UN projection
152 Gabon 1711000 7/1/2014 0.02% UN projection
153 Equatorial Guinea 1430000 7/1/2013 0.02% Annual official estimate
154 Trinidad and Tobago 1328019 1/9/2011 0.02% 2011 census result
155 Bahrain 1316500 7/1/2014 0.02% Official annual projection
156 Estonia 1315819 1/1/2014 0.02% Official estimate
157 Mauritius 1261208 7/1/2014 0.02% Official estimate
158 Timor-Leste 1212107 7/1/2014 0.02% Official estimate
159 Swaziland 1106189 7/1/2014 0.02% Official projection
160 Djibouti 886000 7/1/2014 0.01% UN projection
161 Fiji 859178 7/1/2013 0.01% Annual official estimate
162 Cyprus 858000 1/1/2014 0.01% Official estimate
163 * Réunion* (France) 840974 1/1/2013 0.01% Official annual estimate
164 Guyana 784894 7/1/2010 0.01% Annual official estimate
165 Comoros 763952 7/1/2014 0.01% Official estimate
166 Bhutan 753160 10/24/2014 0.01% Official population clock
167 Montenegro 620029 4/1/2011 0.01% Final 2011 census result
168 * Macau* (China) 614500 3/31/2014 0.01% Official quaterly estimate
169 Western Sahara 586000 7/1/2014 0.01% UN projection
170 Solomon Islands 581344 7/1/2013 0.01% Annual official estimate
171 Luxembourg 549700 12/31/2013 0.01% Annual official estimate
172 Suriname 534189 8/13/2012 0.01% Preliminary 2012 census result
173 Cape Verde 518467 7/1/2014 0.01% Official annual projection
Transnistria 505153 1/1/2014 0.01% Official estimate
174 Malta 416055 11/20/2011 0.01% Preliminary 2011 census result
175 * Guadeloupe* (France) 405739 1/1/2013 0.01% Official annual estimate
176 Brunei 393372 6/20/2011 0.01% Preliminary 2011 census result
177 * Martinique* (France) 386486 1/1/2013 0.01% Official annual estimate
178 Bahamas 368390 7/1/2013 0.01% Annual official estimate
179 Belize 349728 7/1/2013 0.00% Official estimate
180 Maldives 341848 7/1/2014 0.00% Official estimate
181 Iceland 328170 10/1/2014 0.00% Official quaterly estimate
Northern Cyprus 294906 4/30/2006 0.00% Official census
182 Barbados 285000 7/1/2013 0.00% Official estimate
183 * French Polynesia* (France) 268270 8/22/2012 0.00% Preliminary 2012 census result
184 Vanuatu 264652 7/1/2013 0.00% Annual official estimate
185 * New Caledonia* (France) 258958 7/1/2013 0.00% Annual official estimate
Abkhazia 240705 2011 0.00% Official census
186 Franch Guyana 237549 1/1/2011 0.00% Official annual estimate
187 * Mayotte* (France) 212645 8/21/2012 0.00% 2012 census result
188 Samoa 187820 11/7/2011 0.00% Final 2011 census result
189 São Tomé and Príncipe 187356 5/13/2012 0.00% 2012 census result
190 Saint Lucia 184000 7/1/2014 0.00% UN projection
191 * Guam* (USA) 159358 4/1/2010 0.00% Final 2010 census result
192 * Curaçao* (Netherlands) 150563 3/26/2011 0.00% 2011 census result
193 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 109000 7/1/2014 0.00% UN projection
194 Kiribati 106461 7/1/2013 0.00% Annual official estimate
195 * United States Virgin Islands* (USA) 106405 4/1/2010 0.00% Final 2010 census result
196 Grenada 103328 5/12/2011 0.00% 2011 census result
197 Tonga 103252 11/30/2011 0.00% 2011 census result
198 * Aruba* (Netherlands) 101484 9/29/2010 0.00% 2010 census result
199 Federated States of Micronesia 101351 7/1/2013 0.00% Annual official estimate
200 * Jersey* (UK) 99000 12/31/2012 0.00% Annual official estimate
201 Seychelles 89949 7/1/2013 0.00% Annual official estimate
202 Antigua and Barbuda 86295 5/27/2011 0.00% Preliminary 2011 census result
203 * Isle of Man* (UK) 84497 3/27/2011 0.00% 2011 census result
204 Andorra 76098 7/1/2013 0.00% Annual official estimate
205 Dominica 71293 5/14/2011 0.00% Preliminary 2011 census result
206 * Bermuda* (UK) 64237 5/20/2010 0.00% Final 2010 census result
207 * Guernsey* (UK) 63085 3/31/2012 0.00% Annual official estimate
208 Greenland 56295 7/1/2014 0.00% Annual official estimate
209 Marshall Islands 56086 7/1/2013 0.00% Annual official estimate
210 * American Samoa* (USA) 55519 4/1/2010 0.00% Final 2010 census result
211 * Cayman Islands* (UK) 55456 10/10/2010 0.00% Final 2010 census result
212 Saint Kitts and Nevis 55000 7/1/2014 0.00% UN projection
213 * Northern Mariana Islands* (USA) 53883 4/1/2010 0.00% Final 2010 census result
South Ossetia 51547 1/1/2013 0.00% Estimate
214 * Faroe Islands* (Denmark) 48723 8/1/2014 0.00% Monthly official estimate
215 * Sint Maarten* (Netherlands) 37429 1/1/2010 0.00% Official estimate
216 Liechtenstein 37132 12/31/2013 0.00% Semi annual official estimate
217 * Saint Martin* (France) 36979 1/1/2010 0.00% Official estimate
218 Monaco 36950 12/31/2013 0.00% Annual official estimate
219 San Marino 32727 8/31/2014 0.00% Monthly official estimate
220 * Turks and Caicos Islands* (UK) 31458 1/25/2012 0.00% 2012 census result
221 * Gibraltar* (UK) 30001 12/31/2012 0.00% Annual official estimate
222 * British Virgin Islands* (UK) 29537 7/1/2010 0.00% Annual official estimate
223 * Åland Islands* (Finland) 28875 9/30/2014 0.00% Official estimate
224 * Caribbean Netherlands* (Netherlands) 23296 1/1/2013 0.00% Official estimate
225 Palau 20901 7/1/2013 0.00% Annual official estimate
226 * Cook Islands* (NZ) 14974 12/1/2011 0.00% Final 2011 census result
227 * Anguilla* (UK) 13452 5/11/2011 0.00% Preliminary 2011 census result
228 * Wallis and Futuna* (France) 13135 7/1/2013 0.00% Annual official estimate
229 Tuvalu 11323 7/1/2013 0.00% Annual official estimate
230 Nauru 10084 10/30/2011 0.00% 2011 census result
231 * Saint Barthélemy* (France) 8938 1/1/2010 0.00% Official estimate
232 * Saint Pierre and Miquelon* (France) 6081 1/1/2010 0.00% Official estimate
233 * Montserrat* (UK) 4922 5/12/2011 0.00% 2011 census result
234 * Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha* (UK) 4000 7/1/2014 0.00% UN projection
235 * Falkland Islands* (UK) 3000 7/1/2014 0.00% UN projection
236 * Svalbard and Jan Mayen* (Norway) 2655 9/1/2012 0.00% Official estimate
237 * Norfolk Island* (Australia) 2302 8/9/2011 0.00% 2011 census result
238 * Christmas Island* (Australia) 2072 8/9/2011 0.00% 2011 census result
239 * Niue* (NZ) 1613 9/10/2011 0.00% Final 2011 census result
240 * Tokelau* (NZ) 1411 10/18/2011 0.00% Final 2011 census result
241 Vatican City 839 7/1/2012 0.00% Official estimate
242 * Cocos (Keeling) Islands* (Australia) 550 8/9/2011 0.00% 2011 census result
243 * Pitcairn Islands* (UK) 56 2013 0.00% Official estimate
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