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Created January 3, 2021 18:31
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What algorithm is this?
RunSanDiskSecureAccess-Win.exe v1.1.19150 is configured using the password "test123" for the secure file vault.
A Zero-Byte file (MD5 Sum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) is added to the vault.
The resulting encrypted file is:
MD5 Sum: e2d484fa4d7f5f457f6571a075a967d4
File: 30 4A 34 C4 D7 DB 20 86 12 01 42 5B 68 18 99 FB A3 D9 52 E6 28 63 89 92 F7 4D 10 E0 24 2A F3 1D
Base64: MEo0xNfbIIYSAUJbaBiZ+6PZUuYoY4mS900Q4CQq8x0=
File Length: 32 Bytes
2 more Zero-Byte files are added to the encrypted vault which result in identical files as shown above (the key never changes)
KNOWN: password used to derive key, plaintext file, encrypted file
UNKNOWN: key derivation, cipher used
Application claims to use "AES 128" encryption. A Zero-Byte file encrypted with a 128-bit key (16 Bytes) should result in a 16-byte file, not 32-byte as shown above.
Application includes dll imports of MPR.dll, IPHLPAPI.DLL, WININET.dll, GDI32.dll, SHELL32.dll, KERNEL32.dll, WSOCK32.dll, ADVAPI32.dll, ole32.dll, SETUPAPI.dll, WS2_32.dll, USER32.dll
RunSanDiskSecureAccess-Win.exe download:
dmBackup.dll download:
Question: What cipher and mode do you believe is being used to encrypt the file?
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