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Last active April 18, 2023 10:13
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RAD2DEG = 180.0 / Math::PI
TIME_STEP = 0.2 / 60 # delta time isn't required in DragonRuby but it really handy for tuning and debugging physics
COLLISION_BIAS = 0.05 # adds some energy into the collision to get objects to separate. tune this in steps of 0.01
COLLISION_SLOP = 0.1 # amount shapes are allowed to overlap without triggering correction. helps avoid position jitter
COLLISION_ITERATIONS = 10 # how many times to run the solver. a good range is between 5 and 15
def tick args
args.gtk.reset if args.inputs.keyboard.r
# Create some circles
args.state.circles ||= 10.map_with_ys 2 do |x, y|
radius = 32.0
diameter = radius * 2.0
# for static objects use mass = Float::INFINITY
# make the bottom row static objects
mass = y == 1 ? (Math::PI * radius * radius) : Float::INFINITY
rotational_inertia = y == 1 ? (0.5 * radius * radius * mass) : Float::INFINITY
offset_x = (1280.0 - ((diameter + radius) * 10.0)) / 2.0
x = offset_x + x * (diameter + radius + 53.0) + (y == 1 ? -15 : 0)
y = 100.0 + y * (200.0 + diameter + radius)
x: x,
y: y,
angle: 0.0,
vx: 0.0, # velocity x
vy: 0.0, # velocity y
vw: 0.0, # angular velocity
path: 'sprites/circle/blue.png',
w: diameter,
h: diameter,
bounce: 0.8, # 0..1
friction: 0.4,
radius: radius,
mass: mass,
rotational_inertia: rotational_inertia
# Create some borders
args.state.lines ||= [
{ x: 0, y: 20, x2: 1280, y2: 0, vx: 0, vy: 0, vw: 0, bounce: 0.8, friction: 1, mass: Float::INFINITY, rotational_inertia: Float::INFINITY },
{ x: 0, y: 20, x2: 0, y2: 720, vx: 0, vy: 0, vw: 0, bounce: 0.5, friction: 1, mass: Float::INFINITY, rotational_inertia: Float::INFINITY },
{ x: 1280, y: 0, x2: 1280, y2: 720, vx: 0, vy: 0, vw: 0, bounce: 0.5, friction: 1, mass: Float::INFINITY, rotational_inertia: Float::INFINITY },
{ x: 0, y: 720, x2: 1280, y2: 720, vx: 0, vy: 0, vw: 0, bounce: 0.5, friction: 1, mass: Float::INFINITY, rotational_inertia: Float::INFINITY },
{ x: 640.0, y: 360.0, x2: 700.0, y2: 250.0, vx: 0, vy: 0, vw: 0, bounce: 0.8, friction: 1, mass: Float::INFINITY, rotational_inertia: Float::INFINITY },
{ x: 200.0, y: 300.0, x2: 360.0, y2: 250.0, vx: 0, vy: 0, vw: 0, bounce: 0.9, friction: 1, mass: Float::INFINITY, rotational_inertia: Float::INFINITY }
circles = args.state.circles
num_circles = circles.length
args.outputs.sprites << circles
lines = args.state.lines
num_lines = lines.length
args.outputs.lines << lines
fn.each circles do |c|
next if c.mass == Float::INFINITY
c.vy -= 100.0 * TIME_STEP
i = 0
while i < num_circles
a = circles[i]
j = i + 1
while j < num_circles
b = circles[j]
j += 1
next if a.mass == Float::INFINITY && b.mass == Float::INFINITY
collision = find_circle_circle a, b
calc_collision collision
k = 0
while k < num_lines
b = lines[k]
k += 1
next if a.mass == Float::INFINITY && b.mass == Float::INFINITY
collision = find_circle_line a, b
calc_collision collision
i += 1
fn.each circles do |c|
next if c.mass == Float::INFINITY
c.x += c.vx * TIME_STEP
c.y += c.vy * TIME_STEP
c.angle += c.vw * TIME_STEP * RAD2DEG
def find_circle_circle a, b
circle_ar = a.radius || [a.w, a.h].max * 0.5
circle_br = b.radius || [b.w, b.h].max * 0.5
circle_ax = a.x + circle_ar
circle_ay = a.y + circle_ar
circle_bx = b.x + circle_br
circle_by = b.y + circle_br
dx = circle_bx - circle_ax
dy = circle_by - circle_ay
distance = dx * dx + dy * dy
min_distance = circle_ar + circle_br
# distance should be less than the sum of radii
# zero distance means the circles have the same centers, do nothing
return if (distance > min_distance * min_distance) ||
distance = Math.sqrt distance
dx /= distance
dy /= distance
contact = { r1x: circle_ax + circle_ar * dx,
r1y: circle_ay + circle_ar * dy,
r2x: circle_bx - circle_br * dx,
r2y: circle_by - circle_br * dy,
depth: distance - min_distance,
jn: 0, jt: 0 }
{ a: a, ax: circle_ax, ay: circle_ay,
b: b, bx: circle_bx, by: circle_by,
normal_x: dx, normal_y: dy,
contacts: [contact] }
def find_circle_line c, l
circle_r = c.radius || [c.w, c.h].max * 0.5
line_r = l.radius || 0.0
circle_x = c.x + circle_r
circle_y = c.y + circle_r
line_x = l.x2 - l.x
line_y = l.y2 - l.y
t = ((line_x * (circle_x - l.x) + line_y * (circle_y - l.y)) /
(line_x * line_x + line_y * line_y)).clamp(0.0, 1.0)
closest_x = l.x + line_x * t
closest_y = l.y + line_y * t
dx = closest_x - circle_x
dy = closest_y - circle_y
distance = dx * dx + dy * dy
min_distance = circle_r + line_r
return if (distance > min_distance * min_distance) ||
distance = Math.sqrt distance
dx /= distance
dy /= distance
contact = { r1x: circle_x + circle_r * dx,
r1y: circle_y + circle_r * dy,
r2x: closest_x - line_r * dx,
r2y: closest_y - line_r * dy,
depth: distance - min_distance,
jn: 0, jt: 0 }
{ a: c, ax: circle_x, ay: circle_y,
b: l, bx: line_x, by: line_y,
normal_x: dx, normal_y: dy,
contacts: [contact] }
def calc_collision collision
return unless collision
a = collision[:a]
b = collision[:b]
nx = collision[:normal_x]
ny = collision[:normal_y]
average_bounce = a.bounce * b.bounce
average_friction = a.friction * b.friction
inv_m_a = 1.0 / a.mass
inv_m_b = 1.0 / b.mass
inv_i_a = 1.0 / a.rotational_inertia
inv_i_b = 1.0 / b.rotational_inertia
inv_mass_sum = inv_m_a + inv_m_b
fn.each collision.contacts do |contact|
# contact point in local space
r1x = contact[:r1x] - collision[:ax]
r1y = contact[:r1y] - collision[:ay]
r2x = contact[:r2x] - collision[:bx]
r2y = contact[:r2y] - collision[:by]
# contact point cross normal, tangent
r1cn = r1x * ny - r1y * nx
r2cn = r2x * ny - r2y * nx
r1ct = r1x * nx + r1y * ny
r2ct = r2x * nx + r2y * ny
# sum of masses in normal and tangent directions
mass_normal = 1.0 / (inv_mass_sum + inv_i_a * r1cn * r1cn + inv_i_b * r2cn * r2cn)
mass_tangent = 1.0 / (inv_mass_sum + inv_i_a * r1ct * r1ct + inv_i_b * r2ct * r2ct)
# penetration correction -- feed positional error into separation impulse (Baumgarte stabilization)
bias = COLLISION_BIAS * [0.0, contact[:depth] + COLLISION_SLOP].min / TIME_STEP
# relative velocity
rvx = b.vx - r2y * b.vw - (a.vx - r1y * a.vw)
rvy = b.vy + r2x * b.vw - (a.vy + r1x * a.vw)
# relative velocity along normal * average bounce
bounce = (rvx * nx + rvy * ny) * average_bounce
# update the relative velocity
vrx = b.vx - r2y * b.vw - (a.vx - r1y * a.vw)
vry = b.vy + r2x * b.vw - (a.vy + r1x * a.vw)
# relative velocity along normal and tangent
rvn = vrx * nx + vry * ny
rvt = vrx * -ny + vry * nx
# impulse scalar (aka lambda, lagrange multiplier)
jn = -(bounce + rvn + bias) * mass_normal
previous_jn = contact[:jn]
contact[:jn] = [previous_jn + jn, 0.0].max
# tangent scalar, cannot exceed force along normal (Coulomb's law)
max_jt = average_friction * contact[:jn]
jt = -rvt * mass_tangent
previous_jt = contact[:jt]
contact[:jt] = (previous_jt + jt).clamp(-max_jt, max_jt)
jn = contact[:jn] - previous_jn
jt = contact[:jt] - previous_jt
impulse_x = nx * jn - ny * jt
impulse_y = nx * jt + ny * jn
a[:vx] -= impulse_x * inv_m_a
a[:vy] -= impulse_y * inv_m_a
a[:vw] -= inv_i_a * (r1x * impulse_y - r1y * impulse_x)
b[:vx] += impulse_x * inv_m_b
b[:vy] += impulse_y * inv_m_b
b[:vw] += inv_i_b * (r2x * impulse_y - r2y * impulse_x)
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