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Last active December 23, 2015 06:29
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Save xenozauros/6594578 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple script to collect news from vkontakte. It can be used to find some rent or sales news in your own city
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import json
import urllib2
from urllib import urlencode
import json
import os
import os.path
import sys
reportFile = "/tmp/news_result.html"
if os.path.exists(reportFile):
maxNews = raw_input("Сколько новостей просмотреть (кратно 200, по умолчанию 200, нет смысла указывать более 1000 новостей): ")
if maxNews == '':
maxNews = '200'
iterations = int(maxNews) // 200
print "Ищу в",iterations, "проход"
searchFor = "сдам квартиру"
searchInput = raw_input("Введите строку для поиска (сдам квартиру): ")
if searchInput == '':
searchInput = searchFor
print "Ищу по строке -", searchInput
newsNum = 200
def call_api(method, params):
if isinstance(params, list):
params_list = [kv for kv in params]
elif isinstance(params, dict):
params_list = params.items()
params_list = [params]
url = "" % (method, urlencode(params_list))
return urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
def get_news(offset):
return call_api("", [("q", searchInput), ("count", newsNum), ("offset", offset)])
def get_user(uid):
return call_api("users.get", [("uids", uid), ("fields", "city")])
def get_cities(country, q):
return call_api("places.getCities", [("q", q), ("country", country)])
def get_cities_byID(id):
return call_api("places.getCityById", ("cids", id))
cityInput = raw_input("Введите часть названия города для поиска, или просто нажмите enter: ")
cities = get_cities(1, cityInput)
cities = json.loads(cities, encoding = "utf-8")['response']
print "\n".join("%d. %s" % (num + 1, city["title"]) for num, city in enumerate(cities))
choise = -1
choise = int(raw_input("Выберите номер города: ")) - 1
htmlFile = open(reportFile, 'w')
print >> htmlFile, '<table border=1>'
def printTd(repValue):
print >> htmlFile, '<td>'
print >> htmlFile, repValue
print >> htmlFile, '</td>'
def printTdHref(link,repValue):
print >> htmlFile, '<td>'
print >> htmlFile, '<a href="',link,'">',repValue,'</a>'
print >> htmlFile, '</td>'
offset = 0
counter = 0
for iter in range(1,iterations+1):
news = get_news(offset)
news = json.loads(news, encoding = "utf-8")
print "Я запросил и получил ", newsNum*iter, "новостей"
print "Ищу новости с автором частным лицом из запрошенного города - ", cities[choise]['cid']
for i in range(1,newsNum+1):
# Now we are cheking that user is not group (his ID must be positive)
if news['response'][i]['owner_id'] > 0:
# now we should get info about user and check his city
user=json.loads(user, encoding = "utf-8")
if 'city' in user['response'][0] and user['response'][0]['city'] <> '0':
cityName=json.loads(cityName, encoding = "utf-8")
print i+offset,"Нашел новость из города ", user['response'][0]['city'], "-", cityName['response'][0]['name'], " ищу дальше"
if int(user['response'][0]['city']) == int(cities[choise]['cid']):
counter = counter+1
print i+offset, news['response'][i]['text'], user['response'][0]['city']
print >> htmlFile, '<tr>'
link = ''
link += str(news['response'][i]['owner_id'])
print >> htmlFile, '</tr>'
except (IndexError):
print 'Кажется, что-то пошло не так, не могу забрать новость'
offset = offset+200
print >> htmlFile, '</table>'
os.system("open " +reportFile)
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