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Last active December 23, 2015 06:49
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Save xenozauros/6597055 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Windows version of news fetcher script. Here is link to Win executable build:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import json
import urllib2
from urllib import urlencode
import json
import os
import os.path
import sys
import time
reportFile = "news_result.html"
if os.path.exists(reportFile):
maxNews = raw_input(u"Сколько новостей просмотреть (кратно 200, по умолчанию 200, нет смысла указывать более 1000 новостей): ")
if maxNews == '':
maxNews = '200'
iterations = int(maxNews) // 200
print u"Ищу в",iterations, u"проход"
searchFor = "сдам квартиру"
searchInput = raw_input(u"Введите строку для поиска (сдам квартиру): ").encode('utf-8')
if searchInput == '':
searchInput = searchFor
print u"Ищу по строке - %s" % searchInput.decode('utf-8')
newsNum = 200
def call_api(method, params):
if isinstance(params, list):
params_list = [kv for kv in params]
elif isinstance(params, dict):
params_list = params.items()
params_list = [params]
url = "" % (method, urlencode(params_list))
return urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
def get_news(offset):
return call_api("", [("q", searchInput), ("count", newsNum), ("offset", offset)])
def get_user(uid):
return call_api("users.get", [("uids", uid), ("fields", "city")])
def get_cities(country, q):
return call_api("places.getCities", [("q", q), ("country", country)])
def get_cities_byID(id):
return call_api("places.getCityById", ("cids", id))
cityInput = raw_input(u"Введите часть названия города для поиска, или просто нажмите enter: ").encode('utf-8')
cities = get_cities(1, cityInput)
cities = json.loads(cities, encoding = "utf-8")['response']
print "\n".join("%d. %s" % (num + 1, city["title"]) for num, city in enumerate(cities))
choise = -1
choise = int(raw_input(u"Выберите номер города: ")) - 1
htmlFile = open(reportFile, 'w')
print >> htmlFile, '<meta charset=utf-8>'
print >> htmlFile, '<table border=1>'
def printTd(repValue):
print >> htmlFile, '<td>'
print >> htmlFile, repValue
print >> htmlFile, '</td>'
def printTdHref(link,repValue):
print >> htmlFile, '<td>'
print >> htmlFile, '<a href="',link,'">',repValue,'</a>'
print >> htmlFile, '</td>'
offset = 0
counter = 0
for iter in range(1,iterations+1):
news = get_news(offset)
news = json.loads(news, encoding = "utf-8")
print u"Я запросил и получил ", newsNum*iter, "новостей"
print u"Ищу новости с автором частным лицом из запрошенного города - ", cities[choise]['cid']
for i in range(1,newsNum+1):
# Now we are cheking that user is not group (his ID must be positive)
if news['response'][i]['owner_id'] > 0:
# now we should get info about user and check his city
user=json.loads(user, encoding = "utf-8")
if 'city' in user['response'][0] and user['response'][0]['city'] <> '0':
cityName=json.loads(cityName, encoding = "utf-8")
print i+offset,u"Нашел новость из города ", user['response'][0]['city'], "-", cityName['response'][0]['name'], u" ищу дальше"
if int(user['response'][0]['city']) == int(cities[choise]['cid']):
counter = counter+1
print i+offset, news['response'][i]['text'].encode('cp866', 'ignore'), user['response'][0]['city']
print >> htmlFile, '<tr>'
printTd(news['response'][i]['text'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
link = ''
link += str(news['response'][i]['owner_id'])
print >> htmlFile, '</tr>'
except (IndexError):
print u'Кажется, что-то пошло не так, не могу забрать новость'
offset = offset+200
print >> htmlFile, '</table>'
os.system("start " +reportFile)
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Иногда в именах городов попадались спецсимволы, тогда скрипт неожиданно завершался. Исправил это в своем форке -

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