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Created September 25, 2009 00:09
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var NumberGuess = function(cfg) {
cfg = cfg ? cfg : {};
return new Subo.Application({
name: || 'numberguess', // Default name
onStart: function(args) {
args = args || {};
// Add a service to provide the number to guess. A service can be any kind of object; we call it a
// service because its intended to provide the service layer to the application.
this.addService('numberGenerator', {
getNumber : function() {
return 5;
// Add a service to get URLs to resources (images etc) relative to the application's home URL.
this.addService('resourceFinder', {
getUrl : function(name) {
return (args.homeUrl) ? args.homeUrl + '/' + name : name;
// Application's root controller just provides a frame around the whole application
this.setRootController(new Subo.Controller({
onStart:function() {
// On start, the root controller adds its sole state
this.addState(new Subo.State({
// As soon as it starts, the root controller enters the first State that was added. This state
// adds to its Controller a View, a simple frame around everything with a logo, plus a child-Controller
// that manages the actual game.
onEnter:function(args) {
// You can see below how the View has the child-Controller's HTML embedded within it, containing an image.
// We're using the resource finder service to get an absolute URL to the image:
this.setView(new Subo.View({
getHtml: function() {
return '<img src="' + this.getService('resourceFinder').getUrl('logo.jpg') + '"/>' +
'<br/><br/>' + this.getChildControllerHtml('game');
this.addChildController(new Subo.Controller({
name: 'game',
onStart: function() {
this.addState(new Subo.State({
name: 'guessing',
onEnter: function() {
this.setView(new Subo.View({
getHtml: function() {
return this.getViewEventForm(
'Guess a number: <input name="number" type="text" value=""/>'
+ '<br/><br/><input type="submit" value="Submit"/>'
this.addViewEventHandler(new Subo.EventHandler({
name: 'guess',
onEvent:function(args) {
var correctNumber = this.getService('numberGenerator').getNumber();
var testNumber = parseInt(args['number'], 10);
if (isNaN(testNumber)) {
this.doTransition('incorrect', {message:'That\'s not a number!'});
} else if (correctNumber > testNumber) {
this.doTransition('incorrect', {message:'Too low'});
} else if (correctNumber < testNumber) {
this.doTransition('incorrect', {message:'Too high'});
} else {
this.addState(new Subo.State({
name: 'incorrect',
onEnter:function(args) {
message : args['message']
this.setView(new Subo.View({
getHtml: function() {
return '<b>'
+ this.getModel().message
+ '</b><br/><br/><a href="'
+ this.getViewEventUrl('playAgain')
+ '">Play Again</a>';
this.addViewEventHandler(new Subo.EventHandler({
onEvent:function(args) {
this.addState(new Subo.State({
name: 'correct',
onEnter:function(args) {
this.setView(new Subo.View({
getHtml: function() {
return '<b>Correct!</b><br/><br/><a href="'
+ this.getViewEventUrl('playAgain')
+ '">Play Again</a>';
this.addViewEventHandler(new Subo.EventHandler({
onEvent:function(args) {
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