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Created May 22, 2012 21:08
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Validator Class
$validator = new Validator();
// Each validation rule is a property of the validator object.
$validator->username = function($value, $key, $self)
if(preg_match('~\W~', $value))
return 'Your username must only contain letters and numbers';
$validator->password = function($value, $key, $self)
if(strlen($value) < 8)
return 'Your password must be at least 8 characters long';
// $_POST = array('username' => ..., 'password' => ...)
if( ! $validator($_POST))
// Return a JSON object with the validation errors (great for jQuery)
// Save new user to database
* Validator class based on anonymous functions.
* @see
class Validator
public $errors;
* Validate the given array of data using the functions set
* @param array $data to validate
* @return array
public function __invoke(array $data)
$errors = array();
foreach((array) $this as $key => $function)
$value = NULL;
$value = $data[$key];
$error = $function($value, $key, $this);
$errors[$key] = $error;
$this->errors = $errors;
return ! $errors;
* Return the validator errors
* @return array
public function errors()
return $this->errors;
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