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Created April 12, 2011 21:20
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Auto Object Loading
class o
private $o;
// Get value
public function __get($k){return isset($this->o[$k])?$this->o[$k]:NULL;}
// Create or Get value
public function __call($k,$a)
public function clear($k=NULL){$this->o=array();}
public function __set($k,$v){$this->o[$k]=$v;}
public function __isset($k){return isset($this->o[$k]);}
public function __unset($k){unset($this->o[$k]);}
function o(){static$o;return$o?$o:($o=new o);}
* If you are loading a singleton object then you need to use __get which
* will run the command once and save the object.
* If you are using a factory or lambda function then you need to use __call()
class Service
protected $s = array();
function __set($key, $callable)
$this->s[strtolower($key)] = $callable;
function __get($key)
if( ! isset($this->s[$key = strtolower($key)]))
throw new Exception("$key service not found");
if($this->s[$key] instanceof Closure)
$this->s[$key] = $this->s[$key]($this);
return $this->s[$key];
function __isset($key)
return isset($this->s[strtolower($key)]);
function __unset($key)
function __call($key, $args)
if( ! isset($this->s[$key = strtolower($key)]))
throw new Exception("$key service not found");
if(! $args) return $this->s[$key]($this);
//print dump("Calling user_func_array for $key");
array_unshift($args, $this);
return call_user_func_array($this->s[$key], $args);
public function observe($method, $params = NULL)
foreach($this->s as $observer)
if($observer instanceof Observer)
$params = $observer->observe($this, $method, $params);
return $params;
abstract class Observer
public function __invoke($subject, $method, $params = NULL){}
public function attached($subject){}
public function detached($subject){}
function s($kill = FALSE)
static$s;if($kill)$s=NULL;return$s?:($s=new Service);
function benchmark($text = '')
static $t,$m;
if($text)print dump($text);
print dump('Memory: '.(memory_get_usage()-$m)."\n".(microtime(TRUE)-$t));
$t = microtime(TRUE);
$m = memory_get_usage();
function dump()
$string = '';
foreach(func_get_args() as $value)
$string .= '<pre>' . ($value === NULL ? 'NULL' : (is_scalar($value) ? $value : print_r($value, TRUE))) . "</pre>\n";
return $string;
class D {
public function __construct($s) { print dump('Loaded '. __CLASS__); }
public function speak($word = 'HI') { print dump($word); }
s()->a = function($s, $user, $pass) { print dump('A' . $user . $pass); };
s()->b = function($s) { print dump('B'); };
s()->c = function() { print dump('C'); };
s()->d = function($s) { return new D($s); };
s()->a('hello', 'world');
//s()->d()->speak(); // WRONG! This closure has been converted to an object now!
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++)
s()->$i = function($s) { return new D($s); }; // waste more functions to increase iteration count
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