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Created May 6, 2023 01:38
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heinous edit of a yank script by samoshkin that tries to push to every clipboard it possibly can
# heinous edit of a yank script by samoshkin
# tries to push to every clipboard it possibly can xD
set -eu
shopt -s extglob
installed() {
type "$1" &>/dev/null
# get data either form stdin or from file
buf=$(cat "$@")
# send to a system clipboard if possible
if installed pbcopy; then
elif installed reattach-to-user-namespace; then
copy_backend="reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"
elif [ -n "${DISPLAY-}" ] && installed xsel; then
copy_backend="xsel -i --clipboard"
elif [ -n "${DISPLAY-}" ] && installed xclip; then
copy_backend="xclip -i -f -selection primary | xclip -i -selection clipboard"
elif [ -n "${copy_backend_remote_tunnel_port-}" ] && [ "$(ss -n -4 state listening "( sport = $copy_backend_remote_tunnel_port )" | tail -n +2 | wc -l)" -eq 1 ]; then
copy_backend="nc localhost $copy_backend_remote_tunnel_port"
# if copy backend is resolved, copy to local clipboard
[ -n "$copy_backend" ] && printf "$buf" | eval "$copy_backend"
# copy via OSC 52 ANSI escape sequence to controlling terminal(s)
# the maximum length of an OSC 52 escape sequence is 100_000 bytes, of which
# 7 bytes are occupied by a "\033]52;c;" header, 1 byte by a "\a" footer, and
# 99_992 bytes by the base64-encoded result of 74_994 bytes of copyable text
buflen=$( printf %s "$buf" | wc -c )
# warn if exceeds maxlen
if [ "$buflen" -gt "$maxlen" ]; then
printf "rip. input is %d bytes too long" "$(( buflen - maxlen ))" >&2
# build OSC 52 ANSI escape sequence
esc="\033]52;c;$( printf %s "$buf" | head -c $maxlen | base64 | tr -d '\r\n' )\a"
# multiplexin? update the escape sequence
if $(tmux has-session 2> /dev/null); then
# sent directly to the ssh tty (bad idea)
#[ -n "$SSH_TTY" ] && printf "$esc" > "$SSH_TTY"
# send to all terminals \o/
for pts in /dev/pts/[0-999]; do
printf "$esc" > "$pts"
# print that shiz raw
printf "$esc"
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