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Last active June 5, 2023 20:35
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artisan keycap wishlist

artisan keycap wishlist

sorted artist > sculpt then by colorway desire

daphy v2

duck flick
3rd eye ✨ third eye


colorway vision
black #1 black #1
spectral_depths spectral_depths
stargazer stargazer
5 stack blues 5 stack blues
dimir dimir
soot soot
esper esper
festivus miracle festivus miracle
darksided darksided
melange melange


colorway qt
lime lime
coralshire 😭 coralshire
cheshire cheshire
luna luna
grim reaper grim reaper
artemis artemis
diana diana



colorway needles
any green clactuar


✨ grail key

😭 i traded this key and miss him

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