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Janek xeruf

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"Buddhist" : {
"Mahayana Schools" : {"mahayana":"Mahayana Schools","gelug":"Gelug","jishu":"Ji-shū","jodo_shinshu":"Jōdo Shinshū","jodo_shu":"Jōdo-shū","nichiren":"Nichiren Buddhism","nyingma":"Nyingma","obaku":"Ōbaku","pure_land":"Pure Land Buddhism","rinzai":"Rinzai school","risshu":"Risshū","shingon_shu":"Shingon Buddhism","soto":"Sōtō","tiantai":"Tiantai","tibetan":"Tibetan Buddhism","vajrayana":"Vajrayana","won":"Won Buddhism","yogacara":"East Asian Yogācāra","yuzu_nembutsu":"Yuzu Nembutsu","zen":"Zen"},
"Theravada Schools" : {"theravada":"Theravada Schools","thai_mahanikaya":"Maha Nikaya","thai_thammayut":"Thammayut"}
"Christian" : {
"Catholic Church" : {"catholic":"Catholic Church","armenian_catholic":"Armenian Catholic Church","chaldean_catholic":"Chaldean Catholic Church","coptic_catholic":"Coptic Catholic Church","eritrean_catholic":"Eritrean Catholic Church","ethiopian_catholic":"Ethiopian Catholic Church","greek_catholic":"Greek Eastern Catholic Church","hungarian_greek_catholic":"Hu
xeruf / projects
Last active December 20, 2018 13:56
Projects (Shell tool for git projects)
# A tool for managing multiple git projects quickly. Simply source this in your bashrc or zshrc.
# This assumes a common directory that contains all projects. Subfolders are detected as well.
# You can set $projects_dir before or after sourcing this script, or adjust it below.
# The standard command I execute daily is "p status", it updates all projects and shows their status.
# Common root for all projects
# The max depth to search for when listing projects. The actual depth is this value minus one, since it searches for ".git" folders at that depth.
xeruf / stopswap
Last active December 11, 2019 07:08 — forked from Jekis/
Empty Swap. Can be put into ~/.bashrc or similar and then called with stopswap.
mem_stat() {
mem_total="$(free | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}')"
mem_free="$(free | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}')"
mem_percentage=$((mem_free * 100 / $mem_total))
swap_total="$(free | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}')"
swap_used="$(free | tail -1 | awk '{print $3}')"
swap_percentage=$(($swap_used * 100 / $swap_total))
echo -e "Free memory:\t$((mem_free / 1024))/$((mem_total / 1024)) MB\t($mem_percentage%)"
echo -e "Used swap:\t$((swap_used / 1024))/$((swap_total / 1024)) MB\t($swap_percentage%)"