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Last active May 30, 2019 10:39
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The solution of how to play video in cmd without graphics. Enjoy the code.
Author: BCrazyDreamer
License: MIT
Language: Python3
import sys
from PIL import Image
pixel_symbol = "██"
Used to scale image size
def scale_image(img, new_width):
(width, height) = img.size
ratio = height/float(width)
new_height = int(50)#int(ratio * new_width)
return img.resize((new_width, new_height))
Convert in grayscale/black_and_white
def convert_in_grayscale(img):
return img.convert('L')
Color function will color the simulated pixel block
def color(c,clr):
if(type(clr) is tuple):
c1,c2,c3 = str(clr[0]),str(clr[1]),str(clr[2])
color_pixel = c1 + ";" + c2 + ";" + c3
c = "\u001B[38;2;"+color_pixel+"m" + c + "\u001B[39m"
# c += c
c = '\u0020';
if clr != 0:
c = pixel_symbol
return c
Creates the array of pixel according to width
def genrate_pixel_array(image, width):
img_pxl = list(image.getdata())
pxl_arr = []
for i in range(0, len(img_pxl), width):
pxl_arr.append(img_pxl[i:i + width])
return pxl_arr
Pixel simulator
def simulate_pixel(pixel_array,width):
simulated_output = ""
for row in pixel_array:
row_simulated_output = ""
for pixel_set in row:
row_simulated_output += color(pixel_symbol,pixel_set)
row_simulated_output += "\n"
simulated_output += row_simulated_output
return simulated_output
Image simulator
def simulate_image(image,width):
pixel_array = genrate_pixel_array(image,width)
simulated_image = simulate_pixel(pixel_array,width)
return simulated_image
Process image or start of image processing
def process_image(image_array,width):
image = None
image = Image.fromarray(image_array)
image = scale_image(image,width)
except Exception as e:
print("file not exist")
return simulate_image(image,width)
if __name__=='__main__':
import cv2
vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture("video.mp4")
while True:
success,image =
image = process_image(image,100)
print("Video closed")
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