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Last active March 5, 2022 11:56
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Stripped down Discord Minesweeper
// edited the above for some Discord fun.
// Note: 9x9 is prolly maximum grid
// 10x10 will leave off the last emoji for some reason
class MineSweeper {
// private $spacer = '🟥';
private $empty = '🟦';
private $bomb = '💣';
private $caps = ['0️⃣','1️⃣','2️⃣','3️⃣','4️⃣','5️⃣','6️⃣','7️⃣','8️⃣','9️⃣','🔟'];
public $grid_reference = [];
public $cell_values = [];
public $mine_cells = [];
public $num_rows;
public $num_cols;
public $num_mines;
public function __construct(
$num_rows = 10,
$num_cols = 10,
$num_mines = 5
$this->num_rows = $num_rows;
$this->num_cols = $num_cols;
$this->num_mines = $num_mines;
function generate_grid(){
for ($x=10;$x<($this->num_rows+10);$x++){
for ($y=10;$y<($this->num_cols+10);$y++){
function generate_values(){
// Generate mine_cells and cell_values - need to know mine_cells before cell values
// Mine Cells are created by using the grid references, minus clicked cell then trimmed
$this->mine_cells = $this->grid_reference;
// $key = array_search($this->submitted_block, $this->mine_cells);
// unset($this->mine_cells[$key]);
$this->mine_cells = array_values(array_slice($this->mine_cells, 0, $this->num_mines));
// Calculate how many mines are surrounding each cell if cell isn't a bomb
// If none, don't set value
foreach($this->grid_reference as $cell){
if (!in_array($cell,$this->mine_cells)){
$cells_to_check = [];
$cells_to_check = $this->get_surrounding_cells($cell);
$number = count(array_intersect($cells_to_check,$this->mine_cells));
if ($number>0){
// On first round, make the submitted block visible
// $this->process_cell($this->submitted_block);
function get_surrounding_cells($cell){
// Sloppy, but generates array of all cells surrounding the submitted cell, making sure
// the values are only those one in the grid reference array.
// also removes marked cells so it's not included in a cell which is checked.
$cells_to_check = [];
array_push($cells_to_check, substr($cell,0,2)-1 .substr($cell,2,2)-1);
array_push($cells_to_check, substr($cell,0,2)-1 .substr($cell,2,2));
array_push($cells_to_check, substr($cell,0,2)-1 .substr($cell,2,2)+1);
array_push($cells_to_check, substr($cell,0,2) .substr($cell,2,2)-1);
array_push($cells_to_check, substr($cell,0,2) .substr($cell,2,2)+1);
array_push($cells_to_check, substr($cell,0,2)+1 .substr($cell,2,2)-1);
array_push($cells_to_check, substr($cell,0,2)+1 .substr($cell,2,2));
array_push($cells_to_check, substr($cell,0,2)+1 .substr($cell,2,2)+1);
return array_intersect($cells_to_check,$this->grid_reference);
/** @test */
public function generate_field()
$lines = "";
for ($x=10;$x<($this->num_rows+10);$x++){
$lines .= "";
for ($y=10;$y<($this->num_cols+10);$y++){
$block = $x.$y;
// $lines .= $this->cell_content($block);
$lines .= '||'.$this->cell_content($block).'||';
$lines .= "\n";
return $lines;
function cell_content($block){
$line = '';
if (array_key_exists($block,$this->cell_values)){
$line .= $this->color_number($this->cell_values[$block]);
if (in_array($block,$this->mine_cells)){
$line .= $this->bomb;
$line .= $this->empty;
return $line;
function color_number($number){
return $this->caps[$number];
echo '<pre>', (new MineSweeper(9,9,9))->generate_field(), '</pre>';
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xewl commented Mar 5, 2022

Stripped down, because I used the following blog post xD:

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