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Created June 14, 2018 18:23
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R and Shiny, linked selectInputs
# Just to use msleep dataset
# Remove NAs
msleep = msleep[complete.cases(msleep), ]
ui <- fluidPage(
h1("Animal's sleep"),
h3("Choose animal type:"),
selectizeInput(inputId = "animaltype",
label = "Type:",
c (msleep$vore),
options = list(onInitialize = I('function() { this.setValue("omni"); }'))),
h3("Choose your animal:"),
# This selectInput will be updated by the server!
selectizeInput(inputId = "animalname",
label = "Animal:",
c (msleep$name))
plotOutput(outputId = "distPlot")
server <- function(input,output,session){
# Update "animalname"
animaltype <- input$animaltype
updateSelectInput(session, "animalname", choices = msleep$name[msleep$vore == animaltype])
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
# He tenido que construir la tabla de esta forma!! :S
# Mi intención era pasar al barplot algo como esto:
# Nombres = names(msleep)[6:9]
# Valores = msleep[grep("Cow", msleep$name),6:9]
# Pero lo segundo me dice que no es un objeto de tipo vector/matrix...
sleep_total = msleep$sleep_total[grep(input$animalname, msleep$name)]
sleep_rem = msleep$sleep_rem[grep(input$animalname, msleep$name)]
sleep_cycle = msleep$sleep_cycle[grep(input$animalname, msleep$name)]
awake = msleep$awake[grep(input$animalname, msleep$name)]
y = data.frame(Sleep=c('Sleep total','Sleep rem','Awake'),
Hours=c(sleep_total, sleep_rem, awake))
color <- c("#4FC3F7", "#AED581", "#FFF176")
main = input$animalname,
ylab = "Hours",
xlab = "Sleep",
ylim = range(c(0,24)),
col = color
shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
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