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Created January 25, 2018 08:44
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solver for — except that it doesn't quite work
let factorials max =
let rec next_factorial cur =
match cur with
| 0 -> [1]
| _ ->
match next_factorial (cur - 1) with
| prev :: rest -> cur * prev :: prev :: rest
| _ -> []
next_factorial max |> List.rev
let rec digit_factorial_sum factorials number =
match number with
| 0 -> 0
| _ ->
List.nth factorials (number mod 10)
+ digit_factorial_sum factorials (number / 10)
(* in the list [lst], find the element for which pred returns true. *)
let find_index pred lst =
let rec try_next lst pos =
match lst with
| [] -> None
| hd :: tl ->
match pred hd with true -> Some pos | false -> try_next tl (pos + 1)
try_next lst 0
let digit_factorial_chain factorials number =
let rec next_chain leading cur =
match find_index (fun x -> x == cur) leading with
| Some x -> x
| None -> next_chain (cur :: leading) (digit_factorial_sum factorials cur)
next_chain [] number
let count_digit_factorial_chain_occurences max =
let fc = factorials 10 in
let rec next_number cur =
let len = digit_factorial_chain fc cur in
let sum = if len = 60 then 1 else 0 in
if cur = 0 then sum else sum + next_number (cur - 1)
next_number max
let solve n = count_digit_factorial_chain_occurences n
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