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Last active May 6, 2018 12:16
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2018-02-15 14:32:22 -0800
<script src=""></script>
网易云playlist id:


<style type="text/css"> #playlist { width: 40%; font-size: 16px; /*text-indent: 16px;*/ text-align: center; } #nodeGoto { width: 20%; color: #222; font-size: 16px; height: 40px text-align: center; background: #b7daff; border: solid 2px #b7daff; cursor: pointer; } #playlist, #nodeGoto { /*float: left;*/ outline: none; height: 38px; border: solid 1px #b7daff; padding: 0; line-height: 38px; } } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function downloadrul(id){ // var url = "" + id var url = "" + id var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", url, false ); // false for synchronous request xmlHttp.send( null ); var res = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText); var url =[0].url; // var picurl = res.songs[0].al.picUrl; // var artist = res.songs[0].ar[0].name; return(url); } function downloadlry(id){ var url = "" + id var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", url, false ); // false for synchronous request xmlHttp.send( null ); var res = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText); if ("nolyric" in res){ var lrc = 'None'; } else{ var lrc = res.lrc.lyric; } return(lrc); } function downloadname(id){ var url = "" + id var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", url, false ); // false for synchronous request xmlHttp.send( null ); var res = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText); var name = res.songs[0].name; var picurl = res.songs[0].al.picUrl; var artist = res.songs[0].ar[0].name; return([name , picurl , artist]); } function downloadplaylist(id){ var url = "" + id; var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", url, false ); // false for synchronous request xmlHttp.send( null ); var res = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText); var id_list =[]; for (ii in res.playlist.tracks){ id_list.push(res.playlist.tracks[ii].id.toString()); } return(id_list) ; } function loadplaylist(playlistid){ // '2215356763' var arr = downloadplaylist(playlistid) // var aa = "" var aa = '' bb = [] for(i in arr){ // alert(i) var detail = downloadname(arr[i]) var lrc = downloadlry(arr[i]) // var url = downloadrul(arr[i]) // var url = aa + arr[i] +'.mp3' var url = aa+arr[i] // alert(lrc) temp = { name: detail[0], artist: detail[2], url: url, cover: detail[1], lrc: lrc, } bb.push(temp) } return(bb) } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function showplaylist(){ var input = document.getElementById("playlist"); var bb = loadplaylist(input.value) ; // alert(bb); const ap = new APlayer({ container: document.getElementById('player1'), fixed: false, lrcType: 1, audio: bb }); }; showplaylist(); </script>
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