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Created July 12, 2011 19:27
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xmobar util to read temperature on lenovo notebooks
{- xmobar util to read temperature on lenovo notebooks
- usage:
- , Run Com "/home/fire/.xmonad/ibm_temp" ["40", "#B6B4B8", "red"] "temp" 10
import System( getArgs )
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
stripPrefix s = let (_:r) = snd $ break (== '\t') s in r
stripPostfix s = fst $ break (== ' ') s
colorize max normal high s = "<fc=" ++ (color $ read s) ++ ">" ++ s ++ "</fc>"
where color x | x < max = normal
| otherwise = high
initArgs :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
initArgs ds as = catMaybes $ zipWith mplus (m as) (m ds)
where m xs = (Just <$> xs) ++ repeat Nothing
-- > ibm_temp high_temperature normal_color high_color
-- defaults: 40 white red
main = do
args <- getArgs
f <- readFile "/proc/acpi/ibm/thermal"
let params = initArgs ["40", "white", "red"] args
let max = read (params !! 0) :: Int
let normal = params !! 1
let high = params !! 2
putStrLn ((colorize max normal high) . stripPostfix . stripPrefix $ f)
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